Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 140 - Licenses
Section 129b - Firearm Identification Cards; Conditions and Restrictions

Section 129B. A firearm identification card shall be issued and possessed subject to the following conditions and restrictions:
(1) Any person residing or having a place of business within the jurisdiction of the licensing authority or any person residing in an area of exclusive federal jurisdiction located within a city or town may submit to the licensing authority an application for a firearm identification card, or renewal of the same, which the licensing authority shall issue if it appears that the applicant is not a prohibited person. A prohibited person shall be a person who:
(i) has ever, in a court of the commonwealth, been convicted or adjudicated a youthful offender or delinquent child, or both as defined in section 52 of chapter 119, for the commission of: (A) a felony; (B) a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for more than 2 years ; (C) a violent crime as defined in section 121; (D) a violation of any law regulating the use, possession, ownership, transfer, purchase, sale, lease, rental, receipt or transportation of weapons or ammunition for which a term of imprisonment may be imposed; (E) a violation of any law regulating the use, possession or sale of controlled substances, as defined in section 1 of chapter 94C, including, but not limited to, a violation under said chapter 94C; or (F) a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(33); provided, however, that, except for the commission of a felony, a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, a violent crime or a crime involving the trafficking of controlled substances, if the applicant has been so convicted or adjudicated or released from confinement, probation or parole supervision for such conviction or adjudication, whichever occurs last, for 5 or more years immediately preceding such application, then the applicant's right or ability to possess a non-large capacity rifle or shotgun shall be deemed restored in the commonwealth with respect to such conviction or adjudication and that conviction or adjudication shall not disqualify the applicant for a firearm identification card;
(ii) has, in any other state or federal jurisdiction, been convicted or adjudicated a youthful offender or delinquent child for the commission of: (A) a felony; (B) a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for more than 2 years; (C) a violent crime as defined in section 121; (D) a violation of any law regulating the use, possession, ownership, transfer, purchase, sale, lease, rental, receipt or transportation of weapons or ammunition for which a term of imprisonment may be imposed; (E) a violation of any law regulating the use, possession or sale of controlled substances, as defined in section 1 of chapter 94C, including, but not limited to, a violation under said chapter 94C; or (F) a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(33); provided, however, that, except for the commission of felony, a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, a violent crime or a crime involving the trafficking of weapons or controlled substances, if the applicant has been so convicted or adjudicated or released from confinement, probation or parole supervision for such conviction or adjudication, whichever occurs last, for 5 or more years immediately preceding such application and the applicant's right or ability to possess a rifle or shotgun has been fully restored in the jurisdiction wherein the conviction or adjudication was entered, then the conviction or adjudication shall not disqualify such applicant for a firearm identification card;
(iii) is or has been: (A) except in the case of a commitment pursuant to sections 35 or 36C of chapter 123, committed to any hospital or institution for mental illness, alcohol or substance abuse, unless after 5 years from the date of the confinement, the applicant submits with the application an affidavit of a licensed physician or clinical psychologist attesting that such physician or psychologist is familiar with the applicant's mental illness, alcohol or substance abuse and that in the physician's or psychologist's opinion the applicant is not disabled by a mental illness, alcohol or substance abuse in a manner that should prevent the applicant from possessing a firearm, rifle or shotgun; (B) committed by an order of a court to any hospital or institution for mental illness, unless the applicant was granted a petition for relief of the court's order pursuant to said section 36C of said chapter 123 and submits a copy of the order for relief with the application; (C) subject to an order of the probate court appointing a guardian or conservator for a incapacitated person on the grounds that that applicant lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage affairs, unless the applicant was granted a petition for relief pursuant to section 56C of chapter 215 and submits a copy of the order for relief with the application; or (D) found to be a person with an alcohol use disorder or substance use disorder or both and committed pursuant to said section 35 of said chapter 123, unless the applicant was granted a petition for relief of the court's order pursuant to said section 35 of said chapter 123 and submits a copy of the order for relief with the application;
(iv) is at the time of the application younger than 14 years of age; provided however that the applicant shall not be issued the card until the applicant reaches the age of 15.
(v) is at the time of the application more than 14 but less than 18 years of age, unless the applicant submits with the application a certificate of a parent or guardian granting the applicant permission to apply for a card;
(vi) is an alien who does not maintain lawful permanent residency;
(vii) is currently subject to: (A) an order for suspension or surrender issued pursuant to section 3B or 3C of chapter 209A or a similar order issued by another jurisdiction; (B) a permanent or temporary protection order issued pursuant to chapter 209A, a similar order issued by another jurisdiction, including an order described in 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(8); or (C) an extreme risk protection order issued pursuant to sections 131R to 131X, inclusive, or a similar order issued by another jurisdiction;
(viii) is currently the subject of an outstanding arrest warrant in any state or federal jurisdiction;
(ix) has been discharged from the armed forces of the United States under dishonorable conditions;
(x) is a fugitive from justice; or
(xi) having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced that citizenship.
(1.5)(a) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) to the contrary, the licensing authority may file a petition to request that an applicant be denied the issuance or renewal of a firearm identification card, or to suspend or revoke such a card in the district court of jurisdiction. If the licensing authority files any such petition it shall be accompanied by written notice to the applicant describing the specific evidence in the petition. Such petition shall be founded upon a written statement of the reasons for supporting a finding of unsuitability pursuant to subsection (d).
(b) Upon the filing of a petition to deny the issuance or renewal of a firearm identification card, the court shall within 90 days hold a hearing to determine if the applicant is unsuitable under subsection (d) of this paragraph. Such a petition shall serve to stay the issuance or renewal of the firearm identification card pending a judicial determination on such petition.
(c) Upon the filing of a petition to suspend or revoke a firearm identification card, the court shall within 15 days determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support a finding that the applicant is unsuitable. Such petition shall serve to effect the suspension or revocation pending a judicial determination on the sufficiency of evidence. If a court determines that insufficient evidence exists to support a finding of unsuitability, the licensing authority shall not file a petition under this subsection for the same applicant within 75 days of the licensing authority's previous petition for that applicant. If a court determines that sufficient evidence exists to support a finding of unsuitability, the court shall within 75 days hold a hearing to determine if the applicant is unsuitable under subsection (d); provided, however, that such initial suspension or revocation shall remain in effect pending a judicial determination thereon.
