Maryland Statutes
Part II - Child Support Administration
Section 10-111 - Powers -- Cooperative Agreements

(a)    The Administration may make a cooperative agreement with a private or public agency, a circuit court, an institution, or a law enforcement official as to:
        (1)    establishing paternity;
        (2)    establishing liability for support;
        (3)    collecting support; or
        (4)    enforcing a court order to pay support.
    (b)    A cooperative agreement made under this section may include arrangements for reimbursement for expenditures incurred that are reimbursable under federal regulations that relate to federal financial participation in the operation of a support enforcement program.

Structure Maryland Statutes

Maryland Statutes

Family Law

Title 10 - Support in General

Subtitle 1 - Civil and Criminal Enforcement

Part II - Child Support Administration

Section 10-106 - Administration Established

Section 10-106.1 - Child Support Reinvestment Fund

Section 10-107 - Authority of Secretary of Human Services

Section 10-108 - Duties -- in General

Section 10-108.1 - Reports to Consumer Reporting Agencies; Notice; Appeal; Regulations

Section 10-108.2 - Report From Financial Institution

Section 10-108.3 - Action to Attach and Seize Funds for Child Support Arrears From Financial Institution

Section 10-108.4 - Action to Attach and Seize Funds for Child Support Arrears From Financial Institution -- Reimbursement of Account Holders

Section 10-108.5 - Payment Through Support Enforcement Agency

Section 10-108.6 - Subpoena Duces Tecum

Section 10-108.7 - State Disbursement Unit

Section 10-109 - Approval for Child Support Services

Section 10-110 - Powers -- Collection of Fees

Section 10-111 - Powers -- Cooperative Agreements

Section 10-112 - Powers -- Settlement of Arrearage

Section 10-112.1 - Child Support Payment Incentive Program

Section 10-113 - Powers -- Income Tax Refund Intercept; Interception of State Lottery Prizes

Section 10-113.1 - Certification to State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency

Section 10-113.2 - Interception of State Payments for Child Support Arrears

Section 10-114 - Duties of Secretary of Human Services

Section 10-115 - Legal Representation

Section 10-116 - Enforcement by Local Support Enforcement Office

Section 10-117 - Transfer of Support Enforcement From Local Support Enforcement Office

Section 10-118 - Responsibility to Best Interest of Child

Section 10-119 - Suspension of Driving Privileges for Arrearages

Section 10-119.3 - Suspension or Denial of Occupational License for Arrearages