Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 10 - Credit Grantor Closed End Credit Provisions
Section 12-1005 - Additional Fees and Charges

In addition to interest at a periodic percentage rate or rates permitted by §§ 12-1003 and 12-1004 of this subtitle, a credit grantor may charge and collect:
    (a)    (1)    Subject to the limitations in this section, loan fees, points, finder’s fees, and other charges; however, all such charges, when combined with any finder’s fee imposed by a mortgage broker under § 12-804 of this title, may not exceed 10 percent of the original extension of credit;
        (2)    In the case of a loan to a consumer borrower, no loan fees, points, finder’s fees, or other charges may be charged and collected unless:
            (i)    The agreement, note, or other evidence of the loan so provides and the borrower agrees in writing to pay those charges;
            (ii)    The loan is secured by a lien on residential real property; however, all such charges, when combined with any finder’s fee imposed by a mortgage broker under § 12-804 of this title, may not exceed 10 percent of the original extension of credit; and
            (iii)    The charges are disclosed to the borrower in accordance with the federal Truth in Lending Act; and
        (3)    The limitations imposed by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection do not apply to a credit extension:
            (i)    Secured by a first lien on residential real property; or
            (ii)    Made for a bona fide commercial purpose in excess of $75,000.
    (b)    Reasonable fees for services rendered or for reimbursement of expenses incurred in good faith by the credit grantor or its agents in connection with the loan, including:
        (1)    Commitment fees;
        (2)    Official fees and taxes;
        (3)    Premiums or other charges for any guarantee or insurance protecting the credit grantor against the borrower’s default or other credit loss;
        (4)    Costs incurred by reason of examination of title, inspection, recording, and other formal acts necessary or appropriate to the security of the loan;
        (5)    Filing fees;
        (6)    Attorney’s fees; and
        (7)    Travel expenses.
    (c)    (1)    The cost to the borrower of an optional debt cancellation agreement, provided that the cost of the debt cancellation agreement is separately itemized in the financing agreement.
        (2)    This cost is in addition to the charges permitted under subsections (a), (b), and (d) of this section.
    (d)    (1)    In the case of a loan to a consumer borrower, a fee permitted under subsection (b) of this section may not be charged and collected unless:
            (i)    The agreement, note, or other evidence of the loan permits;
            (ii)    The fee is an actual and verifiable expense of the credit grantor not retained by him; and
            (iii)    Limited to charges for:
                1.    Attorney’s fees for services rendered in connection with the preparation, closing, or disbursement of the loan;
                2.    Any expense, tax, or charge paid to a governmental agency;
                3.    Examination of title, appraisal, or other costs necessary or appropriate to the security of the loan; and
                4.    Premiums for any insurance coverage permitted under this subtitle.
        (2)    Notwithstanding § 12–1009(e) of this subtitle, fees and charges permitted under this subsection may be imposed, charged, and collected at any time.
    (e)    For purposes of this subtitle, fees and charges permitted under this section are not interest with respect to a loan.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Commercial Law

Title 12 - Credit Regulations

Subtitle 10 - Credit Grantor Closed End Credit Provisions

Section 12-1001 - Definitions

Section 12-1002 - Authorized Extensions of Credit

Section 12-1003 - Interest; Balloon Payments

Section 12-1004 - Variation in Periodic Percentage Rate

Section 12-1005 - Additional Fees and Charges

Section 12-1006 - Deferral of Scheduled Payments; Deferral Charges; Insurance Premiums

Section 12-1007 - Insurance Generally

Section 12-1007.1 - Insurance Binders

Section 12-1008 - Charges for Default or Delinquency

Section 12-1009 - Prepayment

Section 12-1010 - Refinancing

Section 12-1011 - Attorney's Fees; Court and Other Collection Costs

Section 12-1012 - Permitted Transactions and Charges

Section 12-1013 - Applicability of Other Laws

Section 12-1013.1 - General Provisions

Section 12-1013.2 - Delivery of Agreement, Note, or Other Evidence of Loan

Section 12-1014 - General Provisions

Section 12-1015 - Applicability of Certain Provisions of Financial Institutions Article; License to Be Issued by Commissioner of Financial Regulation

Section 12-1016 - Complaint Procedure

Section 12-1017 - Criminal Penalties

Section 12-1018 - Civil Penalties

Section 12-1018.1 - Civil Penalties -- Exception

Section 12-1019 - Limitation of Actions

Section 12-1020 - Limitation on Credit Grantor's Liability

Section 12-1021 - Repossession

Section 12-1022 - Definitions; Financing Agreements

Section 12-1023 - Agreement or Other Evidence of Loan

Section 12-1023.1 - Obtaining Loan to Acquire Interest in or to Carry on a Business or Commercial Enterprise

Section 12-1024 - Requirements Upon Loan Repayment

Section 12-1025 - Written Statement Informing Consumer Borrower of Interest and Charges

Section 12-1026 - Escrow Account; Interest; Separability of Funds

Section 12-1027 - Lender's Inspection Fee

Section 12-1028 - Fees

Section 12-1029 - Homeowner Equity Protection