(d) A determination of unsuitability shall be based on a preponderance of evidence that there exists: (i) reliable, articulable, and credible information that the applicant has exhibited or engaged in behavior to suggest the applicant could potentially create a risk to public safety; or (ii) existing factors that suggest that the applicant could potentially create a risk to public safety. If a court enters a judgment that an applicant is unsuitable the court shall notify the applicant in a writing setting forth the specific reasons for such determination. If a court has not entered a judgment that an applicant is unsuitable under this clause within 90 days for petitions under clause (ii) or within 75 days under clause (iii), the court shall enter a judgment that the applicant is suitable for the purposes of this paragraph.
(2) Within seven days of the receipt of a completed application for a card, the licensing authority shall forward one copy of the application and one copy of the applicant's fingerprints to the colonel of state police, who shall, within 30 days, advise the licensing authority, in writing, of any disqualifying criminal record of the applicant arising from within or without the commonwealth and whether there is reason to believe that the applicant is disqualified for any of the foregoing reasons from possessing a card; provided, however, that the taking of fingerprints shall not be required in issuing the renewal of a card if the renewal applicant's fingerprints are on file with the department of state police. In searching for any disqualifying history of the applicant, the colonel shall utilize, or cause to be utilized, files maintained by the department of mental health, department of probation and statewide and nationwide criminal justice, warrant and protection order information systems and files including, but not limited to, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. If the information available to the colonel does not indicate that the possession of a non-large capacity rifle or shotgun by the applicant would be in violation of state or federal law, he shall certify such fact, in writing, to the licensing authority within such 30 day period. The licensing authority shall provide to the applicant a receipt indicating that it received the applicant's application. The receipt shall be provided to the applicant within 7 days by mail if the application was received by mail or immediately if the application was made in person; provided, however, that the receipt shall include the applicants' name, address, current firearm identification card number, if any, the current card's expiration date, if any, the date when the application was received by the licensing authority, the name of the licensing authority and its agent that received the application, the licensing authority's address and telephone number, the type of application and whether it is an application for a new card or for renewal of an existing card; and provided further, that a copy of the receipt shall be kept by the licensing authority for not less than 1 year and a copy shall be furnished to the applicant if requested by the applicant.
(3) The licensing authority may not prescribe any other condition for the issuance of a firearm identification card and shall, within 40 days from the date of application, either approve the application and issue the license or deny the application and notify the applicant of the reason for such denial in writing; provided, however, that no such card shall be issued unless the colonel has certified, in writing, that the information available to him does not indicate that the possession of a rifle or shotgun by the applicant would be in violation of state or federal law.
(4) A firearm identification card shall be revoked or suspended by the licensing authority or his designee upon the occurrence of any event that would have disqualified the holder from being issued such card or from having such card renewed or for a violation of a restriction provided under this section. Any revocation or suspension of a card shall be in writing and shall state the reasons therefor. Upon revocation or suspension, the licensing authority shall take possession of such card and receipt for fee paid for such card, and the person whose card is so revoked or suspended shall take all action required under the provisions of section 129D. No appeal or post-judgment motion shall operate to stay such revocation or suspension. Notices of revocation and suspension shall be forwarded to the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services and the commissioner of probation and shall be included in the criminal justice information system. A revoked or suspended card may be reinstated only upon the termination of all disqualifying conditions.
(5) Any applicant or holder aggrieved by a denial, revocation or suspension of a firearm identification card, unless a hearing has previously been held pursuant to chapter 209A, may, within either 90 days after receipt of notice of such denial, revocation or suspension or within 90 days after the expiration of the time limit in which the licensing authority is required to respond to the applicant, file a petition to obtain judicial review in the district court having jurisdiction in the city or town wherein the applicant filed for or was issued such card. A justice of such court, after a hearing, may direct that a card be issued or reinstated to the petitioner if the justice finds that such petitioner is not prohibited by law from possessing such card.
(6) A firearm identification card shall not entitle a holder thereof to possess: (i) a large capacity firearm or large capacity feeding device therefor, except under a license issued to a shooting club as provided under section 131 or under the direct supervision of a holder of a license issued to an individual under said section 131 at an incorporated shooting club or licensed shooting range; or (ii) a non-large capacity firearm or large capacity rifle or shotgun or large capacity feeding device therefor, except under a license issued to a shooting club as provided under said section 131 or under the direct supervision of a holder of a license issued to an individual under said section 131 at an incorporated shooting club or licensed shooting range. A firearm identification card shall not entitle a holder thereof to possess any rifle or shotgun that is, or in such manner that is, otherwise prohibited by law. A firearm identification card issued pursuant to subclause (vi) of clause (1) of section 122D, shall be valid to purchase and possess chemical mace, pepper spray or other similarly propelled liquid, gas or powder designed to temporarily incapacitate. Except as otherwise provided herein, a firearm identification card shall not be valid for the use, possession, ownership, transfer, purchase, sale, lease, rental or transportation of a rifle or shotgun if such rifle or shotgun is a large capacity weapon as defined in section 121.
(7) A firearm identification card shall be in a standard form provided by the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services in a size and shape equivalent to that of a license to operate motor vehicles issued by the registry of motor vehicles pursuant to section 8 of chapter 90 and shall contain an identification number, name, address, photograph, fingerprint, place and date of birth, height, weight, hair color, eye color and signature of the cardholder and shall be marked ''Firearm Identification Card'' and shall provide in a legible font size and style the phone numbers for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the Samaritans Statewide Helpline. If a firearm identification card is issued for the sole purpose of purchasing or possessing chemical mace, pepper spray or other similarly propelled liquid, gas or powder designed to temporarily incapacitate, such card shall clearly state that such card is valid for such limited purpose only. The application for such card shall be made in a standard form provided by the commissioner of the department of criminal justice information services which shall require the applicant to affirmatively state, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that he is not disqualified on any of the grounds enumerated in clauses (i) to (ix), inclusive, from being issued such card.
