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Article 1 - Legislative Session Laws, Journals And Documents
45-106 Session laws; disposition of volumes by secretary of state. - 45-106. Session laws; disposition of volumes by secretary of state....
45-107 Session laws; sales; disposal of certain inventory. - 45-107. Session laws; sales; disposal of certain inventory. (a) The...
45-109 Officer's name to be stamped on laws delivered; delivery to successor in office; liability for failure. - 45-109. Officer's name to be stamped on laws delivered; delivery...
45-116 Permanent journals of house and senate; preparation, binding and number of volumes and copies; sale and distribution; disposition of volumes; sale price for volume fixed by legislative coordinating council; proceeds to state general fund. - 45-116. Permanent journals of house and senate; preparation, binding and...
Article 2 - Records Open To Public
45-215 Title of act. - 45-215. Title of act. K.S.A. 45-215 through 45-223 shall be...
45-216 Public policy that records be open. - 45-216. Public policy that records be open. (a) It is...
45-217 Definitions. - 45-217. Definitions. As used in the open records act, unless...
45-218 Inspection of records; request; response; refusal, when; fees. - 45-218. Inspection of records; request; response; refusal, when; fees. (a)...
45-219 Abstracts or copies of records; fees. - 45-219. Abstracts or copies of records; fees. (a) Any person...
45-220 Procedures for obtaining access to or copies of records; request; office hours; provision of information on procedures. - 45-220. Procedures for obtaining access to or copies of records;...
45-221 Certain records not required to be open; separation of open and closed information required; statistics and records over 70 years old open. - 45-221. Certain records not required to be open; separation of...
45-222 Civil remedies to enforce act; attorney fees. - 45-222. Civil remedies to enforce act; attorney fees. (a) The...
45-223 Civil penalties for violations. - 45-223. Civil penalties for violations. (a) Any public agency subject...
45-224 Continuation of fees and procedures adopted under prior act. - 45-224. Continuation of fees and procedures adopted under prior act....
45-225 Severability of provisions. - 45-225. Severability of provisions. If any provisions of this act...
45-226 Local freedom of information officer. - 45-226. Local freedom of information officer. (a) The governing body...
45-227 Brochure concerning public records. - 45-227. Brochure concerning public records. (a) An official custodian shall...
45-228 Investigation of alleged violations; powers. - 45-228. Investigation of alleged violations; powers. (a) In investigating alleged...
45-229 Legislative review of exceptions to disclosure; continuation of sections listed. [See Revisor's Note] - 45-229. Legislative review of exceptions to disclosure; continuation of sections...
45-230 Unlawful use of names derived from public records. - 45-230. Unlawful use of names derived from public records. (a)...
45-240 Recordkeeping requirements for certain not-for-profit entities. - 45-240. Recordkeeping requirements for certain not-for-profit entities. (a) Each not-for-profit...
45-250 Sunflower Foundation: Health Care for Kansas; subject to open records law. - 45-250. Sunflower Foundation: Health Care for Kansas; subject to open...
45-251 Civil remedies to enforce act by attorney general; consent order; finding of violation. - 45-251. Civil remedies to enforce act by attorney general; consent...
45-252 Complaint form prescribed by attorney general. - 45-252. Complaint form prescribed by attorney general. (a) Any complaint...
45-253 Civil remedies to enforce act; consent order. - 45-253. Civil remedies to enforce act; consent order. (a) In...
45-254 Law enforcement recordings using body camera or vehicle camera; criminal investigation records; disclosure. - 45-254. Law enforcement recordings using body camera or vehicle camera;...
Article 3 - Legislative Documents
45-301 Enrollment, engrossment and printing of bills, resolutions and other papers of the legislature. - 45-301. Enrollment, engrossment and printing of bills, resolutions and other...
45-302 Signing of legislative documents by officers; presentation to governor for approval. - 45-302. Signing of legislative documents by officers; presentation to governor...
45-303 Approval of bills by governor. - 45-303. Approval of bills by governor. If the governor approves...
