Massachusetts General Laws
Chapter 167b - Electronic Branches and Electronic Fund Transfers
Section 10 - Preauthorized Transfers

Section 10. A preauthorized electronic fund transfer from a consumer's account may take place only if the consumer has authorized the transfer in writing. A copy of the authorization shall be provided to the consumer at the time of his signing.
If, under the terms of an authorization given by a consumer directly to a financial institution, the financial institution is to initiate a preauthorized electronic fund transfer from the consumer's account in that institution, without the consumer's specific instruction, the authorization shall disclose in clear and readily understandable language:
(1) the dates or time period when the preauthorized electronic fund transfer or transfers will take place;
(2) the consumer's right to revoke authorization;
(3) the procedure for revoking authorization;
(4) the limiting amount; and
(5) the consumer's right to notice of deficiency.
If, under the terms of an authorization given by a consumer directly to a financial institution, the financial institution is to initiate a preauthorized electronic fund transfer from the consumer's account in that institution, without the consumer's specific instruction, the authorization shall not exceed the limiting amount specified in the authorization, and if a preauthorized electronic fund transfer pursuant to the authorization would exceed such amount, any amount in excess of such limiting amount shall not be transferred until approved by the consumer.
Where a preauthorized electronic fund transfer from the consumer's account varies in amount from the previous transfer relating to the same authorization, or the preauthorized amount, the financial institution or the designated payee shall mail or deliver at least ten days before the scheduled transfer date, a written notice of the amount and scheduled date of transfer. If the financial institution or designated payee informs the consumer of the right to receive notice of all varying transfers, the consumer may elect to receive notice only when a transfer does not fall within a specified range of amounts or, alternatively, only when a transfer differs from the most recent transfer by more than an agreed-upon amount.
A consumer may stop payment of a preauthorized electronic fund transfer by notifying the financial institution orally or in writing at any time up to three business days preceding the scheduled date of such transfer.
The financial institution may require written confirmation to be provided to it within fourteen days of an oral notification if, when oral notification is made, the consumer is advised of such requirement and the address to which such confirmation should be sent.
If a financial institution refuses payment of a preauthorized electronic fund transfer because the consumer's account has insufficient funds to cover the transfer the financial institution shall mail or deliver to the consumer, on or before the next business day, notice of the financial institution's refusal to pay the transfer.

Structure Massachusetts General Laws

Massachusetts General Laws

Part I - Administration of the Government

Title XXII - Corporations

Chapter 167b - Electronic Branches and Electronic Fund Transfers

Section 1 - Definitions

Section 2 - Regulations; Advisory Rulings; Reconsideration of Rulings; Model Clauses

Section 3 - Purchase, Establishment, Installation, Etc. of Electronic Branches; Amount of Investment; Location; Safeguards; Shared Use of Branches or Equipment

Section 4 - Application to Purchase, Establish, Install, etc.; Information; Notice of Decision

Section 5 - Approval of Organizations Prior to Investments or Service Contracts; Application; Information

Section 6 - Consumer Access to Electronic Fund Transfer

Section 6a - Security Options

Section 7 - Prohibitions

Section 8 - Disclosure of Terms and Conditions; Information Included

Section 9 - Documentation of Transfers; Contents; Notice; Periodic Statements

Section 10 - Preauthorized Transfers

Section 11 - Waiver of Rights

Section 13 - System Malfunction; Suspension of Obligation

Section 14 - Identifying Numbers; Social Security Number; Prohibition

Section 15 - Credit or Cash Refunds

Section 16 - Disclosure of Information

Section 17 - Remedies for Wrong Resolution of Account Error Resulting From Electronic Funds Transfer

Section 18 - Liability of Consumer for Unauthorized Transfer

Section 19 - Liability of Financial Institution to Consumer

Section 20 - Liability of Any Person to Consumer

Section 21 - Violations; Arrest Without Warrant

Section 22 - Actions and Proceedings; Injunctions; Penalties

Section 24 - Assessment