(8) Any person who knowingly files an application containing false information shall be punished by a fine of not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not less than six months nor more than two years in a house of correction, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(9) A firearm identification card shall be valid, unless revoked or suspended, for a period of not more than 6 years from the date of issuance, except that if the cardholder applied for renewal before the card expired, the card shall remain valid after the expiration date on the card for all lawful purposes, until the application for renewal is approved or denied; provided, however, if the cardholder is on active duty with the armed forces of the United States on the expiration date of the card, the card shall remain valid until the cardholder is released from active duty and for a period of not less than 180 days following such release, except that if the cardholder applied for renewal prior to the end of such period, the card shall remain valid after the expiration date on the card for all lawful purposes, until the application for renewal is approved or denied. A card issued on February 29 shall expire on March 1. The commissioner of criminal justice information services shall send electronically or by first class mail to the holder of a firearm identification card, a notice of the expiration of the card not less than 90 days before its expiration and shall enclose with the notice a form for the renewal of the card. The form for renewal shall include an affidavit whereby the applicant shall verify that the applicant has not lost a firearm or had a firearm stolen from the applicant's possession since the date of the applicant's last renewal or issuance. The commissioner of criminal justice information services shall include in the notice all pertinent information about the penalties that may be imposed if the firearm identification card is not renewed. The commissioner of criminal justice information services shall provide electronic notice of expiration only upon the request of a cardholder. A request for electronic notice of expiration shall be forwarded to the department on a form furnished by the commissioner. Any electronic address maintained by the department to provide electronic notice of expiration shall be considered a firearms record and shall not be disclosed except as provided in section 10 of chapter 66.
(9A) Except as provided in paragraph (9B), the fee for an application for a firearm identification card shall be $100, which shall be payable to the licensing authority and shall not be prorated or refunded in the case of revocation or denial. The licensing authority shall retain $25 of the fee; $50 of the fee shall be deposited in the General Fund; and $25 of the fee shall be deposited in the Firearms Fingerprint Identity Verification Trust Fund. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, licensing authorities shall deposit quarterly that portion of the firearm identification card application fee which is to be deposited into the General Fund, not later than January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year.
(9B) The application fee for a firearm identification card issued for the sole purpose of purchasing or possessing chemical mace, pepper spray or other similarly propelled liquid, gas or powder designed to temporarily incapacitate shall be $25, which shall be payable to the licensing authority and shall not be prorated or refunded in the case of revocation or denial. The licensing authority shall retain 50 per cent of the fee and the remaining portion shall be deposited in the General Fund. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, licensing authorities shall deposit quarterly that portion of the firearm identification card application fee which is to be deposited into the General Fund, not later than January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year. There shall be no application fee for the renewal of a firearm identification card issued under this paragraph.
A firearm identification card issued under this paragraph shall display, in clear and conspicuous language, that the card shall be valid only for the purpose of purchasing or possessing chemical mace, pepper spray or other similarly propelled liquid, gas or powder designed to temporarily incapacitate.
(9C) Except as provided in paragraph (9B), the fee for an application for a firearm identification card for any person under the age of 18 shall be $25, which shall be payable to the licensing authority and shall not be prorated or refunded in the case of revocation or denial. The licensing authority shall retain 50 per cent of the fee and the remaining portion shall be deposited into the General Fund. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, licensing authorities shall deposit quarterly that portion of the firearm identification card application fee which is to be deposited into the General Fund, not later than January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year.
(10) Any person over the age of 70 shall be exempt from the requirement of paying a renewal fee for a firearm identification card.
(11) A cardholder shall notify, in writing, the licensing authority that issued such card, the chief of police into whose jurisdiction such cardholder moves and the executive director of the criminal history systems board of any change of address. Such notification shall be made by certified mail within 30 days of its occurrence. Failure to so notify shall be cause for revocation or suspension of such card.
(12) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 10 of chapter 269, any person in possession of a non-large capacity rifle or shotgun whose firearm identification card issued under this section is invalid for the sole reason that it has expired, not including licenses that remain valid under paragraph (9) because the licensee applied for renewal before the license expired, but who shall not be disqualified from renewal upon application therefor under this section, shall be subject to a civil fine of not less than $100 nor more than $5,000 and the provisions of said section 10 of said chapter 269 shall not apply; provided, however, that the exemption from the provisions of said section 10 of said chapter 269 provided herein shall not apply if: (i) such firearm identification card has been revoked or suspended, unless such revocation or suspension was caused by failure to give notice of a change of address as required under this section; (ii) revocation or suspension of such firearm identification card is pending, unless such revocation or suspension was caused by failure to give notice of a change of address as required under this section; or (iii) an application for renewal of such firearm identification card has been denied. Any law enforcement officer who discovers a person to be in possession of a rifle or shotgun after such person's firearm identification card has expired, meaning after 90 days beyond the stated expiration date on the card, or has been revoked or suspended solely for failure to give notice of a change of address shall confiscate any rifle or shotgun and such expired or suspended card then in possession, and such officer shall forward such card to the licensing authority by whom it was issued as soon as practicable. Any confiscated weapon shall be returned to the owner upon the renewal or reinstatement of such expired or suspended card within one year of such confiscation or such weapon may be otherwise disposed of in accordance with the provisions of section 129D. Pending the issuance of a renewed firearm identification card, a receipt for the fee paid, after five days following issuance, shall serve as a valid substitute and any rifle or shotgun so confiscated shall be returned, unless the applicant is disqualified. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply if such person has a valid license to carry firearms issued under section 131 or 131F.
(13) Upon issuance of a firearm identification card under this section, the licensing authority shall forward a copy of such approved application and card to the executive director of the criminal history systems board, who shall inform the licensing authority forthwith of the existence of any disqualifying condition discovered or occurring subsequent to the issuance of a firearm identification card under this section.
(14) Nothing in this section shall authorize the purchase, possession or transfer of any weapon, ammunition or feeding device that is, or in such manner that is, prohibited by state or federal law.
(15) The secretary of the executive office of public safety, or his designee, may promulgate regulations to carry out the purposes of this section.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XX - Public Safety and Good Order

