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Section 10-501 - Definitions - (a) In this title the following words have the meanings...
Section 10-502 - Nonresident Trapping License - (a) Any nonresident of the State who desires to trap...
Section 10-504 - Restrictions Relating to Beaver, Muskrat, and Otter - (a) A person may not hunt any muskrat, beaver, or...
Section 10-505 - Possession, Sale, and Transportation of Illegally Taken Furs - (a) A person may not possess, buy, sell, transport, or...
Section 10-506 - Fur Dealer's License - (a) Subject to the exceptions of subsection (f) of this...
Section 10-507 - Required Records and Annual Reports by Fur Dealers - (a) Each fur dealer shall keep a ledger on a...
Section 10-508 - Possession of License by Fur Dealer; Inspection of Records of Fur Dealer - A fur dealer shall carry the license on the dealer’s...
Section 10-509 - Shipping Tags for Out-of-State Shipment of Furs -- in General - (a) A person knowingly may not ship, transport, or carry...
Section 10-510 - Shipping Tags for Out-of-State Shipment of Furs -- Mutilation or Destruction Prohibited - A person may not willfully or wantonly remove, mutilate, or...
Section 10-511 - Shipping Tags for Out-of-State Shipment of Furs -- Receiving Unmarked or Untagged Furs or Pelts Prohibited - A common carrier or the carrier’s agent knowingly may not...
Section 10-512 - Taxidermist and Fur Tanner's License - (a) (1) Any person desiring to commercially practice the art...
Section 10-513 - Penalty - In addition to any other penalty provided by the provisions...