Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Career Ladder for Educators
Section 6-1003 - Duties Required of Teachers on Career Ladder -- Requirements for Assistant Principal

(a)    Beginning with teachers listed under § 6–1002(f)(3) of this subtitle, as specified by the State Board, a teacher on level one, two, or three of the career ladder shall:
        (1)    Teach in the classroom on average 60% of the teacher’s working time; and
        (2)    Spend the remaining time on other teacher activities, including:
            (i)    Improving instruction;
            (ii)    Identifying, working with, and tutoring students who need additional help;
            (iii)    Working with the most challenging students;
            (iv)    Working with students living in concentrated poverty; and
            (v)    Leading or participating in professional learning.
    (b)    (1)    An assistant principal is on level three of the career ladder and shall:
            (i)    Be an NBC teacher; or
            (ii)    Have an advanced professional certificate for administration.
        (2)    Beginning with teachers listed under § 6–1002(f)(3) of this subtitle, as specified by the State Board, an assistant principal shall:
            (i)    Teach in the classroom for at least 20% of their working hours; and
            (ii)    Spend the remaining time on other teacher activities, including:
                1.    Setting priorities for the subject level departments of the school; and
                2.    Fulfilling specialized roles, such as head of professional development.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 6 - Teachers and Other Personnel

Subtitle 10 - Career Ladder for Educators

Section 6-1001 - Terms Defined

Section 6-1002 - Career Ladder Implemented by County Boards -- Purpose -- Guiding Principles -- Levels -- Mentors -- Funding for Qualified Career Ladders

Section 6-1003 - Duties Required of Teachers on Career Ladder -- Requirements for Assistant Principal

Section 6-1004 - Teacher Leadership Track -- Lead Teachers -- Distinguished Teachers -- Professor Distinguished Teachers -- Portion of Time in Classroom

Section 6-1005 - Local Career Ladder Development Board -- Members -- Setting Standards for Tiers

Section 6-1006 - Administrator Track -- Licensed Principals -- Distinguished Principals -- Requirements -- Additional Optional Tier for District Office Directors

Section 6-1007 - Movement Up Career Ladder Dependencies -- Experience Considered -- Increased Responsibility and Salary for Teachers -- Approval of Principal

Section 6-1008 - Teachers Encouraged to Pursue an Nbc and Master's Degrees

Section 6-1009 - Minimum Teacher Salary Increases on Career Ladder -- Increases Associated With Maintenance of an Nbc -- Teacher to Receive All Salary Increases That Apply -- Minimum Teacher Salary in Future

Section 6-1010 - Teacher Evaluation Systems Used in Connection With Career Ladder -- Use of Observations

Section 6-1011 - New System of Professional Development -- Provided to Each Teacher

Section 6-1012 - Fee Amount for Teacher Pursuing Nbc -- County Portion Paid to State for Teacher Pursuing Nbc -- Reimbursement if Requirements Not Completed

Section 6-1013 - Regulations Adopted by State Board