Chapter 140 - Licenses

Section 1 - ''licensing Authorities'' Defined

Section 2 - Issuance of License to Be Innholders or Common Victuallers; Signing; Refusal; Fee; Record; Penalty

Section 3 - Content of Innholders' Licenses; Governing Statutes

Section 4 - Contents of Innholder and Common Victuallers License Generally; Coverage; Term

Section 5 - Food and Accommodations; Availability

Section 6 - Conditions Precedent; Proposed Plans; Cost Estimates; License as Victualler or Innholder

Section 6b - Food Allergy Awareness

Section 7 - Refusing to Provide for Travelers

Section 9 - Suspension; Revocation; Forfeiture of Innholder and Common Victuallers License

Section 9a - Keeping of Premises Open Throughout Year

Section 10 - Liability for Loss of Property

Section 11 - Fire or Overwhelming Force; Liability

Section 12 - Fraudulently Procuring Food, Accommodations or Credit; Removal of Property Covered by Lien; Evidence

Section 12a - ''hotel'' Defined for Secs. 12b to 12d

Section 12b - Removal of Guest From Hotel

Section 12c - Refusal of Accommodation in Hotel to Persons Acting in Disorderly Manner; Damage Deposits

Section 12d - Persons Negligently or Intentionally Causing Damage to Hotel; Liability

Section 13 - Posting of Statutory Provisions

Section 14 - Sale of Guest's Property; Notice

Section 15 - Disposition of Proceeds

Section 16 - Sale Proceeds; Payment to Owner by State Treasurer

Section 17 - Loss by Guest; Negligence and Violation of Regulations as Defense

Section 18 - Signs; Penalty for Failure to Have Sign

Section 19 - Summary of Laws for Authorities and Licensees

Section 20 - Unlicensed Innholders or Victuallers

Section 21 - Third Convictions

Section 21a - Sale of Certain Non-Intoxicating Beverages; City and Town Licenses for Sale of Certain Non–intoxicating Beverages; Retail Sales

Section 21b - Contents of License; Coverage; Expiration; Fee; Suspension; Revocation

Section 21c - Unlicensed Business; Penalties

Section 21d - Inapplicability of Statute to Certain Persons

Section 21e - Grant of License to Dispense Food and Beverages Consumed on Premises; Governing Statutes; Fee; Names of Officers and Members; Suspension; Revocation; Excepted Organizations

Section 21f - Unlicensed Organization; Officer or Employee Dispensing Food or Beverage

Section 22 - ''lodging House'' Defined

Section 22a - Cooking Facilities

Section 22b - Microwave Ovens

Section 23 - Term; Fee

Section 24 - Unlicensed Keepers; Injunction

Section 25 - Inspection of Premises

Section 26 - Permitting Immoral Conduct; Defense; Evidence

Section 27 - Register; Entry of Names; Condition Precedent to Occupancy; Retention; Inspection; Penalty

Section 28 - Register; Order to Keep

Section 29 - Register; True or Used Name; Failure to Register; Penalty

Section 30 - Revocation and Suspension of License; Investigation; Hearing; Notice; Appeal

Section 31 - Posting of Notice of Statutes

Section 32 - Convictions; Transmission of Copy of Record to Licensing Authorities

Section 32a - Necessity of License; Motel Defined

Section 32b - Grant, Suspension or Revocation of License; Expiration; Renewal; Application Fees; Inspection; Reinstatement

Section 32c - Examination of Licensed Camps and Cabins; Unsanitary Conditions

Section 32d - Rules and Regulations; Posting

Section 32e - Operating Business Without License

Section 32f - ''mobile Home Parks'' Defined; License Requirement for Manufactured Housing Community; Copy Sent to City or Town Clerk; Exceptions

