Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Career Ladder for Educators
Section 6-1008 - Teachers Encouraged to Pursue an Nbc and Master's Degrees

(a)    Teachers are encouraged to obtain an NBC and participate in the career ladder.
    (b)    (1)    In this subsection, “Program” means the program established under paragraph (2) of this subsection.
        (2)    (i)    There is a Program to:
                1.    Encourage and support teachers in the State in obtaining and maintaining an NBC, including teachers from groups historically underrepresented in the teaching profession; and
                2.    Develop a culture of collaborative support for accomplished teaching.
            (ii)    The Program shall include:
                1.    A virtual course for teachers interested in pursuing an NBC;
                2.    Virtual and in–person support to teachers pursuing an NBC; and
                3.    Training and support for National Board Facilitators.
        (3)    The Department shall establish a National Board Coordinator to direct the Program, including by coordinating with the Local National Board Coordinators and the National Board Facilitators in each school system or region.
        (4)    Each local superintendent shall select a Local National Board Coordinator to:
            (i)    Organize the delivery of the Program in each local school system by collaborating with:
                1.    Local teacher preparation programs and nonprofit organizations that have a record of success in helping teachers obtain NBC;
                2.    The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, which has established resources and tools for teachers seeking NBC; and
                3.    Representatives of employee organizations designated as the exclusive negotiating agent for the public school employees in a unit of the county;
            (ii)    Recruit, train, and support National Board Facilitators in the region; and
            (iii)    Collaborate with the National Board Coordinator.
        (5)    A local superintendent may choose to enter into a regional agreement to implement the Program with one or more local school systems.
        (6)    (i)    National Board Facilitators shall provide teachers in the local school system or in the region with virtual and in–person support and coaching in obtaining and maintaining an NBC.
            (ii)    National Board Facilitators shall be selected:
                1.    By the local superintendent; or
                2.    If the local superintendent entered into a regional agreement under paragraph (5) of this subsection, in a manner as specified under the agreement.
        (c)    County boards shall encourage teachers to obtain master’s degrees in fields that require special expertise, have shortage areas, and enhance the teacher’s professional skills and qualifications so that teachers are able to teach dual–enrollment courses as adjunct faculty at institutions of higher education including by providing additional compensation as appropriate and through collective bargaining.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 6 - Teachers and Other Personnel

Subtitle 10 - Career Ladder for Educators

Section 6-1001 - Terms Defined

Section 6-1002 - Career Ladder Implemented by County Boards -- Purpose -- Guiding Principles -- Levels -- Mentors -- Funding for Qualified Career Ladders

Section 6-1003 - Duties Required of Teachers on Career Ladder -- Requirements for Assistant Principal

Section 6-1004 - Teacher Leadership Track -- Lead Teachers -- Distinguished Teachers -- Professor Distinguished Teachers -- Portion of Time in Classroom

Section 6-1005 - Local Career Ladder Development Board -- Members -- Setting Standards for Tiers

Section 6-1006 - Administrator Track -- Licensed Principals -- Distinguished Principals -- Requirements -- Additional Optional Tier for District Office Directors

Section 6-1007 - Movement Up Career Ladder Dependencies -- Experience Considered -- Increased Responsibility and Salary for Teachers -- Approval of Principal

Section 6-1008 - Teachers Encouraged to Pursue an Nbc and Master's Degrees

Section 6-1009 - Minimum Teacher Salary Increases on Career Ladder -- Increases Associated With Maintenance of an Nbc -- Teacher to Receive All Salary Increases That Apply -- Minimum Teacher Salary in Future

Section 6-1010 - Teacher Evaluation Systems Used in Connection With Career Ladder -- Use of Observations

Section 6-1011 - New System of Professional Development -- Provided to Each Teacher

Section 6-1012 - Fee Amount for Teacher Pursuing Nbc -- County Portion Paid to State for Teacher Pursuing Nbc -- Reimbursement if Requirements Not Completed

Section 6-1013 - Regulations Adopted by State Board