Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 40c - Historic Districts
Section 1 - Citation

Section 1. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Historic Districts Act.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title VII - Cities, Towns and Districts

Chapter 40c - Historic Districts

Section 1 - Citation

Section 2 - Purpose

Section 3 - Establishment of Historic Districts; Pre-Requisites; Enlargement or Reduction of Boundaries; Amendment of Creating Ordinance; Filing of Maps

Section 4 - Study Committees; Commissions; Establishment; Membership; Terms; Vacancies; Compensation; Officers

Section 5 - Definitions

Section 6 - Certificates of Appropriateness, Non-Applicability or Hardship; Necessity; Applications and Plans, etc.; Building and Demolition Permits Restricted

Section 7 - Factors to Be Considered by Commission

Section 8 - Review Authority of Commission Over Certain Categories of Buildings, Structures or Exterior Architectural Features Limited; Authorization

Section 9 - Maintenance, Repair or Replacement.

Section 10 - Additional Powers, Functions and Duties of Commission

Section 11 - Approval or Disapproval of Exterior Architectural Features by Commission; Meetings; Applications for Certificates; Public Hearings; Notices

Section 12 - Review Procedure Provided by Local Ordinance or By-Law

Section 12a - Appeal to Superior Court

Section 13 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court; Penalty

Section 14 - Powers and Duties of Commissions Established as Historical Commissions

Section 15 - Filing of Ordinances, Maps, Reports, Etc.

Section 16 - Special Historic Districts; Acceptance and Effect of This Chapter

Section 17 - Severability