Section 32g - Monthly Fees for Manufactured Housing Community Owner or Operator; Collection; Deposit; Lists; Payment to Treasurers; Exemption From Taxes; Penalties; Revocation of License

Section 32h - Unequipped Communities; Plans; Cost Estimates; Conditional Licenses; Suspension or Revocation

Section 32i - Register; Retention; Inspection; Penalty

Section 32j - Summary Process to Recover Possession; Termination of Tenancy or Lease

Section 32k - Appeals; Reinstatement; Reissuance

Section 32l - Requirements and Restrictions Applicable to Manufactured Housing Communities

Section 32m - Sale or Proposed Sale of Manufactured Home Located in Licensed Mobile Home Park Community

Section 32n - Reprisals for Report of Violations

Section 32o - Actions to Enforce Secs. 32l or 32m; Mailing Copies of Orders

Section 32p - Terms and Conditions of Occupancy; Disclosure in Writing; Required Notice

Section 32q - ''manufactured Home'' Defined

Section 32r - Sale or Lease of Manufactured Housing Community; Home Owners' Association; Notice; Right of First Refusal

Section 32s - Rules and Regulations

Section 33 - Public Lodging House; Definition; Cubicle Plan

Section 34 - Licensing Authority; Revocation; Fee; Expiration; Contents; Coverage

Section 35 - Certification; Compliance With Statutes; Fire Alarms, Extinguishers, and Means of Escape; Alterations; Additional Appliances

Section 36 - Certification; Water Closets, Urinals and Ventilation; Cleaning and Disinfecting by Licensee

Section 37 - Register; Inspection

Section 38 - Free Access to Officers

Section 39 - Keeping of House Without License

Section 40 - Violation of Statutes

Section 46a - Definitions

Section 46b - Licensing of Employment Agency; Necessity; Posting; Governing Provisions

Section 46c - Application for License

Section 46d - Investigation of Applicants; Hearing; Grant or Denial of License; Duration of License; Prohibited Locations

Section 46e - Assignment or Transfer of License; Locations; Number of Licenses

Section 46f - Fees; Bond

Section 46g - Claims or Suits Against Licensee

Section 46h - Register; Contents; Record of Receipts and Income; Charges; Monthly Reports to Commissioner

Section 46i - Information Furnished to Applicant for Employment; Copy of Contract; Receipt for Charges

Section 46j - List of Emigrant Agents; Necessity of License; Transportation of Applicants for Employment; Lodging and Meals; Statement to Prospective Employee

Section 46k - Prohibited Activities or Conduct

Section 46l - Fees; Restrictions on Charge or Acceptance

Section 46m - Receipt of Fees or Payments Contrary to Sec. 46l; Return

Section 46n - Contract Between Prospective Employee and Agency

Section 46o - Refunds by Employment Agencies; Conditions; Reduction of Fees; Restriction on Deductions From Wages

Section 46p - Posting of Copy of Secs. 46a to 46o

Section 46q - Inspection of Premises and Books; Rules and Regulations; Procedure Upon Complaint Against Licensee; Suspension or Revocation of Licenses

Section 46r - Penalties

Section 47 - Coffee and Tea Houses

Section 49 - Lunch Carts

Section 50 - Lunch Carts; Fee of Highway Not Owned by Town

Section 51 - Facial and Scalp Massage; Bath Houses

Section 52 - Massage or Baths; Inspection

Section 53 - Massage or Baths; Penalty

Section 54 - Junk Dealers

Section 54a - Automobile Graveyards

Section 55 - Junk Dealers; Penalty; Exceptions

Section 56 - Junk Collector Defined

Section 56a - Shooting Galleries

Section 57 - Sale of Second Hand Vehicles; Necessity of License; Exceptions; Auctions; Reports

Section 58 - Classes

Section 59 - Licensing Authorities; Expiration; Fees; Application; Prerequisites; Premises; Ordinance Regulations; Revocation; Notice

Section 59a - Motor Vehicle Junkyards; Requirements

Section 60 - Registrar's Rules and Regulations

Section 62 - Record Book; Contents; Maintenance in an Electronic Data Management System

Section 66 - Entering Premises; Investigation; Examination of Vehicles; Parts, Books, Papers and Inventories

Section 67 - Obstruction of Entrance or Examination by Officers; Refusal to Exhibit Items Demanded

Section 67a - Junked Motor Vehicles, Registration and Identification Plates; Removal and Forwarding to Registrar; Penalty

Section 68 - Unlicensed Business

Section 69 - Violation of Statutes, Rules or Regulations

Section 70 - Licensing of Pawnbrokers; Governing Statutes; Revocation

Section 71 - Retention of Articles; Sale; Disposition of Proceeds; Notice; Other Disposition; Personal Apparel

Section 72 - Interest Rate; Penalty

Section 73 - Entry Upon Premises; Investigation; Examination of Articles, Books and Inventories

Section 74 - Obstruction of Entrance or Examination by Officer; Failure to Exhibit Items Demanded

Section 75 - Unlicensed Business

Section 76 - Loans on Personal Property; Purchases on Condition of Reselling; Exceptions

Section 77 - Fee; Bond

Section 78 - Regulations; Interest Rate

Section 79 - Record Book; Information Furnished to Authorities

Section 80 - Memorandum for Pawner; Charge

Section 81 - Inspection of Books

Section 82 - Penalty

Section 82a - Violations of Sec. 79; Liability of Pawnbroker

Section 83 - Tools; Purchase or Pawn; Record Book; Signature of Seller or Pawner

Section 84 - Wrong Name or Address of Seller or Pawner

Section 85 - Statutes Not Applicable

Section 86 - Loans; Household, Personal Use or Ornament Articles as Security or Purchased on Condition of Reselling or Redemption; Record Book; Memorandum for Borrower

