Kansas Statutes
Article 34 - Solid And Hazardous Waste
65-34,136 Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tanks; duties of state fire marshal; civil penalties; annual report; rules and regulations.

65-34,136. Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tanks; duties of state fire marshal; civil penalties; annual report; rules and regulations. (a) As used in this section:
(1) "Facility" means all buildings, equipment, structures, tanks and other stationary items which are located on a single site or on contiguous or adjacent sites and which are owned or operated by the same person or by any person which controls, is controlled by or under common control with such person, upon which one or more non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tank system or systems is located, with bulk storage stations and terminals having a bulk storage total capacity of 10,000 gallons or more of flammable or combustible liquids.
(2) "Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid" means flammable or combustible liquids not used for fuel including, but not limited to, solvents. "Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid" shall not include the following compounds: New and used motor oil, transmission fluid, hydraulic oil, grease and lube oil; asphalt; asphalt emulsion; road oil; crude oil; mineral oil; processed fat; food grade oil; vegetable oil; and ethylene glycol.
(3) "Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tank system" means an aboveground storage tank system that contains non-fuel flammable or combustible liquids.
(b) (1) On or before July 1, 2009, the state fire marshal shall conduct an on-site inspection of each facility in existence on the effective date of this section to determine compliance with all standards concerning flammable and combustible liquids contained in national fire protection association pamphlet no. 30, 2008 edition, and all rules and regulations concerning aboveground storage tanks.
(2) If the state fire marshal determines that a facility is in compliance with such standards, rules and regulations, the state fire marshal shall conduct an on-site inspection of the facility at least once every three years thereafter to determine continued compliance with such standards, rules and regulations.
(3) If the state fire marshal determines that a facility is not in compliance with such standards, rules and regulations, the facility shall make all changes necessary to comply with such standards, rules and regulations as soon as practicable, but no later than July 1, 2012. Upon notification of compliance by the facility, but no later than July 1, 2012, the state fire marshal shall conduct an on-site inspection of the facility to determine compliance. Upon determination of compliance, the state fire marshal shall conduct an on-site inspection of the facility at least once every three years thereafter to determine continued compliance with such standards, rules and regulations.
(c) (1) An application and plan for design, construction, major modification and installation of all non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tank facilities after the effective date of this section shall be submitted to the state fire marshal. Construction, major modification and installation of such facilities shall not commence until such application and plan is reviewed and approved by the state fire marshal in accordance with rules and regulations.
(2) The state fire marshal shall approve or deny such submitted applications and plans within 20 business days upon receipt of all necessary documentation as provided for in rules and regulations. If the state fire marshal requests additional information from the applicant, the state fire marshal shall have an additional 20 business days from the day of receipt of such information to approve or deny the submitted application and plan.
(3) The state fire marshal shall conduct an on-site inspection of each facility constructed after the effective date of this section, before such facility begins operation, to determine compliance with all standards concerning flammable and combustible liquids contained in national fire protection association pamphlet no. 30, 2008 edition, and all rules and regulations concerning aboveground storage tanks. Such facility shall not begin operation until the state fire marshal makes a determination of compliance. Upon determination of compliance, the state fire marshal shall conduct an on-site inspection of the facility at least once every three years thereafter to determine continued compliance with such standards, rules and regulations.
(d) On and after July 1, 2012, if the state fire marshal determines that a facility is not in compliance with all standards concerning flammable and combustible liquids contained in national fire protection association pamphlet no. 30, 2008 edition, and all rules and regulations concerning aboveground storage tanks, such facility shall be subject to a fine of $100 per tank every 30 days until the state fire marshal makes a determination of compliance. All fines assessed and collected under this section shall be remitted to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tank system fund.
(e) The state fire marshal shall report annually to the senate standing committee on natural resources and the house of representatives standing committee on agriculture and natural resources regarding inspections and compliance pursuant to this section.
(f) On or before September 1, 2008, the state fire marshal shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to administer and enforce the provisions of this section. Such rules and regulations shall include adoption of all standards concerning flammable and combustible liquids contained in national fire protection association pamphlet no. 30, 2008 edition.
(g) The state fire marshal shall adopt rules and regulations specifying subsequent editions of national fire protection association pamphlet no. 30 which the state fire marshal has determined to be equivalent to the 2008 edition. Compliance with any subsequent edition specified by such rules and regulations shall be considered compliance with the 2008 edition specified in this section.
(h) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas storage tank act.
History: L. 2008, ch. 89, § 1; Apr. 24.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 65 - Public Health

Article 34 - Solid And Hazardous Waste

65-3401 Statement of policy.

65-3402 Definitions.

