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Title 1 - Definitions; General Provisions
Title 2 - Department of Transportation
Title 3 - Financing by Department
Title 4 - Revenue Facilities
Title 5 - Aviation
Title 6 - Ports
Title 7 - Mass Transit
Title 8 - Highways
Title 10 - Transportation Compacts
Title 11 - Vehicle Laws -- Definitions; General Provisions
Title 12 - Vehicle Laws -- Motor Vehicle Administration
Title 13 - Vehicle Laws -- Certificates of Title and Registration of Vehicles
Title 14 - Vehicle Laws -- Antitheft Laws
Title 15 - Vehicle Laws -- Licensing of Businesses and Occupations
Title 16 - Vehicle Laws -- Drivers' Licenses
Title 17 - Vehicle Laws -- Required Security
Title 18 - Vehicle Laws -- For-Rent Vehicles
Title 18.5 - Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Programs
Title 18.7 - Motor Scooter and Electric Low Speed Scooter Sharing Companies
Title 19 - Vehicle Laws -- Civil Liability of Governmental Agencies
Title 20 - Vehicle Laws -- Accidents and Accident Reports
Title 21 - Vehicle Laws -- Rules of the Road
Title 22 - Vehicle Laws -- Equipment of Vehicles
Title 23 - Vehicle Laws -- Inspection of Used Vehicles and Warnings for Defective Equipment
Title 24 - Vehicle Laws -- Size, Weight, and Load; Highway Preservation
Title 25 - Vehicle Laws -- Respective Powers of State and Local Authorities; Disposition of Abandoned Vehicles
Title 26 - Vehicle Laws -- Parties and Procedure on Citation, Arrest, Trial, and Appeal
Title 27 - Vehicle Laws -- Penalties; Disposition of Fines and Forfeitures