Section 87 - Inspection of Record Book; Exhibition of Property

Section 88 - Stolen Articles; Detention; Producing in Court

Section 89 - Obstruction of Inspection or Examination; Violation of Statutes

Section 90 - Loans for Less Than $1000; Statute Not Affected; Waiver or Release

Section 90a - Home Mortgages; Interest Rates; Definitions; Application

Section 90b - Home Mortgages; Application of Consumer Credit Cost Disclosure Provisions; Prerequisites to Foreclosure

Section 90c - Home Mortgages; Receipt for Payment; Penalty

Section 90d - Loans in Violation of Sec. 90a; Discharge; Jurisdiction

Section 90e - Penalty

Section 91 - Loans for Less Than $1000; Mortgage or Pledge

Section 94 - Return of Evidence of Loan, Discharge of Mortgage, Restoration of Property; Refusal or Neglect

Section 95 - Applicability of Secs. 90 to 94; Effect on Statutes

Section 96 - Small Loan Business

Section 96a - Securities; Public Sale; Permit, Necessity, Revocation

Section 97 - Regulations; Preservation of Records Relating to Compliance

Section 98 - Annual Report; Failure to File, Amend; Fine

Section 99 - Examinations by Commissioner; Penalty

Section 100 - ''licensee'' Defined; Investigations by Regulatory Board; Charges; Prepayments; Establishment of Rates; Effective Date of Order; More Than One Contract

Section 101 - Term of License; Contents; Posting

Section 102 - Fees; More Than One Business; Multi-State Licensing System

Section 103 - Penalties; Voidable Loans

Section 104 - Applicant's Statement; Power of Attorney; Changes in Names, Addresses or Personnel; Revocation of License

Section 106 - Illegal Interest; Order of Commissioner; Recovery in Action or Suit; Costs

Section 107 - Security Interest, Pledge or Wage Assignment; Discharge by Payment or Tender; Future Advances; Damages for Neglect or Refusal

Section 108 - Assignment or Order for Wages or Salary; Validity; Requisites

Section 109 - Receipt; Part Payment

Section 110 - Business Without License; Penalty; Validity of Transactions; Evidence

Section 111 - Rate of Interest in Absence of Agreement

Section 112 - Duties of Police

Section 113 - Disposal of Returns Made to Commissioner

Section 114 - Companies, Associations and Societies; Necessity of License

Section 114a - Exceptions; Restrictions; Voidable Loans; Composite Rates; Determination of Maximum Rate

Section 114b - Finance Charges on Open End Credit Accounts; Maximum Rates; Computation

Section 114c - Annual Fee; Notice; Cancellation of Agreement; Reports

Section 115 - Necessity of License for Furnaces or Steam Engines; Contents; Application; Hearing; Notice; Fee

Section 116 - Dangerous Engines or Furnaces; Nuisance; Building Regulations; Service of Process

Section 117 - Appeal; Injunction

Section 118 - Stationary Engines; Distance From Buildings

Section 119 - Nuisance; Removal

Section 121 - Firearms Sales; Definitions; Antique Firearms; Application of Law; Exceptions

Section 121a - Identification of Firearms; Certificate by Ballistics Expert as Prima Facie Evidence

Section 122 - Licenses; Contents; Fingerprints of Applicants; Procedure on Refusal of License; Fees; Punishment for Improper Issuance

Section 122a - Record of Licenses; Notice to Department of Criminal Justice Information Services; Sales Record Books

Section 122b - Sale of Ammunition; License; Fees; Rules and Regulations; Refusal, Suspension or Revocation of License; Judicial Review; Penalties

Section 122c - Illegal Sale or Possession of Self-Defense Spray; Penalty for Violation

Section 122d - Persons Prohibited From Purchase or Possession of Self-Defense Spray; Penalty for Violation

Section 123 - Conditions of Licenses

Section 124 - Term of Licenses

Section 125 - Forfeiture or Suspension of Licenses; Notice

Section 126 - Placards, Signs or Advertisements; Prima Facie Evidence

Section 127 - Transfer of Licenses

Section 128 - Penalty for Violation of Statute on Selling, Renting or Leasing Weapons; Evidence on Sale of Machine Gun

Section 128a - Application of Sec. 128

Section 128b - Unauthorized Purchase of Firearms; Report to Commissioner; Penalties

Section 129 - Fictitious Name or Address and Other False Information; Penalties

Section 129b - Firearm Identification Cards; Conditions and Restrictions

Section 129c - Application of Sec. 129b; Ownership or Possession of Firearms or Ammunition; Transfers; Report to Commissioner; Exemptions; Exhibiting License to Carry, Etc. on Demand

Section 129d - Surrender of Firearms and Ammunition to Licensing Authority Upon Denial of Application For, or Revocation Of, Identification Card or License; Right to Transfer; Sale by Colonel of State Police; Rules and Regulations

Section 130 - Sale or Furnishing Weapons or Ammunition to Aliens or Minors; Penalty

Section 1301/2 - Lawfully Furnishing Weapons to Minors for Hunting, Recreation, Instruction and Participation in Shooting Sports

Section 130b - Firearm Licensing Review Board; Members; License Applicants; Hearings

Section 131 - Licenses to Carry Firearms; Conditions and Restrictions

Section 1311/2 - Gun Control Advisory Board

Section 1313/4 - Roster of Large Capacity Rifles, Shotguns, Firearms, and Feeding Devices

