Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 165 - Water and Aqueduct Companies
Section 11e - Shutting Off Water to Non-Customer Occupants in Residential Buildings; Notice; Procedures; Payment of Amount Due; Effect of Waiver; Reprisals; Penalties; Rules and Regulations

Section 11E. No water company shall shut off the flow of water to any residential building in which the occupant thereof is not the customer of record of said company, without first complying with the notice provisions of section eleven A and also providing notice to each affected dwelling unit in a manner prescribed by regulation of the department. Such notice shall contain the following information:
(a) the amount then due and payable for such water service;
(b) the date on or after which such service will be shut off, such date to be not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days, as determined by the department, after the day on which such notice is first given;
(c) the date on which said notice is given; and
(d) the right of the occupants of such building to pay the amount due or such portion thereof as is prescribed by regulation of the department and thereby avoid a cessation of service, and to recover the amounts so paid from the person to whom they would otherwise pay their rent.
Any employee of such company as provided in section eleven D may, at any reasonable time, enter the common hallways of such building to post or deliver said notice. Any person who removes, interferes, or tampers with such notice of the provisions thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars.
At any time after the date such notice is given any occupant or occupants of the dwelling units within such building may pay such company the amount due or such portion thereof as is mutually agreed upon by the occupants and the company, provided that where no such agreement is reached, the department shall make a final determination of the amount of said portion, in order to avoid cessation of service. If such final determination by the department is not made prior to the date on which service otherwise would have been terminated, such service shall be continued for a period not to exceed fifteen days, during which time the department shall render said final determination. If such amount is received after service has been shut off, service shall be restored by the company as soon as practicable. Any such occupant who has paid all or any portion of said amount may subsequently recover the amount paid to the company, either by deducting said amount from any rent or payment on account of taxes or operating expenses then or thereafter due from such occupant to the person to whom he would otherwise pay his rent, or by obtaining reimbursement from the person to whom he last paid rent. The company shall, upon receiving any such payment, notify the person liable for service as stated in said notice of the amount or amounts paid by any occupant pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Any waiver of the provisions of this section in any lease or rental agreement shall be void and unenforceable. The provisions of section eighteen of chapter one hundred and eighty-six and section two A of chapter two hundred and thirty-nine shall apply to any reprisal against any occupant for exercising his rights pursuant to this section.
Any water company wilfully violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars for each such violation.
The department shall establish from time to time such reasonable rules and regulations consistent with this section as may be necessary for its implementation.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 165 - Water and Aqueduct Companies

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 1a - Adequacy of Distribution System; Approval

Section 1b - Rules and Regulations

Section 1c - Plastic Pipe Connections; Installation; Notice to Property Owner or Occupant; Grounding of Structure; Penalty

Section 2 - Application of Other Statutes

Section 2a - Filing Schedule of Rates and Prices by Water Districts

Section 2b - Base Rate for Water Charges and Fees; Increases for High Volume Users

Section 3 - Powers of Department of Environmental Protection; Impairment

Section 4 - Supervisory Authority of Department

Section 4a - Filing Copies of Existing Contracts With Affiliated Companies; Violations

Section 4b - Water Companies; Eminent Domain or Purchase; Waters, Water Rights, Lands and Easements

Section 5 - Acquisition of Water Works and Other Water Company Property by Town

Section 6 - Engineering Services and Advice

Section 7 - Annual Report

Section 8 - Opening of Streets by One Other Than Water Company; Consent of Municipal Officers

Section 9 - Review of Action of Municipal Officers Relating to Opening of Streets

Section 10 - Testing of Meters; Report; Cost

Section 11 - Intentional Injury to or Interference With Meter; Penalty

Section 11a - Procedure for Shutting Off the Flow of Water on Failure to Pay Lawful Charges

Section 11b - Shutting Off Water Service to Domicile Occupied by Seriously Ill Person; Notice; Penalty

Section 11c - Indebtedness of Prior Property Owner; Water Supply for New Owner

Section 11d - Entry on Premises to Examine Water Meters and Facilities

Section 11e - Shutting Off Water to Non-Customer Occupants in Residential Buildings; Notice; Procedures; Payment of Amount Due; Effect of Waiver; Reprisals; Penalties; Rules and Regulations

Section 12 - Application to Other Statutes

Section 13 - Certificate of Payment of Capital Stock

Section 14 - Conveyance of Property in Payment for Stock

Section 15 - Corporations Organized Under Earlier Law; Meetings and Records

Section 16 - Record of Proprietors' Names

Section 17 - Officers

Section 18 - Assessments; Defaults; Sale of Shares

Section 20 - Opening Streets or Ways

Section 21 - Continuing Liability on Contracts After Dissolution

Section 22 - Satisfaction of Judgment Against Shareholders After Dissolution

Section 23 - Interest of Shareholders in Real Property After Dissolution

Section 24 - Malicious Injury to Aqueduct; Penalty

Section 25 - Conductors From Aqueducts for Fire Fighting

Section 26 - Means of Taking Water for Fire Fighting

Section 27 - Recovery of Land Owner for Damages

Section 28 - Acquisition of Real Estate in Excess of Limit