Kansas Statutes
Article 6a - Meat And Poultry
65-6a44a Secretary to establish standards of identity for water added pork products.

65-6a44a. Secretary to establish standards of identity for water added pork products. (a) The secretary of agriculture shall adopt rules and regulations establishing standards of identity for water added pork products within 60 days after the effective date of this act.
(b) The provisions of this section are a part of and supplemental to the Kansas meat and poultry inspection act.
History: L. 1981, ch. 243, § 2; L. 2004, ch. 101, § 101; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 65 - Public Health

Article 6a - Meat And Poultry

65-6a18 Definitions.

65-6a19 Cooperation with U.S. department of agriculture.

65-6a20 Inspection of livestock, rabbits and poultry before slaughter; separate slaughter for diseased; inspection of carcasses.

65-6a21 Post-mortem inspection of carcasses capable of use as human food; marking or labeling; destruction of adulterated carcasses for food purposes; removal of inspectors for failure to destroy.

65-6a22 Inspection of carcasses prior to entry into department for processing; inspection of meat and poultry food products returned to slaughtering or processing establishment; limitation of entry of carcasses and products.

65-6a23 Inspection of meat and poultry food products; inspectors' ingress and egress; marking or labeling of products; destruction of adulterated products; removal of inspectors.

65-6a24 Packaged meat and poultry products; labeling and container standards; violations, procedure; hearing; judicial review.

65-6a25 Sanitary conditions of establishments; sanitation rules and regulations; adulterated meat, poultry or products.

65-6a26 Inspection during both day and nighttime operation; inspection fee schedule; overtime payment.

65-6a27 Violations of act.

65-6a28 Acts involving official marks, labels and certificates or simulation thereof prohibited.

65-6a29 Horses, mules and rabbits; labeling of carcass or products; preparation in separate establishment.

65-6a30 Meat and poultry inspection program established; personnel; inspection duties; rules and regulations.

65-6a31 Exceptions to inspection requirements; custom slaughtering.

65-6a32 Storage and handling of meat, poultry and food products; rules and regulations.

65-6a33 Slaughter and preparation of meat and products not for human food, not inspected; identification.

65-6a34 Engaging in business; registration required; annual fee; reinstatement fee.

65-6a34a Denial or suspension of registration; hearing; appeal.

65-6a35 Cooperation with U.S. secretary of agriculture; appointment to advisory committees.

65-6a36 Refusal to provide or withdraw inspection services for applicant or recipient convicted of certain offenses; hearing.

65-6a37 Adulterated or misbranded meat or products; procedure.

65-6a38 Act not affecting trade of locker plant located near border of state.

65-6a39 Jurisdiction to enforce act vested in district court.

65-6a40 Penalties.

65-6a41 Records; maintenance and access to records; refusal to furnish certain information and documents to secretary unlawful.

65-6a43 Severability of act.

65-6a44 Adoption of regulations.

65-6a44a Secretary to establish standards of identity for water added pork products.

65-6a45 Meat and poultry inspection; disposition of moneys received; meat and poultry inspection fee fund.

65-6a46 Title of act.

65-6a47 Imported meat, poultry or dairy products; labeling; definitions.

65-6a48 Same; enforcement of act.

65-6a49 Same; injunctions.

65-6a50 Same; prosecution for violation of act.

65-6a51 Same; rules and regulations.

65-6a52 Penalty.

65-6a53 Imported catfish; labeling.

65-6a54 Same; rules and regulations.

65-6a55 Same; violation of act; penalty.

65-6a56 Violations of meat and poultry inspection act; civil penalties; disposition of moneys.

65-6a57 Actions arising out of consumption of a meat product; liability of producer where livestock inspected under Kansas law.

65-6a58 Same; liability of producer where livestock inspected under federal law.Same; liability of producer where livestock inspected under federal law.

65-6a59 Voluntary inspection of animals.

65-6a60 Supervision of operations; slaughtering operations; processing operations; work schedules.