Section 131a - Permits to Purchase, Rent or Lease Firearms, or to Purchase Ammunition; Fee; Penalties

Section 131b - Penalty for Loan of Money Secured by Weapons

Section 131c - Carrying of Firearms in a Vehicle

Section 131e - Purchase by Residents; Licenses; Firearm Identification Cards; Purchase for Use of Another; Penalties; Revocation of Licenses or Cards

Section 131f - Nonresidents or Aliens; Temporary License to Carry Firearms or Ammunition

Section 131f1/2 - Theatrical Productions; Carrying Firearms and Blank Ammunition

Section 131g - Carrying of Firearms by Non-Residents; Conditions

Section 131h - Ownership or Possession of Firearms by Aliens; Penalties; Seizure and Disposition

Section 131i - Falsifying Firearm License or Identification Card; Penalty

Section 131j - Stun Guns; Regulations Relating to Use, Access, Training, Etc.

Section 131k - Firearms or Large Capacity Weapons Without Safety Devices; Liability

Section 131l - Weapons Stored or Kept by Owner; Inoperable by Any Person Other Than Owner or Lawfully Authorized User; Punishment

Section 131m - Assault Weapon or Large Capacity Feeding Device Not Lawfully Possessed on September 13, 1994; Sale, Transfer or Possession; Punishment

Section 131n - Covert Weapons; Sale, Transfer or Possession; Punishment

Section 131o - Colonel of State Police; Statewide Firearms Surrender Program

Section 131p - Basic Firearms Safety Certificate; Instructors; Public Service Announcements

Section 131q - Tracing by Licensing Authority of Firearm, Rifle or Shotgun, Large Capacity Weapon, Machine Gun or Assault Weapon Used to Carry Out Criminal Act; Statistical Data; Annual Report

Section 131r - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Petitions

Section 131s - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Hearing; Issuance of Order; Surrender of License, Identification Card and Firearms

Section 131t - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Emergency Orders

Section 131u - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Notice of Order to State and Federal Authorities and Systems

Section 131v - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Filing Materially False Information in Petition or Filing Petition With Intent to Harass; Penalty

Section 131w - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Forms and Instructions; Regulations for Administration and Enforcement

Section 131x - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Effect of Secs. 131r to 131y on Ability of Law Enforcement Officer or Licensing Authority to Act Pursuant to Other Lawful Authority; Jurisdiction of Supreme Judicial Court and Appeals Court

Section 131y - Extreme Risk Protection Orders; Annual Reporting

Section 136a - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 137 to 174f

Section 137 - Registration and Licensing of Dogs

Section 137a - Kennel Licenses

Section 137b - Sale or Other Delivery of Unlicensed Dog by Kennel Licensee

Section 137c - Inspection of Kennels; Revocation, Suspension and Reinstatement of License; Nuisance

Section 137d - Surrender of License or Tag for Offenses Against Animals

Section 138 - Change of Owner or Keeper of Licensed Dog; Dog Brought Into Commonwealth

Section 139 - Fees; Certificate or Statement That Dog Has Been Spayed; Service Dogs Defined by Americans With Disabilities Act; Dogs Owned by Persons Aged 70 or Over; Refunds

Section 139a - Shelters; Sale or Gift of Dog or Cat Not Spayed or Neutered

Section 141 - Violation of Statutes

Section 141a - Application of Law; Exception

Section 141b - Application of Law; Licensed Pet Shops Exempted

Section 145 - Symptoms of Rabies Printed on License; Description Supplied by Department of Public Health

Section 145a - Anti-Rabic Vaccine and Treatment; Rates of Compensation

Section 145b - Vaccination Against Rabies; Certificate; Tag; Proof of Vaccination; Exemption; Penalty

Section 146 - License Valid Throughout State; Removal of Dog Into Another Town or City

Section 147 - Issuance of Licenses; Disposition of Fees; Action on Official Bond

Section 149 - Accounts of Treasurers

Section 150 - Lists of Dogs; Refusal to Answer Person Listing Dogs; False Answers

Section 151 - Animal Control Officers; Reimbursement of Cities and Towns for Services; Contracts With Corporation to Perform Duties of Officers; Turning Over or Sale of Animals; Penalty

Section 151a - Issuance of Warrant to Officers; Duties; Confinement of Dogs; Allowance for Care; Records

Section 151b - Emergency Treatment of Dogs or Cats Injured on Ways; Payment to Veterinarians

Section 151c - Animal Control Officer Training Course

Section 152 - Returns by Officers

Section 153 - Form of Warrant to Officers

Section 155 - Liability for Damage Caused by Dog; Minors; Presumption and Burden of Proof

Section 155a - Indemnification of Law Enforcement Officers; Damages Caused by Dogs Used in Performance of Official Duties

Section 156 - Killing Dogs Under Certain Conditions; Wounded Dogs

Section 157 - Nuisance or Dangerous Dogs; Orders for Remedial Action; Appeal; Violation of Order

Section 157a - Non-Compliance of Dog Owner or Keeper With Order; Transferring Ownership or Selling of Dangerous Dog

Section 158 - Euthanizing Unrestrained Dogs or Dogs in Wild State

Section 159 - Treble Damages for Injuries Caused by Dogs Ordered to Be Restrained

Section 160 - Euthanizing Dogs That Have Worried or Killed Stock or Fowl; Bond

Section 161 - Damages Caused by Dogs and Paid by City or Town; Compensation for Appraisers

