(a) Subject to the exceptions of subsection (f) of this section, any person who desires to buy, acquire, sell, transport, ship, or store at any time any fur or pelt of any wild quadruped taken within or outside the State first shall obtain a fur dealer’s license from the Secretary.
(b) A person who has resided permanently in the State for a period of not less than 6 months immediately preceding the time of application may obtain a resident State fur dealer’s license upon payment of a $50 fee.
(c) A nonresident may obtain a nonresident fur dealer’s license upon payment of a $100 fee.
(d) Every application for a license shall contain information the Secretary requires.
(e) Every fur dealer’s license issued shall expire on June 30 following the date of issuance.
(f) The Department may not require the following persons to obtain a fur dealer’s license:
(1) A person who buys or otherwise acquires any fur or pelt of any wild quadruped for the personal use of the person and not for barter, exchange, or sale;
(2) A person who can substantiate the fact that any fur or pelt the person possesses is bought from a licensed fur dealer or lawfully is obtained from a dealer in another state and is dressed, altered, trimmed, repaired, or manufactured into a finished product but not resold as a fur or pelt;
(3) A tanner or taxidermist who possesses any fur or pelt legally owned by another person and which the tanner or taxidermist temporarily is holding solely for the purpose of processing;
(4) A person who sells or possesses to sell the meat, pelt, carcass, or mounted specimen of any beaver, coyote, fisher, fox, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum, otter, raccoon, skunk, or long-tailed weasel legally taken by that person;
(5) Any person who butchers a deer for another person and who retains the hide or fur of the deer because the other person did not want or take the hide or fur; and
(6) Any person who sells or possesses to sell the hide, hair, tail, or feet, excluding a mounted specimen of deer, squirrel, or rabbit legally acquired.
(g) The licensee shall allow any Natural Resources police officer or any law enforcement officer to enter the premises and holding facilities where operations are being carried on at all reasonable hours for the following purposes:
(1) To inspect the premises and holding facilities where operations are being carried on;
(2) To inspect wildlife; and
(3) To inspect records.
Structure Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 5 - Restrictions Relating to Species Hunted for Their Fur, Pelt, or Hide
Section 10-502 - Nonresident Trapping License
Section 10-504 - Restrictions Relating to Beaver, Muskrat, and Otter
Section 10-505 - Possession, Sale, and Transportation of Illegally Taken Furs
Section 10-506 - Fur Dealer's License
Section 10-507 - Required Records and Annual Reports by Fur Dealers
Section 10-508 - Possession of License by Fur Dealer; Inspection of Records of Fur Dealer
Section 10-509 - Shipping Tags for Out-of-State Shipment of Furs -- in General