A common carrier or the carrier’s agent knowingly may not receive any fur or pelt of any wild quadruped for shipment to any point outside of the State unless the fur or pelt is tagged or marked as required.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Restrictions Relating to Species Hunted for Their Fur, Pelt, or Hide
Section 10-502 - Nonresident Trapping License
Section 10-504 - Restrictions Relating to Beaver, Muskrat, and Otter
Section 10-505 - Possession, Sale, and Transportation of Illegally Taken Furs
Section 10-506 - Fur Dealer's License
Section 10-507 - Required Records and Annual Reports by Fur Dealers
Section 10-508 - Possession of License by Fur Dealer; Inspection of Records of Fur Dealer
Section 10-509 - Shipping Tags for Out-of-State Shipment of Furs -- in General