Maryland Statutes
Part II - Child Support Administration
Section 10-114 - Duties of Secretary of Human Services

(a)    The Secretary of Human Services shall:
        (1)    adopt rules and regulations for the collection of support;
        (2)    adopt standards for staffing, record keeping, reporting, intergovernmental cooperation, and other management operations that are necessary to proper and efficient collection of support;
        (3)    delegate any responsibility for support enforcement to a local department, for as long as:
            (i)    the local government asks that responsibility be delegated to the local department;
            (ii)    the Secretary finds that the local department is capable of carrying out the responsibility; and
            (iii)    a delegation of that responsibility is consistent with guidelines of the Department of Human Services;
        (4)    delegate any responsibility for support enforcement to the clerk of a circuit court, for as long as:
            (i)    the local government and the clerk, with the approval of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, ask that responsibility be delegated to the clerk;
            (ii)    the Secretary finds that the clerk is capable of carrying out the responsibility;
            (iii)    a delegation of that responsibility is consistent with guidelines of the Department of Human Services; and
            (iv)    the Administration makes a cooperative agreement with the clerk that:
                1.    includes arrangements for reimbursement for expenditures incurred by the clerk that are reimbursable under federal regulations that relate to federal financial participation in the operation of a support enforcement program; and
                2.    provides that federal collection incentives that would be payable to the county if the county had a local support enforcement office shall be payable to the Fund established in § 10–106.1 of this subtitle; and
        (5)    adopt regulations establishing procedures for the periodic review and adjustment of child support orders being enforced by a support enforcement agency.
    (b)    The clerk of a circuit court, with the approval of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, may:
        (1)    make a written agreement with the Secretary of Human Services and the Administration to provide support enforcement services pursuant to a delegation of responsibility under subsection (a) of this section;
        (2)    employ the personnel necessary to perform the support enforcement services, notwithstanding any other provisions of law, including any law on the practice of law by employees of a clerk; and
        (3)    include in the clerk’s annual budget request submitted to the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals the projected costs of administering the support enforcement program that are not reimbursable under the agreement with the Secretary of Human Services and the Administration.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Family Law

Title 10 - Support in General

Subtitle 1 - Civil and Criminal Enforcement

Part II - Child Support Administration

Section 10-106 - Administration Established

Section 10-106.1 - Child Support Reinvestment Fund

Section 10-107 - Authority of Secretary of Human Services

Section 10-108 - Duties -- in General

Section 10-108.1 - Reports to Consumer Reporting Agencies; Notice; Appeal; Regulations

Section 10-108.2 - Report From Financial Institution

Section 10-108.3 - Action to Attach and Seize Funds for Child Support Arrears From Financial Institution

Section 10-108.4 - Action to Attach and Seize Funds for Child Support Arrears From Financial Institution -- Reimbursement of Account Holders

Section 10-108.5 - Payment Through Support Enforcement Agency

Section 10-108.6 - Subpoena Duces Tecum

Section 10-108.7 - State Disbursement Unit

Section 10-109 - Approval for Child Support Services

Section 10-110 - Powers -- Collection of Fees

Section 10-111 - Powers -- Cooperative Agreements

Section 10-112 - Powers -- Settlement of Arrearage

Section 10-112.1 - Child Support Payment Incentive Program

Section 10-113 - Powers -- Income Tax Refund Intercept; Interception of State Lottery Prizes

Section 10-113.1 - Certification to State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency

Section 10-113.2 - Interception of State Payments for Child Support Arrears

Section 10-114 - Duties of Secretary of Human Services

Section 10-115 - Legal Representation

Section 10-116 - Enforcement by Local Support Enforcement Office

Section 10-117 - Transfer of Support Enforcement From Local Support Enforcement Office

Section 10-118 - Responsibility to Best Interest of Child

Section 10-119 - Suspension of Driving Privileges for Arrearages

Section 10-119.3 - Suspension or Denial of Occupational License for Arrearages