65-2822. Same; quorum. Eight members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
History: L. 1957, ch. 343, § 22; L. 1986, ch. 229, § 38; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
65-2803 Prerequisite to practice a profession regulated by the board; exceptions; penalties.
65-2804 Attainment of legal age required prior to receiving permanent license.
65-2806 Form and type of license.
65-2807 License presumptive evidence of right to practice.
65-2811 Issuance of temporary permits; postgraduate permits.
65-2812 State board of healing arts; membership; appointment.
65-2813 State board of healing arts; qualifications of members.
65-2814 Same; terms of members; vacancies.
65-2817 Same; removal from office by governor, when.
65-2819 Same; seal; rules; oath; meetings.
65-2823 Same; compensation and expenses of members.
65-2824 Application for examination, contests; fees; documents and affidavits.
65-2825 Accredited schools; list.
65-2826 Where and when examinations held.
65-2827 List of eligible applicants prior to examinations.
65-2828 Rules and regulations designating examinations and passing grade; reexamination.
65-2831 Issuance of license; record.
65-2832 Preservation of examination results; availability.
65-2833 Endorsement licenses; requirements; rules and regulations.
65-2835 Certificate of standing; application; fee.
65-2838a Non-disciplinary resolution; procedure.
65-2840c Review committees; establishment; composition; expenses.
65-2846 Costs of proceedings; assessment of costs incurred.
65-2847 Same; costs due state; uncollectible, paid by board.
65-2849 Hearing of cause in district court; precedence.
65-2850 Same; appeal bond of licensee.
65-2851a Administrative proceedings; procedure, review and civil enforcement.
65-2852 Fees; collection by board.
65-2855 Fees; disposition of; healing arts fee fund.
65-2857 Injunction and quo warranto for unlawful practice of the healing arts.
65-2858 Same; authority conferred by 65-2857 additional to authority to prosecute criminally.
65-2859 Filing false documents with board; forgery; penalty.
65-2860 False impersonation; fraud; penalty.
65-2861 False swearing; penalty.
65-2862 Penalties for violations of act; second conviction.
65-2863a Administrative fines.
65-2864 Enforcement of act; investigations; evidence.
65-2865 Rules and regulations; filing.
65-2867 Certain acts prohibited; exceptions; penalties.
65-2869 Persons deemed engaged in practice of medicine and surgery.
65-2870 Persons deemed engaged in practice of osteopathy.
65-2871 Persons deemed engaged in practice of chiropractic.
65-2872 Persons not engaged in the practice of the healing arts.
65-2872b Same; administration of epinephrine; limitation of liability.
65-2873a Board authorized to grant license in particular circumstances; exceptions; requirements.
65-2873b Resident active license; requirements.
65-2875 Accredited schools of osteopathic medicine defined.
65-2876 Accredited school or college of chiropractic, defined.
65-2880 Pending actions; vested rights saved.
65-2881 Current licenses continued; renewal.
65-2885 Use of title by licensee.
65-2886 Licensee to comply with public health laws and regulations.
65-2887 Assisting unlicensed persons to practice optometry not authorized; exceptions.
65-2890 Name of act; citation.
65-2890a Provisions of act applicable to any regulated profession.
65-2891 Emergency care by healthcare providers; liability; standards of care applicable.
65-2891b Emergency care by non-health care providers; liability, standards of care applicable.
65-2892 Examination and treatment of persons under 18 for venereal disease; liability.
65-2892a Examination and treatment of minors for drug abuse, misuse or addiction; liability.
65-2893 Autopsies; performance of; authorization.
65-2895 Institutional license; qualifications; rights and restrictions; term of license.
65-2898a Confidentiality of complaints and reports relating thereto; disclosure, when.
65-28,104 Same; revocation of declaration.
65-28,108 Same; construction and effect of act.
65-28,121 Reports by hospitals and others; administrative fines for failure to report.
65-28,123 Temporary education license; issuance; qualifications; conditions; fee.
65-28,126 Changes in licensee's mailing and practice addresses; notice to board; penalties.
65-28,129 State board of healing arts; fingerprinting and criminal history.
65-28,130 Same; graduated sanctions; reference guide.
65-28,131 Same; website; licensee information.