Maryland Statutes
Subtitle 2 - Maryland Food Center Authority
Section 10-209 - Powers and Duties -- in General

(a)    The Authority may:
        (1)    sue and be sued;
        (2)    adopt a seal;
        (3)    acquire, hold, and dispose of property for its corporate purposes;
        (4)    sell, lease, or otherwise convey, in any manner that the Authority considers appropriate, any property it owns to accomplish the purposes of this subtitle;
        (5)    enter into contracts and leases, including contracts or leases relating to the construction, operation, maintenance, management, and use of developments and projects, concessions, stalls, auction houses, docking facilities, and other facilities, and execute any instrument necessary or convenient, on the terms and for any corporate purpose that the Authority considers advisable;
        (6)    issue bonds in accordance with this subtitle;
        (7)    use the proceeds of the bonds, other money available under this subtitle, or any grant or money from the State or federal government or any of their units or instrumentalities to accomplish the purposes of this subtitle;
        (8)    borrow money for a corporate purpose and mortgage or otherwise encumber its property as security for the loan;
        (9)    accept gifts, contributions, or loans of money, supplies, goods, and services, and accept appropriations, allotments, and loans of money from the State or federal government, a federal corporation, a unit or instrumentality of the federal government, or a political subdivision or instrumentality of the State;
        (10)    exercise a power usually possessed by a private corporation in performing similar functions unless to do so would conflict with State law;
        (11)    dredge approaches and acquire, construct, maintain, equip, and operate wharves, docks, piers, and other structures, and any facilities necessary for commerce; and
        (12)    do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers expressly granted by this subtitle.
    (b)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Authority may delegate any power or duty it considers appropriate to a member, an officer, an agent, or an employee of the Authority.
        (2)    A contract is not binding on the Authority unless it is approved or authorized by a majority of the members of the Authority.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Economic Development

Division II - Independent and Regional Development Units and Resources

Title 10 - Statewide Development Resources and Revenue Authorities

Subtitle 2 - Maryland Food Center Authority

Section 10-201 - Definitions

Section 10-202 - Construction and Purpose of Subtitle

Section 10-203 - Scope of Subtitle

Section 10-204 - Legislative Intent

Section 10-205 - Established

Section 10-206 - Staff; Agents

Section 10-207 - Applicability of Laws

Section 10-208 - Money of Authority

Section 10-209 - Powers and Duties -- in General

Section 10-210 - Powers and Duties -- Rules and Regulations

Section 10-211 - Powers and Duties -- Property

Section 10-212 - Developments and Projects -- in General

Section 10-213 - Developments and Projects -- Wholesale Food Dealers and Tenants

Section 10-214 - Developments and Projects -- Rates and Charges

Section 10-215 - Developments and Projects -- Political Subdivision May Vacate

Section 10-216 - Developments and Projects -- Cleaning and Refuse

Section 10-217 - Financing Another

Section 10-218 - Bonds -- in General

Section 10-219 - Revenue Bonds -- Legal Investments

Section 10-220 - Bonds -- Liability; Faith and Credit

Section 10-221 - Bonds -- Trust Agreement

Section 10-222 - Bonds -- Proceeds; Sinking Fund

Section 10-223 - Bonds -- Combined Purposes

Section 10-224 - Bonds -- Enforcement of Rights and Duties

Section 10-225 - Pledge

Section 10-226 - Tax Status

Section 10-227 - Audits

Section 10-228 - Annual Report

Section 10-229 - Short Title