Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 165 - Water and Aqueduct Companies
Section 10 - Testing of Meters; Report; Cost

Section 10. A customer of a company or corporation subject to this chapter, or such company or corporation, may apply to the department for an examination and test of any water meter to determine the accuracy of the same. The department shall forthwith cause such examination and test as in its judgment is practicable and reasonable to be made by a competent and disinterested person, and shall furnish to the company or corporation and to the customer a certificate of the result and expense thereof. The person designated to make such examination and test may at any reasonable time enter upon the premises where the meter to be inspected is placed for the purpose of making the inspection. If upon examination and test, it appears the appliance does not register correctly, the department may order the company or corporation to correct or remove such meter and substitute a correct meter. The department may establish such rules and regulations, fix such standards, prescribe such fees, and employ such means and methods in, and in connection with, such examinations and tests of water meters as it deems most practicable, expedient and economical, and may purchase such materials, apparatus and standard measuring instruments for such examinations and tests as it deems necessary. All fees for examination and tests shall be in the first instance paid by the person, company or corporation making the application therefor; but if the examination or test is made at the request of the customer, and the meter is found to be incorrect because too fast, the company or corporation shall pay such fees to the department, to be repaid by it to the applicant. Whoever being engaged in the sale of water maintains upon the premises of a customer for the purpose of determining the charge to be made for water supplied to him a meter which is found upon examination and test to register incorrectly as against such customer, shall refund to him such an amount as if not agreed upon, shall, upon application of the customer and after opportunity given to the vendor to be heard, be determined by the department. A meter shall be deemed to be correct for the purposes of this section if it appears from such examination or test that it does not vary more than two per cent from accuracy. This section shall not authorize or prohibit differential prices for water supplied by any such company or corporation.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 165 - Water and Aqueduct Companies

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Adequacy of Distribution System; Approval

Section 1b - Rules and Regulations

Section 1c - Plastic Pipe Connections; Installation; Notice to Property Owner or Occupant; Grounding of Structure; Penalty

Section 2 - Application of Other Statutes

Section 2a - Filing Schedule of Rates and Prices by Water Districts

Section 2b - Base Rate for Water Charges and Fees; Increases for High Volume Users

Section 3 - Powers of Department of Environmental Protection; Impairment

Section 4 - Supervisory Authority of Department

Section 4a - Filing Copies of Existing Contracts With Affiliated Companies; Violations

Section 4b - Water Companies; Eminent Domain or Purchase; Waters, Water Rights, Lands and Easements

Section 5 - Acquisition of Water Works and Other Water Company Property by Town

Section 6 - Engineering Services and Advice

Section 7 - Annual Report

Section 8 - Opening of Streets by One Other Than Water Company; Consent of Municipal Officers

Section 9 - Review of Action of Municipal Officers Relating to Opening of Streets

Section 10 - Testing of Meters; Report; Cost

Section 11 - Intentional Injury to or Interference With Meter; Penalty

Section 11a - Procedure for Shutting Off the Flow of Water on Failure to Pay Lawful Charges

Section 11b - Shutting Off Water Service to Domicile Occupied by Seriously Ill Person; Notice; Penalty

Section 11c - Indebtedness of Prior Property Owner; Water Supply for New Owner

Section 11d - Entry on Premises to Examine Water Meters and Facilities

Section 11e - Shutting Off Water to Non-Customer Occupants in Residential Buildings; Notice; Procedures; Payment of Amount Due; Effect of Waiver; Reprisals; Penalties; Rules and Regulations

Section 12 - Application to Other Statutes

Section 13 - Certificate of Payment of Capital Stock

Section 14 - Conveyance of Property in Payment for Stock

Section 15 - Corporations Organized Under Earlier Law; Meetings and Records

Section 16 - Record of Proprietors' Names

Section 17 - Officers

Section 18 - Assessments; Defaults; Sale of Shares

Section 20 - Opening Streets or Ways

Section 21 - Continuing Liability on Contracts After Dissolution

Section 22 - Satisfaction of Judgment Against Shareholders After Dissolution

Section 23 - Interest of Shareholders in Real Property After Dissolution

Section 24 - Malicious Injury to Aqueduct; Penalty

Section 25 - Conductors From Aqueducts for Fire Fighting

Section 26 - Means of Taking Water for Fire Fighting

Section 27 - Recovery of Land Owner for Damages

Section 28 - Acquisition of Real Estate in Excess of Limit