Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 8 - Baltimore County Public Library -- Collective Bargaining
Section 23-812 - Restrictions on Actions by Employer and Employee Organization

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Lockout” means the temporary withholding of work, by means of shutting down an operation or function in order to bring pressure on employees or on their representatives to accept a change in compensation or rights, privileges, obligations, or other terms and conditions of employment.
        (3)    “Secondary boycott” means an activity by an employee organization or its members that is intended to induce, encourage, or coerce persons doing business with the employer to withhold, withdraw, or in any respect curtail their business relations with the county.
        (4)    “Strike” means the refusal or failure by an employee or group of employees to perform their duties of employment as assigned if a purpose of the refusal or failure is to induce, force, or require the employer to act or refrain from acting with regard to any matter.
        (5)    “Work stoppage” means:
            (i)    The willful absence of a group of employees from their positions;
            (ii)    The engaging in a slowdown by employees; or
            (iii)    The refusal of employees to perform job duties.
    (b)    In general, strikes, work stoppages, lockouts, and secondary boycotts are prohibited.
    (c)    (1)    Employees and employee organizations may not engage in, sponsor, initiate, support, direct, or condone a strike, work stoppage, or secondary boycott.
        (2)    Employee organizations may not engage in, initiate, sponsor, or support, directly or indirectly, picketing of the employer, its property, or field or office facilities in furtherance of a strike, work stoppage, or secondary boycott.
    (d)    If an employee organization violates this section, the Board, after a majority vote, may:
        (1)    Revoke the employee organization’s designation as certified exclusive representative;
        (2)    Disqualify the employee organization from participating in representation elections for a period of up to 2 years; and
        (3)    Terminate immediately the payroll deductions for the employee organization’s dues.
    (e)    An employee who violates this section is subject to immediate disciplinary action, which may include permanent dismissal from the employment by the employer for just cause.
    (f)    (1)    The employer may not direct a lockout against employees.
        (2)    This subsection may not be construed to prohibit the employer from exercising its managerial rights.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division IV - Other Education Provisions

Title 23 - Libraries

Subtitle 8 - Baltimore County Public Library -- Collective Bargaining

Section 23-801 - Definitions

Section 23-802 - Employee Deemed Supervisory in Certain Circumstances -- Differentiation Between Supervisory and Nonsupervisory Employee

Section 23-803 - Possible Actions by Employees

Section 23-804 - Good Faith Bargaining -- Joint Responsibility for Positive Labor Relations Environment -- Goal of Collective Bargaining

Section 23-805 - Certified Exclusive Representative

Section 23-806 - Petition Indicating Intent to Be Certified as Exclusive Representative -- Contents -- Neutral Decision Maker Involvement -- Written Authorization Cards -- Timing of Election -- Election Procedures

Section 23-807 - Provisions in Collective Bargaining Agreement -- Automatic Dues Deduction -- Limited Construction -- Agreement Effective Date

Section 23-808 - Agreement in Year When Collective Bargaining Agreement Expires -- Impasse Reached -- Mediator -- Findings and Recommendations Submitted to Board

Section 23-809 - Submission of Terms to County Executive -- Approval or Rejection of Additional Funding by County Executive -- Mutual Obligations

Section 23-810 - Restrictions on Actions by Employer and Employee Organization

Section 23-811 - Exclusive Right of Employer -- Provisions Deemed Part of Every Agreement -- Right to Submit Grievance -- Agreement Superseding

Section 23-812 - Restrictions on Actions by Employer and Employee Organization