Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Credit Grantor Closed End Credit Provisions
Section 12-1007 - Insurance Generally

(a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
        (2)    “Covered loan” means a mortgage loan made under this subtitle that meets the criteria for a loan subject to the federal Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act set forth in 15 U.S.C. § 1602(bb), as modified from time to time by Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. Part 1026, except that the comparison percentages for the mortgage loan shall be one percentage point less than those specified in 15 U.S.C. § 1602(bb), as modified from time to time by Regulation Z, 12 C.F.R. Part 1026.
        (3)    “Credit health insurance” has the meaning stated in § 13–101 of the Insurance Article.
        (4)    “Credit involuntary unemployment benefit insurance” has the meaning stated in § 13–101 of the Insurance Article.
        (5)    (i)    “Credit life insurance” means insurance on the life of a borrower that provides indemnity for repayment of a specific loan or credit transaction on the death of the borrower.
            (ii)    “Credit life insurance” does not include life insurance payable to a beneficiary designated by the borrower other than the obligee of a specific loan or credit transaction.
        (6)    “Mortgage loan” has the meaning stated in § 11–501 of the Financial Institutions Article.
        (7)    “Premium” has the meaning stated in § 1–101 of the Insurance Article.
        (8)    “Single premium coverage” means insurance for which the total premium is payable in one lump sum at or before the time coverage commences.
    (b)    In connection with a loan to a consumer borrower:
        (1)    The purchase of credit life insurance, credit health insurance, credit involuntary unemployment benefit insurance, and similar insurance coverages is optional with the consumer borrower; and
        (2)    Subject to § 12-1007.1 of this subtitle, the purchase of property insurance, title insurance, and credit loss insurance from an insurer of the borrower’s choice may be required if the loan is secured.
        (3)    (i)    Except as provided in this subsection, a credit grantor making a covered loan may not finance as a part of the covered loan transaction single premium coverage for:
                1.    Credit health insurance;
                2.    Credit involuntary unemployment benefit insurance; or
                3.    Credit life insurance.
            (ii)    Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the financing of any insurance coverage in connection with a mobile home or its premises, as those terms are defined in § 8A-101 of the Real Property Article.
    (c)    The provisions of this section do not alter or modify rights, privileges, or restrictions heretofore existing between the credit grantor and a borrower other than a consumer borrower.
    (d)    Premiums for any insurance coverage permitted by this section are not interest with respect to a loan.
    (e)    The offer and placement of insurance under this section shall be subject to the provisions of the Insurance Article.
    (f)    (1)    (i)    In this subsection the following words have the meanings indicated.
            (ii)    “Improvements” means buildings or structures erected upon or affixed to real property that enhance the value of the real property.
            (iii)    “Property insurance coverage” means property insurance against losses caused by perils that commonly are covered in insurance policies described with terms similar to “standard fire” or “standard fire with extended coverage”.
            (iv)    1.    “Replacement cost” means the amount needed to repair damage to or rebuild improvements on real property to restore the improvements to their pre-loss condition.
                2.    “Replacement cost” does not include the value of land.
        (2)    (i)    A credit grantor may not require a borrower, as a condition to receiving or maintaining a loan secured by a lien, to provide or purchase property insurance coverage against risks to any improvements on any real property in an amount exceeding the replacement cost of the improvements on the real property.
            (ii)    In determining the replacement cost of the improvements on any real property, the credit grantor may:
                1.    Accept the value placed on the improvements by the insurer; or
                2.    Use the value placed on the improvements by the credit grantor’s appraisal of the improvements.
        (3)    A violation of this subsection shall entitle the borrower to seek:
            (i)    An injunction to prohibit the credit grantor who has engaged or is engaging in the violation from continuing or engaging in the violation;
            (ii)    Reasonable attorney’s fees; and
            (iii)    Damages directly resulting from the violation.
        (4)    A violation of this subsection does not affect the validity of the lien securing the loan.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Commercial Law

Title 12 - Credit Regulations

Subtitle 10 - Credit Grantor Closed End Credit Provisions

Section 12-1001 - Definitions

Section 12-1002 - Authorized Extensions of Credit

Section 12-1003 - Interest; Balloon Payments

Section 12-1004 - Variation in Periodic Percentage Rate

Section 12-1005 - Additional Fees and Charges

Section 12-1006 - Deferral of Scheduled Payments; Deferral Charges; Insurance Premiums

Section 12-1007 - Insurance Generally

Section 12-1007.1 - Insurance Binders

Section 12-1008 - Charges for Default or Delinquency

Section 12-1009 - Prepayment

Section 12-1010 - Refinancing

Section 12-1011 - Attorney's Fees; Court and Other Collection Costs

Section 12-1012 - Permitted Transactions and Charges

Section 12-1013 - Applicability of Other Laws

Section 12-1013.1 - General Provisions

Section 12-1013.2 - Delivery of Agreement, Note, or Other Evidence of Loan

Section 12-1014 - General Provisions

Section 12-1015 - Applicability of Certain Provisions of Financial Institutions Article; License to Be Issued by Commissioner of Financial Regulation

Section 12-1016 - Complaint Procedure

Section 12-1017 - Criminal Penalties

Section 12-1018 - Civil Penalties

Section 12-1018.1 - Civil Penalties -- Exception

Section 12-1019 - Limitation of Actions

Section 12-1020 - Limitation on Credit Grantor's Liability

Section 12-1021 - Repossession

Section 12-1022 - Definitions; Financing Agreements

Section 12-1023 - Agreement or Other Evidence of Loan

Section 12-1023.1 - Obtaining Loan to Acquire Interest in or to Carry on a Business or Commercial Enterprise

Section 12-1024 - Requirements Upon Loan Repayment

Section 12-1025 - Written Statement Informing Consumer Borrower of Interest and Charges

Section 12-1026 - Escrow Account; Interest; Separability of Funds

Section 12-1027 - Lender's Inspection Fee

Section 12-1028 - Fees

Section 12-1029 - Homeowner Equity Protection