Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Maryland Food Center Authority
Section 10-218 - Bonds -- in General

(a)    The Authority may authorize the issuance of federally tax-exempt or federally taxable revenue bonds by resolution.
    (b)    The Authority may issue revenue bonds:
        (1)    to pay any part of the cost of developments or projects;
        (2)    to fund a deficit in accordance with subsection (i) of this section;
        (3)    to pay the cost of improvements of developments or projects in accordance with subsection (j) of this section;
        (4)    to refund outstanding bonds issued under this subtitle; and
        (5)    for any other purpose set forth in this subtitle.
    (c)    The Authority may issue the bonds at one time or in one or more series from time to time.
    (d)    The Authority shall determine:
        (1)    the dates of the bonds;
        (2)    the maturity dates of the bonds, which may not exceed 40 years from the date of their issue;
        (3)    the interest rates on the bonds;
        (4)    the medium of payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds;
        (5)    interest payment dates on the bonds, which shall occur twice in every 12 months;
        (6)    the form of the bonds;
        (7)    the manner of executing the bonds;
        (8)    the denominations of the bonds; and
        (9)    the places at which the principal of and interest on the bonds will be payable, including a bank or trust company in or outside the State.
    (e)    The bonds may be redeemed before maturity at the option of the Authority at the prices and under terms and conditions that the Authority sets before the bonds are issued.
    (f)    An officer’s signature or facsimile on a bond remains valid even if the officer leaves office before the bond is delivered.
    (g)    (1)    The Authority shall sell the bonds either by competitive or negotiated sale in a manner and for a price that the Authority determines to be in its best interests.
        (2)    The bonds are exempt from §§ 8-206 and 8-208 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.
    (h)    (1)    Before it prepares definitive revenue bonds, the Authority may issue temporary revenue bonds meeting the requirements of this section that are exchangeable for definitive revenue bonds when issued.
        (2)    The Authority may replace bonds that are mutilated, lost, or destroyed.
        (3)    The Authority may issue replacement bonds or bonds exchanged for temporary revenue bonds without:
            (i)    another proceeding; or
            (ii)    the satisfaction of any other condition.
    (i)    (1)    If the proceeds of the bonds are less than the amount required for the purpose for which the bonds were authorized, the Authority may issue additional bonds to fund the amount of the deficit.
        (2)    Unless otherwise provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds or in the trust agreement, the additional bonds are:
            (i)    considered to be of the same issue as the first issue; and
            (ii)    entitled to payment from the same funds as the first issue, without preference or priority of the bonds of the first issue.
    (j)    (1)    The resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds may provide for the issuance of additional bonds to pay the cost of any necessary improvements.
        (2)    The additional bonds:
            (i)    may be limited in amount by the resolution or trust agreement;
            (ii)    shall be considered part of the first issue authorized by the resolution; and
            (iii)    shall be issued under the restrictions and limitations provided by the resolution or trust agreement.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Economic Development

Division II - Independent and Regional Development Units and Resources

Title 10 - Statewide Development Resources and Revenue Authorities

Subtitle 2 - Maryland Food Center Authority

Section 10-201 - Definitions

Section 10-202 - Construction and Purpose of Subtitle

Section 10-203 - Scope of Subtitle

Section 10-204 - Legislative Intent

Section 10-205 - Established

Section 10-206 - Staff; Agents

Section 10-207 - Applicability of Laws

Section 10-208 - Money of Authority

Section 10-209 - Powers and Duties -- in General

Section 10-210 - Powers and Duties -- Rules and Regulations

Section 10-211 - Powers and Duties -- Property

Section 10-212 - Developments and Projects -- in General

Section 10-213 - Developments and Projects -- Wholesale Food Dealers and Tenants

Section 10-214 - Developments and Projects -- Rates and Charges

Section 10-215 - Developments and Projects -- Political Subdivision May Vacate

Section 10-216 - Developments and Projects -- Cleaning and Refuse

Section 10-217 - Financing Another

Section 10-218 - Bonds -- in General

Section 10-219 - Revenue Bonds -- Legal Investments

Section 10-220 - Bonds -- Liability; Faith and Credit

Section 10-221 - Bonds -- Trust Agreement

Section 10-222 - Bonds -- Proceeds; Sinking Fund

Section 10-223 - Bonds -- Combined Purposes

Section 10-224 - Bonds -- Enforcement of Rights and Duties

Section 10-225 - Pledge

Section 10-226 - Tax Status

Section 10-227 - Audits

Section 10-228 - Annual Report

Section 10-229 - Short Title