Section 161a - Damages Caused by Dogs Not Reimbursable; Amount of Awards

Section 163 - Notice to Euthanize Dog Which Has Caused Damage

Section 164 - Failure to Euthanize, Confine or Restrain Dog After Notice

Section 165 - Investigation of Damages Caused by Dogs; Settlement; Action Against Owner or Keeper; Payments Over to City or Town Treasurer

Section 166 - Election of Remedy by Person Damaged

Section 167 - Ordering Dogs to Be Restrained; Euthanizing Unrestrained Dogs

Section 168 - Service of Order to Muzzle or Restrain Dogs; Penalty

Section 169 - Penalty on Officer; Report of Refusal or Neglect of Officer to Perform Duties

Section 171 - Liability to City or Town of Owner or Keeper of Dog

Section 173 - Ordinances and By-Laws Relating to Animals

Section 173a - Violation of Dog Control Laws; Non-Criminal Disposition

Section 174 - Recovery of Penalties

Section 174a - Euthanizing of Dogs or Cats by Barbiturates

Section 174b - Restraint of Dogs in Public Highway Rest Areas; Penalty

Section 174d - Research Institutions; License to Use Dogs or Cats; Rules and Regulations

Section 174e - Chaining or Tethering Dog; Confinement; Restrictions; Penalty

Section 174f - Confinement of Animal in a Motor Vehicle Causing Exposure to Extreme Heat or Cold; Protection of Animal by Animal Control or Law Enforcement Officer or Fire Fighter; Penalties

Section 176 - Registration of Stallion for Breeding Purposes; Certificate; Penalty

Section 177 - Licensing for Billiards, Pool or Sippio Table or Bowling Alley; Public Hearing

Section 177a - Amusement Devices; License; Definition; Fee; View and Inspection; Gambling; Nonapplicability of Lottery Statute

Section 178 - Business Operated Without License

Section 179 - Minors Admitted to Places of Business

Section 180 - Location of Bowling Alleys in Places Other Than as Ordered; Restraint

Section 180a - Definitions

Section 180b - Necessity of License for Booking Agent, Personal Agent or Actor's Manager; Office of Licensee; Penalty

Section 180c - Application; Contents; Notice; Refusal; Revocation; Fees

Section 180d - Agency Contracts

Section 180e - Bond

Section 180f - Action on Bond

Section 180g - Rules and Regulations

Section 181 - Theatrical Exhibitions, etc.; Licenses; Fees; Applications; Suspension or Revocation; Workers' Compensation Coverage

Section 181a - Appearance Under Assumed Name; Statement Filed; Penalty

Section 181b - Schedule of Prices for Patrons Posted; Penalty

Section 182 - Entertainment Without License; Exceptions

Section 182a - Price to Appear on Ticket; Penalty

Section 183 - Darkened Dance Hall and Places Connected Therewith; Degree of Light; Regulations and Statute Posted; Penalty

Section 183a - Concerts, Dances, Exhibitions, Public Shows, etc.; License; Application; Suspension or Revocation; Rules and Regulations

Section 183c - Violation of Statute; Report of Conviction; Revocation of Charter of Corporation

Section 183d - Minimum or Cover Charge

Section 184 - Entertainments at Which Alcoholic Beverages Are Sold

Section 185a - Resale of Tickets; Necessity, Term and Transfer of License; Information in Application; Definition of Resale; Restrictions

Section 185b - Fees For, and for Renewal Of, Licenses to Resell Tickets

Section 185c - Revocation or Suspension of License

Section 185d - Resale Price

Section 185e - Rules and Regulations Relative to Reselling of Tickets; Investigations; Record of Licenses

Section 185f - Violation of Statutes and Regulations Relative to Reselling of Tickets

Section 185g - Nonapplicability of Statutes to Tickets for Entertainment of Nonprofit Organizations

Section 185h - Dancing Schools; Grants, Terms, Revocation, Suspension, Contents Coverage and Expiration of License for Dancing Schools; Fees; Inspection and Supervision; Penalty

Section 185i - Fortune Tellers; License

Section 186 - Grant of License for Roller Skating, Carousels, Inclined Railways, Ferris Wheels and Exhibitions of Fire Fighting; Terms, Conditions and Regulations

Section 187 - Maintenance of Rink Without License

Section 188 - Grant of License for Picnic Grove; Terms, Conditions and Regulations

Section 189 - Maintenance of Grove Without License

Section 190 - Peddling, Selling, Gaming, Horse Racing or Exhibitions Near Grove

Section 191 - Grant of License for Power Propelled Boats

Section 192 - Term; Record; Fee; Contents; Posting; Maximum Number of Passengers

Section 193 - Running of Boats Without License

Section 194 - Prohibition of Business of Renting of Boats or Bathing Suits Without a License

Section 195 - Posting of Notices Relative to Statutes

Section 196 - Engagement in Business Without License

Section 197 - Admission of Children to Entertainments

Section 198 - Admission of Young Persons to Dance Halls

Section 199 - Dance Halls and Skating Rinks; Statutes Posted at Entrances

Section 200 - Violation of Statutes

Section 201 - Right of Officers to Enter Premises; Obstruction of Entrance

Section 202 - Signature On, Record, Contents and Term of Licenses; Fees

Section 203 - Effective Date of License

Section 204 - Coverage of License

Section 205 - Revocation of License; Record; Notice

Section 205a - Amusement Devices

Section 206 - Public and Semipublic Outdoor Inground Swimming Pools; Enclosures; Safety Equipment; Inspection; Violations; Penalty