Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 8 - Baltimore County Public Library -- Collective Bargaining
Section 23-803 - Possible Actions by Employees

Employees of the employer may:
        (1)    Form, join, and participate in an employee organization;
        (2)    Bargain collectively through a certified exclusive representative of their choice;
        (3)    Engage in lawful concerted activities for their mutual aid and protection; and
        (4)    Refrain from any activity covered under items (1) through (3) of this section.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Division IV - Other Education Provisions

Title 23 - Libraries

Subtitle 8 - Baltimore County Public Library -- Collective Bargaining

Section 23-801 - Definitions

Section 23-802 - Employee Deemed Supervisory in Certain Circumstances -- Differentiation Between Supervisory and Nonsupervisory Employee

Section 23-803 - Possible Actions by Employees

Section 23-804 - Good Faith Bargaining -- Joint Responsibility for Positive Labor Relations Environment -- Goal of Collective Bargaining

Section 23-805 - Certified Exclusive Representative

Section 23-806 - Petition Indicating Intent to Be Certified as Exclusive Representative -- Contents -- Neutral Decision Maker Involvement -- Written Authorization Cards -- Timing of Election -- Election Procedures

Section 23-807 - Provisions in Collective Bargaining Agreement -- Automatic Dues Deduction -- Limited Construction -- Agreement Effective Date

Section 23-808 - Agreement in Year When Collective Bargaining Agreement Expires -- Impasse Reached -- Mediator -- Findings and Recommendations Submitted to Board

Section 23-809 - Submission of Terms to County Executive -- Approval or Rejection of Additional Funding by County Executive -- Mutual Obligations

Section 23-810 - Restrictions on Actions by Employer and Employee Organization

Section 23-811 - Exclusive Right of Employer -- Provisions Deemed Part of Every Agreement -- Right to Submit Grievance -- Agreement Superseding

Section 23-812 - Restrictions on Actions by Employer and Employee Organization