65-3405 Solid waste management plan required; solid waste management committee; process for adoption and revision of plan; contents of plan.

65-3406 Duties and functions of secretary; rules and regulations; exemption of certain solid waste disposal areas from certain requirements.

65-3407 Permits to construct, alter or operate solid waste processing facilities and solid waste disposal areas; requirements for closure and post-closure care.

65-3407a Special land use permit for operation of solid waste disposal area void, when.

65-3407b Application of subsection (i)(2) of 65-3407 and 65-3407a.

65-3407c Exemptions from permit requirement; rules and regulations; reports.

65-3408 Compliance with act by state institutions and agencies; permits; contracts.

65-3409 Unlawful acts; penalties.

65-3410 Cities or counties authorized to provide for collection and disposal of solid wastes or contract therefor; fees; adoption of regulations and standards.

65-3410a Cities; counties; solid waste plan restrictions.

65-3410b Solid waste report; secretary of health and environment; certain legislative committees.

65-3411 Orders to prevent pollution or hazard.

65-3412 Hearings in accordance with Kansas administrative procedure act; judicial review.

65-3413 Designation of local agency to act as agent of secretary.

65-3414 Enforcement by county or district attorney.

65-3415 Solid waste grants.

65-3415a Solid waste management fund.

65-3415b Solid waste tonnage fees.

65-3415e Fees on disposal at private disposal areas.

65-3415f Solid waste tonnage fees authorized to be imposed by counties; exceptions; collection and disposition of proceeds.

65-3416 Severability.

65-3416a Severability.

65-3416b Severability.

65-3417 Solid waste plans and programs; considerations; judicial review of secretary's actions.

65-3418 Vesting of title to solid waste; liability of generator; authority of resource recovery facilities provided by cities or counties or combinations thereof; contracts.

65-3419 Violations of act; penalties; procedure; injunctions.

65-3421 Resource recovery facilities provided by cities or counties; contracts.

65-3423 Same; contracts with private persons for performance of certain functions; authority of private entities.

65-3424 Definitions.

65-3424a Restrictions on disposal.

65-3424b Permits and standards.

65-3424d Tax on new tire sales.

65-3424e Same; failure to pay tax; penalties.

65-3424g Waste tire management fund.

65-3424h Same; rules and regulations.

65-3424i Tire retailers; requirements.

65-3424k Abatement and enforcement actions by secretary.

65-3424l Vehicle tire disposal; hearings and review of orders and decisions of secretary.

65-3425 Plastic bottles and containers; labeling requirements; violations; penalties.

65-3426 Solid waste grants advisory committee.

65-3427 Limitation on number of employees for solid waste management.

65-3428 Plastic bulk merchandise container sales; definitions; requirements.

65-3429 Same; exceptions.

65-3430 Hazardous wastes; definitions.

65-3431 Duties and functions of secretary; standards; permits; fees.

65-3433 Permit, construction or modification of facility; duties of secretary.

65-3435 Same; conditions precedent to approval of application.

65-3437 Same; application for permits, contents; duties of secretary.

65-3438 Same; secretary's decision on permit application; time period, extensions.

65-3439 Same; terms and conditions; revocation or suspension; appeals.

65-3440 Permit, revocation or suspension, hearing; judicial review.

65-3441 Unlawful acts; penalties.

65-3442 Same; vesting of title to hazardous waste; liability for cleanup costs.

65-3443 Prevention or removal of hazard or pollution.

65-3444 Violations of act; penalties.

65-3445 Protection from hazards; orders and injunctions; judicial review.

65-3446 Administrative penalties; procedure; hearing; judicial review.

65-3447 Administrative penalties; trade secrets; duties of secretary; disclosure of information.

65-3449 Same; notification of legislature and governor of site investigations for disposal of radioactive wastes; acquisition by state of physical sites, when; contracts by secretary for operation and closure of sites.

65-3450 Same; intervention of interested parties in civil actions.

65-3451 Same; time schedule for regulation of generators by secretary.

65-3452a Definition of hazardous substances.

65-3453 Authority of secretary concerning clean-up activities.

65-3454a Environmental response fund created; receipts and expenditures; subaccounts.

65-3455 Responsibility for payment of clean-up costs; actions to recover costs.

65-3456a Review of secretary's actions or decisions.

65-3457a Existing law regarding oil and gas pollution not affected.

65-3458 Burial prohibited; exceptions; procedure.

65-3460 Voluntary local hazardous waste programs; duties of the secretary; rules and regulations; reports.

65-3471 Definitions.

65-3472 Immunity; exceptions.

65-3491 Hazardous waste management fund.

65-34,100 Kansas storage tank act; statement of legislative findings.

65-34,101 Same; citation of act.

