Maryland Statutes
Part II - Child Support Administration
Section 10-108.4 - Action to Attach and Seize Funds for Child Support Arrears From Financial Institution -- Reimbursement of Account Holders

(a)    If the Administration institutes an action under § 10-108.3(b) of this subtitle and no obligor has any ownership interest in a seized account at the time the Administration institutes the action, the Administration shall reimburse the account holders of interest for fees incurred as a result of instituting the action, including:
        (1)    fees assessed by the financial institution as a result of the Administration’s action;
        (2)    fees assessed by the financial institution for insufficient funds;
        (3)    fees assessed by merchants for dishonored checks; and
        (4)    reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the account holders of interest related to an administrative or judicial review of the Administration’s decision to institute the action.
    (b)    An account holder of interest who wishes to request reimbursement under this section shall file a written request within 60 days after the account is seized. The request shall include copies of the notices or other proof of the assessment of fees for which reimbursement is sought.
    (c)    The Administration is not required to reimburse an account holder of interest for fees incurred if:
        (1)    the account holder of interest fails to make a request for reimbursement within 60 days after the account was seized;
        (2)    the account holder of interest fails to provide proof of the assessment of fees; or
        (3)    the fees were incurred as a result of a debit made to the account after the account holder of interest had actual notice of the account seizure.
    (d)    This section does not apply to fees incurred as a result of a judicial garnishment.
    (e)    A financial institution has no obligation to reimburse fees assessed as a result of the Administration instituting an action under § 10-108.3 of this subtitle or as otherwise permitted by law or authorized by contract.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Family Law

Title 10 - Support in General

Subtitle 1 - Civil and Criminal Enforcement

Part II - Child Support Administration

Section 10-106 - Administration Established

Section 10-106.1 - Child Support Reinvestment Fund

Section 10-107 - Authority of Secretary of Human Services

Section 10-108 - Duties -- in General

Section 10-108.1 - Reports to Consumer Reporting Agencies; Notice; Appeal; Regulations

Section 10-108.2 - Report From Financial Institution

Section 10-108.3 - Action to Attach and Seize Funds for Child Support Arrears From Financial Institution

Section 10-108.4 - Action to Attach and Seize Funds for Child Support Arrears From Financial Institution -- Reimbursement of Account Holders

Section 10-108.5 - Payment Through Support Enforcement Agency

Section 10-108.6 - Subpoena Duces Tecum

Section 10-108.7 - State Disbursement Unit

Section 10-109 - Approval for Child Support Services

Section 10-110 - Powers -- Collection of Fees

Section 10-111 - Powers -- Cooperative Agreements

Section 10-112 - Powers -- Settlement of Arrearage

Section 10-112.1 - Child Support Payment Incentive Program

Section 10-113 - Powers -- Income Tax Refund Intercept; Interception of State Lottery Prizes

Section 10-113.1 - Certification to State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency

Section 10-113.2 - Interception of State Payments for Child Support Arrears

Section 10-114 - Duties of Secretary of Human Services

Section 10-115 - Legal Representation

Section 10-116 - Enforcement by Local Support Enforcement Office

Section 10-117 - Transfer of Support Enforcement From Local Support Enforcement Office

Section 10-118 - Responsibility to Best Interest of Child

Section 10-119 - Suspension of Driving Privileges for Arrearages

Section 10-119.3 - Suspension or Denial of Occupational License for Arrearages