Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 165 - Water and Aqueduct Companies
Section 12 - Application to Other Statutes

Section 12. Aqueduct companies shall, except as otherwise herein provided, be subject to chapter one hundred and fifty-eight and also to sections four to ten, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and sixty-six except that all rights and duties imposed on the department by sections four and five of said chapter one hundred and sixty-six shall in the case of aqueduct companies be exercised by the state secretary.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 165 - Water and Aqueduct Companies

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Adequacy of Distribution System; Approval

Section 1b - Rules and Regulations

Section 1c - Plastic Pipe Connections; Installation; Notice to Property Owner or Occupant; Grounding of Structure; Penalty

Section 2 - Application of Other Statutes

Section 2a - Filing Schedule of Rates and Prices by Water Districts

Section 2b - Base Rate for Water Charges and Fees; Increases for High Volume Users

Section 3 - Powers of Department of Environmental Protection; Impairment

Section 4 - Supervisory Authority of Department

Section 4a - Filing Copies of Existing Contracts With Affiliated Companies; Violations

Section 4b - Water Companies; Eminent Domain or Purchase; Waters, Water Rights, Lands and Easements

Section 5 - Acquisition of Water Works and Other Water Company Property by Town

Section 6 - Engineering Services and Advice

Section 7 - Annual Report

Section 8 - Opening of Streets by One Other Than Water Company; Consent of Municipal Officers

Section 9 - Review of Action of Municipal Officers Relating to Opening of Streets

Section 10 - Testing of Meters; Report; Cost

Section 11 - Intentional Injury to or Interference With Meter; Penalty

Section 11a - Procedure for Shutting Off the Flow of Water on Failure to Pay Lawful Charges

Section 11b - Shutting Off Water Service to Domicile Occupied by Seriously Ill Person; Notice; Penalty

Section 11c - Indebtedness of Prior Property Owner; Water Supply for New Owner

Section 11d - Entry on Premises to Examine Water Meters and Facilities

Section 11e - Shutting Off Water to Non-Customer Occupants in Residential Buildings; Notice; Procedures; Payment of Amount Due; Effect of Waiver; Reprisals; Penalties; Rules and Regulations

Section 12 - Application to Other Statutes

Section 13 - Certificate of Payment of Capital Stock

Section 14 - Conveyance of Property in Payment for Stock

Section 15 - Corporations Organized Under Earlier Law; Meetings and Records

Section 16 - Record of Proprietors' Names

Section 17 - Officers

Section 18 - Assessments; Defaults; Sale of Shares

Section 20 - Opening Streets or Ways

Section 21 - Continuing Liability on Contracts After Dissolution

Section 22 - Satisfaction of Judgment Against Shareholders After Dissolution

Section 23 - Interest of Shareholders in Real Property After Dissolution

Section 24 - Malicious Injury to Aqueduct; Penalty

Section 25 - Conductors From Aqueducts for Fire Fighting

Section 26 - Means of Taking Water for Fire Fighting

Section 27 - Recovery of Land Owner for Damages

Section 28 - Acquisition of Real Estate in Excess of Limit