Kansas Statutes
Article 9 - Secured Transactions
84-9-339a Security interests in proceeds from oil and gas production; perfection; priority; definition of terms.

84-9-339a. Security interests in proceeds from oil and gas production; perfection; priority; definition of terms. (a) This section provides a security interest in favor of interest owners (as secured parties) to secure the obligations of the first purchaser of oil and gas production (as debtor) to pay the purchase price. A signed writing giving the interest owner a right under real estate law operates as a security agreement created under article 9 of chapter 84 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto. The act of the first purchaser in signing an agreement to purchase oil or gas production, in issuing a division order, or in making any other voluntary communication to the interest owner or any governmental agency recognizing the interest owner's right operates as an authentication and adoption of the security agreement in accordance with K.S.A. 84-1-201(39), and amendments thereto.
(b) In order for any interest owner to claim the security interest provided by this section, an affidavit of production must be filed as prescribed by K.S.A. 55-205, and amendments thereto, which affidavit must show that a well or wells capable of producing in paying quantities have been completed on the pertinent oil and gas lease or leases and lands covered thereby. This filing is effective as a financing statement covering as-extracted collateral as provided by K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-501, and amendments thereto, and the security interest provided by this section is perfected as of the date of recording. There is no requirement of refiling every five years to maintain the effectiveness of the filing.
(c) The security interest exists in oil and gas production, and also in the following proceeds of such production owned by, received by, or due to the first purchaser:
(1) For an unlimited time if:
(A) The proceeds are oil or gas production, inventory of raw, refined or manufactured oil or gas production, or rights to or products of any of these, although the sale of such proceeds by a first purchaser to a buyer in the ordinary course of business as provided in subsection (e) will cut off the security interest in those proceeds;
(B) the proceeds are accounts, chattel paper, instruments and documents; or
(C) the proceeds are cash proceeds; and
(2) for the length of time provided by K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-315, and amendments thereto, as to all other proceeds.
(d) This section creates a lien that secures the payment of all taxes that are or should be withheld or paid by the first purchaser, and a lien that secures the rights of any person who would be entitled to a security interest under subsection (c)(1)(A) of this section except for lack of any adoption of a security agreement by the first purchaser or a lack of possession or writing required by K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-201 or 84-9-203, and amendments thereto, for the security interest to be enforceable.
(e) The security interests and liens created by this section have priority over bona fide purchasers (transferees in bulk and other buyers not in the ordinary course), but are cut off by the sale to a buyer from the first purchaser in the ordinary course of the first purchaser's business under K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-320, and amendments thereto, but in either case, whether or not the buyer from the first purchaser is in the ordinary course, a security interest will continue in the proceeds of the sale by the first purchaser as provided in subsection (3).
(f) The security interest and all liens created by this section will have the following priorities:
(1) Security interests created by this section shall be treated as purchase money security interests for purposes of determining their relative priority under K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-322, 84-9-323 or 84-9-324, and amendments thereto; holders of these security interests are not required to give the written notices as provided by K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-324, and amendments thereto, to enjoy purchase money priority over security interests with a prior financing statement covering inventory; and
(2) statutory liens created by this section are subordinate to all other perfected article 9 security interests, and have priority over unperfected article 9 security interests and the lien creditors, buyers and transferees mentioned in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-317 or 84-9-323, and amendments thereto.
(g) The security interests and liens created by this section have the following priorities among themselves:
(1) If a writing effective as a financing statement under subsection (b) of this section exists, the security interests perfected by that writing have priority over a security interest automatically perfected without filing under subsection (b) of this section. If several security interests perfected by writings exist, they have the same priority among themselves as established by real estate law for interests in oil and gas in place. If real estate law establishes no priority among them, they share priority pro rata;
(2) a security interest perfected automatically without filing under subsection (b) of this section has priority over a lien created under subsection (d) of this section; and
(3) a nontax lien under subsection (d) of this section has priority over a lien created under that subsection that secures the payment of taxes.
(h) The statutory lien created by this section shall not be considered a "possessory lien" as defined by K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-333, and amendments thereto. The provisions of K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-333, and amendments thereto, shall not apply to the statutory lien created by this section. However, if any pipeline common carrier has a statutory or tariff lien which is effective and enforceable against a trustee in bankruptcy and not invalidated by the federal tax lien act, it will have priority over the security interests and statutory liens created by this section.
(i) If oil or gas production in which there are security interests or statutory liens created by this section is commingled with inventory or other production, the rules of K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-336, and amendments thereto, apply.
