45-109. Officer's name to be stamped on laws delivered; delivery to successor in office; liability for failure. The copy of the laws delivered to any state, district, county or township officer, on account of any office held by him, shall have stamped or written thereon the name of the office held by such person; and he shall, when he ceases to hold such office, deliver over to his successor in office all laws received by him as such officer, and take the receipt of his successor therefor, and deposit such receipt with the clerk of the board of county commissioners; and any person who shall neglect or refuse to deliver over to his successor in office all laws received by him as aforesaid shall be liable to such successor in an action for the specific recovery of the same, or for the full amount it would cost him to furnish himself with such laws, and costs of suit; which action shall, on request, be brought and prosecuted by the county attorney of the county.
History: G.S. 1868, ch. 56, ยง 10; Oct. 31; R.S. 1923, 45-109.