45-304 Veto by governor; return to house of origin; reconsideration by legislature; procedure upon passage over veto; publication. - 45-304. Veto by governor; return to house of origin; reconsideration...
45-304a Journal entries referring to vetoed bills. - 45-304a. Journal entries referring to vetoed bills. Whenever the governor...
45-304b Veto after adjournment; reconsideration. - 45-304b. Veto after adjournment; reconsideration. The governor may veto any...
45-305 Bills becoming law without approval of governor, when. - 45-305. Bills becoming law without approval of governor, when. If...
45-307 Vetoes of items of appropriation of money. - 45-307. Vetoes of items of appropriation of money. If any...
45-308 Item vetoes; reconsideration by legislature. - 45-308. Item vetoes; reconsideration by legislature. Upon approval of any...
45-309 Responsibility for legislative documents; receipts. - 45-309. Responsibility for legislative documents; receipts. Whenever any bill, resolution...
45-310 Session laws; publication, printing, title and contents. - 45-310. Session laws; publication, printing, title and contents. (a) All...
45-311 Certification of session laws; date of publication. - 45-311. Certification of session laws; date of publication. The secretary...
45-312 Publication of bills in Kansas register. - 45-312. Publication of bills in Kansas register. In all acts...
45-313 Printing of session laws. - 45-313. Printing of session laws. Paper-bound copies of the laws...
45-314 Printing of enrolled bills; specifications. - 45-314. Printing of enrolled bills; specifications. The secretary of state...
45-315 Timetable for printing session laws. - 45-315. Timetable for printing session laws. After the sine die...
45-316 Payment of expenses; approval. - 45-316. Payment of expenses; approval. The director of accounts and...
45-317 Printing of bills and concurrent resolutions; types. - 45-317. Printing of bills and concurrent resolutions; types. The state...
45-318 Printing of executive reorganization orders. - 45-318. Printing of executive reorganization orders. Whenever an executive reorganization...
Article 4 - Public Records Preservation
45-401 Public policy concerning government records. - 45-401. Public policy concerning government records. The legislature declares that...
45-402 Definitions. - 45-402. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "State agency"...
45-403 Government records are public property; destruction prohibited, except as permitted by retention and disposition schedules. - 45-403. Government records are public property; destruction prohibited, except as...
45-404 Duties of state records board; disposition of county records. - 45-404. Duties of state records board; disposition of county records....
45-405 State archives; transfer of records thereto; discard or disposition of certain materials. - 45-405. State archives; transfer of records thereto; discard or disposition...
45-406 State archivist's duties. - 45-406. State archivist's duties. Under the supervision of the secretary...
45-407 Public access or restriction of records; state archivist access to restricted records; disclosure prohibited; misdemeanor. - 45-407. Public access or restriction of records; state archivist access...
45-408 State agencies required to cooperate with state records board and state archivist; rules and regulations of board. - 45-408. State agencies required to cooperate with state records board...
45-409 Local agencies to cooperate. - 45-409. Local agencies to cooperate. Each local agency shall: (a)...
45-410 Legislative records; legislative coordinating council control. - 45-410. Legislative records; legislative coordinating council control. The state records...
45-411 Judicial records; supreme court rules. - 45-411. Judicial records; supreme court rules. The state records board...
45-412 Microphotographic or optical disc copies of records; image recognition and information storage systems; original record destruction, when. - 45-412. Microphotographic or optical disc copies of records; image recognition...
45-413 Citation of act. - 45-413. Citation of act. This act shall be known and...
45-414 State archivist; duties; recommendations; certification by electronic signature; fees. - 45-414. State archivist; duties; recommendations; certification by electronic signature; fees....
Article 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
45-501 Records made on electronically-accessed media; authorization; conditions and procedures, application; notice to state records board. - 45-501. Records made on electronically-accessed media; authorization; conditions and procedures,...
45-502 Use of standard size paper for documents filed with state agencies and courts. - 45-502. Use of standard size paper for documents filed with...