(j) A security interest or statutory lien created by this section remains effective against the debtor and perfected against the debtor's creditors even if assigned, regardless of whether the assignment is perfected against the assignor's creditors. If a deed, mineral deed, assignment of oil or gas lease, or other such writing evidencing the assignment is filed in the real estate records of the county, it will have the same effect as filing an amended financing statement under K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-515, and amendments thereto.
(k) This section does not impair an operator's right to setoff or withhold funds from other interest owners as security for or in satisfaction of any debt or security interest. In case of a dispute between an operator and another interest owner, a good faith tender by anyone of funds to the person they shall agree on or who may otherwise be shown to be the one entitled to the funds or to a court of competent jurisdiction in the event of litigation or bankruptcy, shall operate as a tender of the funds to both.
(l) A first purchaser who acts in good faith may terminate an interest owner's security interest or statutory lien under this section by paying, or by making and keeping open a tender of the amount the first purchaser believes to be due to the interest owner:
(1) If the interest owner's rights are to oil or gas production or its proceeds, either to the operator alone, in which case the operator shall be considered the first purchaser, or to some combination of the interest owner and the operator, as the first purchaser chooses;
(2) whatever the nature of the production to which the interest owner has rights, to the person that the interest owner agreed to or acquiesced in; or
(3) to a court of competent jurisdiction in the event of litigation or bankruptcy.
(m) A person who buys from a first purchaser can assure that such person buys free and clear of an interest owner's security interest or statutory lien under this section:
(1) By buying in the ordinary course of the first purchaser's business from the first purchaser under K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-320, and amendments thereto;
(2) by obtaining the interest owner's consent to the sale under K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 84-9-315, and amendments thereto;
(3) by insuring that the first purchaser has paid the interest owner, or else, provided that gas production is involved, or the interest owner has so agreed or acquiesced, by insuring that the first purchaser has paid the interest owner's operator; or
(4) by insuring that such person or the first purchaser or some other person has withheld funds sufficient to pay amounts in dispute and has maintained a tender of such funds to whoever may be shown to be the person entitled. If a tender which is valid thereafter fails, the security interest and liens governed by this section remain effective.
(n) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to impair or affect the remedies available at law or in equity to the holders of security interests and liens created by this section.
(o) The rights of any person claiming under a security interest or lien created by this section are governed by the other provisions of this chapter except to the extent that this section necessarily displaces those provisions. This section does not invalidate or otherwise affect the interests of any person in any real property prior to severance of any oil or gas production.
(p) In this section:
(1) "Oil and gas production" means any oil, natural gas, condensate or either, natural gas liquids, other gaseous, liquid or dissolved hydrocarbons, sulfur, or helium, or other substance produced as a by-product or adjunct to their production, or any combination of these, which is severed, extracted or produced from the ground within the jurisdiction of the state of Kansas. Any such substance, including recoverable or recovered natural gas liquids, which is transported to or in a natural gas pipeline or natural gas gathering system, or otherwise transported or sold for use as natural gas, or is transported or sold for the extraction of helium or natural gas liquids is "gas production." Any such substance which is transported or sold to persons and for purposes not included in the foregoing natural gas definition is oil production.
(2) "Interest owner" means a person owning an entire or fractional interest of any kind or nature in oil or gas production at the time of severance, or a person who has an express, implied or constructive right to receive a monetary payment determined by the value of oil or gas production or by the amount of production.
(3) "First purchaser" means the first person that purchases oil or gas production from an operator or interest owner after the production is severed, or an operator that received production proceeds from a third-party purchaser who acts in good faith under a division order or other agreement signed by the operator under which the operator collects proceeds of production on behalf of other interest owners. To the extent the operator receives proceeds attributable to the interest of other interest owners from a third-party purchaser who acts in good faith under a division order or other agreement signed by such operator the operator shall be considered to be the first purchaser of the production for all purposes under this section, notwithstanding the characterization of other persons as first purchasers under other laws or regulations. To the extent the operator has not received from the third-party purchaser proceeds attributable to the operator's interest and the interest of other interest owners, the operator is not considered the first purchaser for the purposes of this section, and is entitled to all rights and benefits under this section. Nothing herein shall impair or affect any rights otherwise held by a royalty owner to take its share of oil or gas in kind or receive payment directly from a third-party purchaser for such royalty owner's share of oil or gas production with or without a previously made agreement.
(4) "Operator" means a person engaged in the business of severing oil and or gas production from the ground, whether for the operator alone, for other persons alone or for the operator and others.
(5) "Division order" means a document executed by an interest owner that acknowledges the accuracy of the name and address of that interest owner, its tax identification number, and the quantum and type of interest of such interest owner relating to the property described in the document. To the extent a division order purports to alter or amend the applicable oil or gas lease, including its express and implied covenants, the terms of such oil or gas lease shall prevail.
History: L. 2006, ch. 155, ยง 1; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 84 - Uniform Commercial Code

Article 9 - Secured Transactions

84-9-101 Short title.

