Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 11 - Miscellaneous Rules
Section 21-1121 - Children in Rear of Pickup Trucks

(a)    This section applies only to a Class E (truck) vehicle registered or of a type capable of being registered in this State as a Class E (truck) vehicle with a manufacturer’s rated capacity of 3/4 ton or less, the gross vehicle weight of which does not exceed 7,000 pounds.
    (b)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, this section does not apply to:
            (i)    A vehicle traveling at a speed of not more than 25 miles per hour; or
            (ii)    The transportation of:
                1.    An employee to or from a work site by the employer of the employee; or
                2.    An individual in a vehicle engaged in farming operations.
        (2)    This subsection may not be construed as to eliminate applicable child safety seat and seat belt requirements under §§ 22-412.2 and 22-412.3 of this article.
    (c)    An individual may not drive a Class E (truck) vehicle on a highway in the State while a passenger under the age of 16 years is riding in an unenclosed bed of the vehicle.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes


Title 21 - Vehicle Laws -- Rules of the Road

Subtitle 11 - Miscellaneous Rules

Section 21-1101 - Unattended Motor Vehicle

Section 21-1102 - Limitations on Backing

Section 21-1103 - Driving on Sidewalk

Section 21-1104 - Obstruction to Driver's View or Driving Mechanism

Section 21-1105 - Opening and Closing Vehicle Doors

Section 21-1106 - Riding in Mobile Homes

Section 21-1107 - Restrictions on Persons in Cargo Areas of Vehicles

Section 21-1108 - Coasting Prohibited

Section 21-1109 - Following Fire Apparatus Prohibited; Passing Parking or Backing Emergency Vehicles Prohibited

Section 21-1110 - Crossing Fire Hose

Section 21-1111 - Putting Glass, Injurious Substances, or Refuse on Highway or Bridge or in Waters Prohibited

Section 21-1112 - Turning Off Lights to Avoid Identification Prohibited

Section 21-1112.1 - Obscuring or Modifying Vehicle Registration Plate With Intent to Avoid Identification Prohibited

Section 21-1113 - Placing Traffic Hazard Along Highway Prohibited

Section 21-1114 - Using Roadway Before Opened; Walking on New or Newly Repaired Roadways; Damaging Highway or Construction Materials

Section 21-1115 - Moving or Removing Lights or Guards on Highways Prohibited

Section 21-1116 - Race or Speed Contest Prohibited

Section 21-1117 - Skidding, Spinning of Wheels, and Excessive Noise Prohibited

Section 21-1118 - School Bus Regulations

Section 21-1119 - Snow Emergency Routes

Section 21-1120 - Wearing Earphones, Headsets, etc., Prohibited

Section 21-1121 - Children in Rear of Pickup Trucks

Section 21-1122 - Noise Limitations on Use of Sound Amplification Systems

Section 21-1123 - Prohibition Against Transporting Minors as Passengers by a Minor Holding Provisional Driver's License

Section 21-1124 - Prohibition Against Use of Wireless Communication Device While Driving by Minor Holding Learner's Permit or Provisional License

Section 21-1124.1 - Text Messaging Prohibited

Section 21-1124.2 - Communications Traffic Safety Act

Section 21-1124.3 - Violation of 21-1124.1 or 21-1124.2 or This Section That Causes Accident Resulting in Death or Serious Bodily Injury Prohibited

Section 21-1125 - Limitations on Driving Low Speed Vehicles

Section 21-1126 - Recording Illegal Activity

Section 21-1127 - Operation of Limousine of Certain Size

Section 21-1128 - Dispensing of Motor Fuel Into Dirt Bike

Section 21-1129 - Driving While Video and Electronic Display Equipment Are On

Section 21-1130 - Requirements for Operation of All-Terrain Vehicle or Snowmobile on Public Property

Section 21-1131 - Causing Diesel Emissions to Discharge Onto Another Prohibited; Exceptions

Section 21-1132 - Exhibition Driving in Special Event Zone Prohibited -- Application to Worcester County -- Penalty