65-34,102 Definitions.

65-34,103 Exceptions to application of act.

65-34,104 Same; notification to department of tank's existence; form.

65-34,105 Rules and regulations.

65-34,106 Permit to construct, install, modify or operate storage tank.

65-34,107 Same; evidence of financial responsibility required; limitation of liability.

65-34,108 Enforcement of act; duties of owner or operator; records, reports, documents, other information.

65-34,109 Unlawful acts; penalties.

65-34,110 Same; licensure of tank installers and contractors; duties of secretary; examinations; inspections; unlawful acts, penalties; qualifications for licensure; reciprocal agreements; validity of license.

65-34,111 Same; denial, suspension or revocation of license, when.

65-34,112 Same; agreements between secretary and local governments or agencies thereof to act as secretary's agent to carry out provisions of act.

65-34,113 Civil penalties and remedies for violations.

65-34,114 Underground petroleum storage tank release trust fund.

65-34,115 Liability for costs of corrective action.

65-34,117 Environmental assurance fee; disposition of proceeds.

65-34,118 Corrective action; duties of owners and operators; duties of secretary; consent agreement, contents.

65-34,119 Reimbursement from aboveground and underground funds for corrective actions; conditions.

65-34,119a Retroactive reimbursement from underground fund.

65-34,120 Liability of state and its officers and employees limited; fund liability limits.

65-34,121 Annual report to governor and legislature.

65-34,122 Same; appeals from orders or decisions of secretary, procedure.

65-34,123 Abolishment of the underground fund and the aboveground fund.

65-34,124 Same; effective date of K.S.A. 65-34,114 through 65-34,123.

65-34,125 Severability.

65-34,126 Third party liability insurance plan.

65-34,127 Severability.

65-34,128 Storage tank fee fund.

65-34,129 Aboveground petroleum storage tank release trust fund.

65-34,130 Retroactive reimbursement from aboveground fund.

65-34,131 UST redevelopment fund; expenditures.

65-34,132 UST redevelopment fund; reimbursement.

65-34,133 UST redevelopment fund compensation advisory board.

65-34,134 Abolishment of UST redevelopment fund and compensation advisory board.

65-34,135 Underground storage tank operators, training program; requirements.

65-34,136 Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tanks; duties of state fire marshal; civil penalties; annual report; rules and regulations.

65-34,137 Non-fuel flammable or combustible liquid aboveground storage tank system fund.

65-34,138 Underground storage tank systems; secondary containment.

65-34,139 Underground storage tank systems; reimbursement for replacement.

65-34,141 Kansas drycleaner environmental response act; citation of act.

65-34,142 Definitions.

65-34,143 Rules and regulations.

65-34,144 Unlawful acts; penalties.

65-34,145 Registration; fee; posting.

65-34,146 Trust fund; establishment; credits; expenditures.

65-34,147 Same; criteria for expenditures.

65-34,148 Same; uses of moneys in fund; powers of department owner's liability, when; expenditure limit; deductible.

65-34,149 Liability limitations.

65-34,150 Environmental surcharge, gross receipts tax; disposition of proceeds.

65-34,151 Fee on purchase or acquisition of drycleaning solvent; disposition of proceeds.

65-34,152 Imposition of taxes and fees dependent on fund balance.

65-34,153 Review of secretary's orders and decisions.

65-34,154 Annual report to legislature.

65-34,155 Severability.

65-34,161 Title and application.

65-34,162 Definitions.

65-34,163 Rules and regulations.

65-34,164 Voluntary application; application of other laws; eligible property.

65-34,165 Application; fee; action on; agreement; deposit; access to property; termination of agreement; fund, use and disposition of.

65-34,166 Remedial action; determination whether required; plan.

65-34,167 Same; alternatives; factors considered.

65-34,168 Plan; approval or disapproval; procedures; approval void, when; verification of implementation.

65-34,169 Determination no further action required; issuance; void, when.

65-34,171 Application of other laws; EPA involvement.

65-34,172 Plan; enforcement; use of information as basis of other enforcement actions.

65-34,173 Annual report.

65-34,174 Severability.

65-34,175 Environmental stewardship fund; expenditures.

65-34,176 Risk management program act; risk management fund, expenditures; rules and regulations.

65-34,177 Contaminated property redevelopment act; citation of act.

65-34,178 Same; definitions.

65-34,179 Same; eligibility.

65-34,180 Same; requirements by the department.

65-34,181 Same; fees.

65-34,182 Same; modification of CELR.

65-34,183 Same; department remedies for providing fraudulent information.

65-34,184 Same; contaminated property redevelopment fund.

65-34,185 Same; rules and regulations.

65-34,186 Same; remedies.