84-9-102 Definitions and index of definitions.

84-9-103 Purchase-money security interest; application of payments; burden of establishing.

84-9-104 Control of deposit account.

84-9-105 Control of electronic chattel paper.

84-9-106 Control of investment property.

84-9-107 Control of letter-of-credit right.

84-9-108 Sufficiency of description.

84-9-109 Scope.

84-9-110 Security interests arising under Article 2 or 2a.

84-9-201 General effectiveness of security agreement.

84-9-202 Title to collateral immaterial.

84-9-203 Attachment and enforceability of security interest; proceeds; supporting obligations; formal requisites.

84-9-204 After-acquired property; future advances.

84-9-205 Use or disposition of collateral permissible.

84-9-206 Security interest arising in purchase or delivery of financial asset.

84-9-207 Rights and duties of secured party having possession or control of collateral.

84-9-208 Additional duties of secured party having control of collateral.

84-9-209 Duties of secured party if account debtor has been notified of assignment.

84-9-210 Request for accounting; request regarding list of collateral or statement of account.

84-9-301 Law governing perfection of priority of security interests.

84-9-302 Law governing perfection and priority of agricultural liens.

84-9-303 Law governing perfection and priority of security interests in goods covered by a certificate of title.

84-9-304 Law governing perfection and priority of security interests in deposit accounts.

84-9-305 Law governing perfection and priority of security interests in investment property.

84-9-306 Law governing perfection and priority of security interests in letter-of-credit rights.

84-9-307 Location of debtor, registered organization, United States, foreign bank branch or agency, or foreign air carrier.

84-9-308 When security interest or agricultural lien is perfected; continuity of perfection.

84-9-309 Security interest perfected upon attachment.

84-9-310 When filing required to perfect security interest or agricultural lien; security interests and agricultural liens to which filing provisions do not apply.

84-9-311 Perfection of security interests in property subject to other laws; duration and renewal of perfection; inapplicability to certain collateral.

84-9-312 Perfection of security interests in chattel paper, deposit accounts, documents, goods covered by documents, instruments, investment property, letter-of-credit rights, and money; perfection by permissive filing; temporary perfection without f...

84-9-313 When possession by or delivery to secured party perfects security interest without filing.

84-9-314 Perfection by control.

84-9-315 Secured party's rights on disposition of collateral and in proceeds.

84-9-316 Continued perfection of security interest following change in governing law.

84-9-317 Interests that take priority over or take free of security interest or agricultural lien.

84-9-318 No interest retained in right to payment that is sold; rights and title of seller of account or chattel paper with respect to creditors and purchasers.

84-9-319 Rights and title of consignee with respect to creditors and purchasers.

84-9-320 Buyer of goods.

84-9-321 Licensee of general intangible and lessee of goods in ordinary course of business.

84-9-322 Priorities among conflicting security interests in and agricultural liens on same collateral.

84-9-323 Future advances.

84-9-324 Priority of purchase-money security interests.

84-9-325 Priority of security interests in transferred collateral.

84-9-326 Priority of security interests created by new debtor; multiple original debtors.

84-9-327 Priority of security interests in deposit account.

84-9-328 Priority of security interests in investment property.

84-9-329 Priority of security interests in letter-of-credit right.

84-9-330 Priority of purchaser of chattel paper or instrument.

84-9-331 Priority of rights of purchasers of instruments, documents, and securities under other articles; priority of interests in financial assets and security entitlements under article 8.

84-9-332 Transfer of money; transfer of funds from deposit account.

84-9-333 Priority of certain liens arising by operation of law.

84-9-334 Priority of security interests in fixtures and crops.

84-9-335 Accessions.

84-9-336 Commingled goods.

84-9-337 Priority of security interests in goods covered by certificate of title.

84-9-338 Priority of security interest or agricultural lien perfected by filed financing statement providing certain incorrect information.

84-9-339 Priority subject to subordination.

84-9-339a Security interests in proceeds from oil and gas production; perfection; priority; definition of terms.

84-9-340 Effectiveness of right of recoupment or set-off against deposit account.

84-9-341 Bank's rights and duties with respect to deposit account.

84-9-342 Bank's right to refuse to enter into or disclose existence of control agreement.

84-9-401 Alienability of debtor's rights.

84-9-402 Secured party not obligated on contract of debtor or in tort.

84-9-403 Agreement not to assert defenses against assignee.

84-9-404 Rights acquired by assignee; claims and defenses against assignee.

84-9-405 Modification of assigned contract.

