Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Career Ladder for Educators
Section 6-1007 - Movement Up Career Ladder Dependencies -- Experience Considered -- Increased Responsibility and Salary for Teachers -- Approval of Principal

(a)    (1)    In addition to the other requirements of this subtitle, movement up the career ladder shall depend on:
            (i)    The teacher’s performance;
            (ii)    The teacher’s experience; and
            (iii)    The availability of positions.
        (2)    A teacher may not be promoted to the next level or tier on the career ladder unless:
            (i)    The most recent evaluation of the teacher’s instruction by the principal or other individual, as determined by the county board, is effective;
            (ii)    The teacher, principal or supervisor, or any other individual, as determined by the county board, agree that the teacher is ready to take on the additional responsibilities required by the position at the next level; and
            (iii)    There is an open position at the next level.
        (3)    Promotion up the career ladder is not guaranteed.
    (b)    In choosing a candidate for an open position in the career ladder, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s experience in schools that represent the demographic and economic diversity of the school system.
    (c)    As a teacher moves up the career ladder and receives effective evaluations, the teacher shall be given increased authority, responsibility, and autonomy for making school–level decisions.
    (d)    Movement from one level or tier to a higher level or tier shall result in a salary increase consistent with § 6–1009 of this subtitle.
    (e)    A teacher may move from one track of the career ladder to a different track with the approval of the principal of the school in which they teach.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division II - Elementary and Secondary Education

Title 6 - Teachers and Other Personnel

Subtitle 10 - Career Ladder for Educators

Section 6-1001 - Terms Defined

Section 6-1002 - Career Ladder Implemented by County Boards -- Purpose -- Guiding Principles -- Levels -- Mentors -- Funding for Qualified Career Ladders

Section 6-1003 - Duties Required of Teachers on Career Ladder -- Requirements for Assistant Principal

Section 6-1004 - Teacher Leadership Track -- Lead Teachers -- Distinguished Teachers -- Professor Distinguished Teachers -- Portion of Time in Classroom

Section 6-1005 - Local Career Ladder Development Board -- Members -- Setting Standards for Tiers

Section 6-1006 - Administrator Track -- Licensed Principals -- Distinguished Principals -- Requirements -- Additional Optional Tier for District Office Directors

Section 6-1007 - Movement Up Career Ladder Dependencies -- Experience Considered -- Increased Responsibility and Salary for Teachers -- Approval of Principal

Section 6-1008 - Teachers Encouraged to Pursue an Nbc and Master's Degrees

Section 6-1009 - Minimum Teacher Salary Increases on Career Ladder -- Increases Associated With Maintenance of an Nbc -- Teacher to Receive All Salary Increases That Apply -- Minimum Teacher Salary in Future

Section 6-1010 - Teacher Evaluation Systems Used in Connection With Career Ladder -- Use of Observations

Section 6-1011 - New System of Professional Development -- Provided to Each Teacher

Section 6-1012 - Fee Amount for Teacher Pursuing Nbc -- County Portion Paid to State for Teacher Pursuing Nbc -- Reimbursement if Requirements Not Completed

Section 6-1013 - Regulations Adopted by State Board