Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Maryland Food Center Authority
Section 10-211 - Powers and Duties -- Property

(a)    The Authority may acquire in its own name property, franchises, and licenses by:
        (1)    purchase on terms and conditions and in the manner the Authority considers appropriate; or
        (2)    condemnation for public use in accordance with applicable law.
    (b)    (1)    If the Authority considers it expedient to establish or construct a development or project on any land, street, alley, or public place that is owned by a political subdivision, the political subdivision may:
            (i)    lease the land, street, alley, or public place to the Authority on terms agreed to by the Authority and the political subdivision; or
            (ii)    convey title to the land, street, alley, or public place to the Authority on payment to the political subdivision of the reasonable value of the property, as determined by the Authority and the political subdivision, in cash or bonds of the Authority at par.
        (2)    (i)    Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, a political subdivision may lease or convey to the Authority without consideration any property that is owned by the political subdivision and suitable for use by the Authority for the purposes of this subtitle.
            (ii)    A lease or conveyance under this paragraph requires approval by the political subdivision or, for Baltimore City, by the Board of Estimates.
        (3)    Before an acquisition under this subsection, the Authority, on request of a political subdivision, shall remove or relocate at the expense of the Authority any public utility facilities, whether publicly or privately owned or operated, located on the property.
    (c)    The Authority may not acquire a site under this section for the establishment or construction of a development, or establish or construct a development on a site, unless the site is approved:
        (1)    for Baltimore City, by the Board of Estimates; and
        (2)    for any other political subdivision, by the county commissioners, county executive, or in a charter county without a county executive, the county council, or in a municipal corporation, by its governing body.
    (d)    The Authority need not accept and pay for any property or rights it acquires except from money provided under this subtitle.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Economic Development

Division II - Independent and Regional Development Units and Resources

Title 10 - Statewide Development Resources and Revenue Authorities

Subtitle 2 - Maryland Food Center Authority

Section 10-201 - Definitions

Section 10-202 - Construction and Purpose of Subtitle

Section 10-203 - Scope of Subtitle

Section 10-204 - Legislative Intent

Section 10-205 - Established

Section 10-206 - Staff; Agents

Section 10-207 - Applicability of Laws

Section 10-208 - Money of Authority

Section 10-209 - Powers and Duties -- in General

Section 10-210 - Powers and Duties -- Rules and Regulations

Section 10-211 - Powers and Duties -- Property

Section 10-212 - Developments and Projects -- in General

Section 10-213 - Developments and Projects -- Wholesale Food Dealers and Tenants

Section 10-214 - Developments and Projects -- Rates and Charges

Section 10-215 - Developments and Projects -- Political Subdivision May Vacate

Section 10-216 - Developments and Projects -- Cleaning and Refuse

Section 10-217 - Financing Another

Section 10-218 - Bonds -- in General

Section 10-219 - Revenue Bonds -- Legal Investments

Section 10-220 - Bonds -- Liability; Faith and Credit

Section 10-221 - Bonds -- Trust Agreement

Section 10-222 - Bonds -- Proceeds; Sinking Fund

Section 10-223 - Bonds -- Combined Purposes

Section 10-224 - Bonds -- Enforcement of Rights and Duties

Section 10-225 - Pledge

Section 10-226 - Tax Status

Section 10-227 - Audits

Section 10-228 - Annual Report

Section 10-229 - Short Title