84-9-406 Discharge of account debtor; notification of assignment; identification and proof of assignment; restrictions on assignment of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, and promissory notes ineffective.

84-9-407 Restrictions on creation or enforcement of security interest in leasehold interest or in lessor's residual interest.

84-9-408 Restrictions on assignment of promissory notes, health-care-insurance receivables, and certain general intangibles ineffective.

84-9-409 Restrictions on assignment of letter-of-credit rights ineffective.

84-9-501 Filing office.

84-9-502 Contents of financing statement; record of mortgage as financing statement; time of filing financing statement.

84-9-503 Same; name of debtor.

84-9-504 Indication of collateral.

84-9-505 Filing and compliance with other statutes and treaties for consignments, leases, other bailments, and other transactions.

84-9-506 Effect of errors or omissions.

84-9-507 Effectiveness of financing statement; disposition of collateral; seriously misleading information; change in debtor's name.

84-9-508 Effectiveness of financing statement if new debtor becomes bound by security agreement.

84-9-509 Persons entitled to file a record.

84-9-510 Effectiveness of filed record.

84-9-511 Secured party of record.

84-9-512 Amendment of financing statement.

84-9-513 Termination statement.

84-9-514 Assignment of powers of secured party of record.

84-9-515 Duration and effectiveness of financing statement; lapse and continuation of financing statement.

84-9-516 What constitutes filing; effectiveness of filing.

84-9-517 Effect of indexing errors.

84-9-518 Filing information statements identifying inaccurate or wrongfully filed records; contents.

84-9-519 Numbering, maintaining, and indexing records; communicating information provided in records.

84-9-520 Acceptance and refusal to accept record.

84-9-521 Written initial financing statement and amendment; form.

84-9-522 Maintenance and destruction of records.

84-9-523 Information from filing office; sale or license of records.

84-9-524 Delay by filing office.

84-9-525 Fees.

84-9-526 Filing office rules.

84-9-527 Duty to report.

84-9-601 Rights after default; judicial enforcement; consignor or buyer of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles or promissory notes.

84-9-602 Waiver and variance of rights and duties.

84-9-603 Agreement on standards concerning rights and duties.

84-9-604 Procedure if security agreement covers real property or fixtures.

84-9-605 Unknown debtor or secondary obligor.

84-9-606 Time of default for agricultural lien.

84-9-607 Collection and enforcement by secured party.

84-9-608 Application of proceeds of collection or enforcement; liability for deficiency and right to surplus.

84-9-609 Secured party's alternatives after default; with or without judicial process; assembly of collateral.

84-9-610 Disposition of collateral after default.

84-9-611 Notification before disposition of collateral.

84-9-612 Timelines of notification before disposition of collateral.

84-9-613 Contents and form of notification before disposition of collateral; general.

84-9-614 Contents and form of notification before disposition of collateral; consumer-goods transaction.

84-9-615 Application of proceeds of disposition; liability for deficiency and right to surplus.

84-9-616 Explanation of calculation of surplus or deficiency.

84-9-617 Rights of transferee of collateral.

84-9-618 Rights and duties.

84-9-619 Transfer of record or legal title.

84-9-620 Acceptance of collateral in full or partial satisfaction of obligation; compulsory disposition of collateral.

84-9-621 Notification of proposal to accept collateral.

84-9-622 Effect of acceptance of collateral.

84-9-623 Right to redeem collateral.

84-9-624 Waiver.

84-9-625 Judicial remedies for secured party noncompliance; damages.

84-9-626 Action in which deficiency or surplus is in issue. Applicable rules if amount of deficiency or surplus in issue.

84-9-627 Determination of whether conduct was commercially reasonable.

84-9-628 Nonliability and limitation on liability of secured party.

84-9-702 Savings clause.

84-9-703 Security interest perfected before effective date.

84-9-704 Security interest unperfected before effective date.

84-9-705 Effectiveness of action taken before effective date.

84-9-706 When initial financing statement suffices to continue effectiveness of financing statement.

84-9-707 Pre-effective-date financing statement; applicable law; amendment.

84-9-708 Persons entitled to file initial financing statement or continuation statement.

84-9-709 Priority.

84-9-801 Specifying sections that are part of article 9 of the uniform act.

84-9-802 Savings clause.

84-9-803 Security interest perfected before effective date.

84-9-804 Security interest unperfected before effective date.

84-9-805 Effectiveness of action taken before effective date.

84-9-806 When initial financing statement suffices to continue effectiveness of financing statement.

84-9-807 Amendment of pre-effective date financing statement.

84-9-808 Person entitled to file initial financing statement or continuation statement.

84-9-809 Priority.