Kansas Statutes
Article 8 - Employer And Employee Relations
44-806a Penalties for failure to file constitution, bylaws or annual report; cause of action to collect.

44-806a. Penalties for failure to file constitution, bylaws or annual report; cause of action to collect. (a) In case any labor organization which is required to file a copy of its constitution or bylaws or amendments or changes therein under K.S.A. 44-805, and amendments thereto, or to file an annual report under K.S.A. 44-806, and amendments thereto, shall fail or neglect to make such filing at the time prescribed, such labor organization shall be subject to a civil penalty of $100, and, if such labor organization shall not have made such filing within 60 days thereafter, it shall be subject to an additional civil penalty of $5 per day for each day's omission after the time limited in such statutes for making such filing and such sixty-day period. Such civil penalties may be recovered by an action in the name of the state, and all moneys recovered shall be remitted to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasury to the credit of the state general fund. Any labor organization shall have the right to be heard by the secretary of state upon the matter of determination of the amount of civil penalties due under this section. For good cause shown, the secretary of state may remit or waive all or any part of any such civil penalties.
(b) On complaint of the secretary of state that any labor organization has failed to make the filing required by said statutes, it shall be the duty of the county or district attorney, or the attorney general, to institute such action in the district court of Shawnee county, Kansas, or of any county in which such labor organization has an office.
History: L. 1974, ch. 207, § 1; L. 2001, ch. 5, § 143; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries

Article 8 - Employer And Employee Relations

44-801 Certain labor organizations prohibited from being representative unit for the purpose of collective bargaining.

44-802 Definitions.

44-803 Rights of employees.

44-804 Registration of business agents; annual fee.

44-805 Filing copy of constitution and bylaws and amendments.

44-806 Annual report; form and content; alternative filing of federal reports; fee.

44-806a Penalties for failure to file constitution, bylaws or annual report; cause of action to collect.

44-807 Records kept by secretary of state; availability.

44-808 Unlawful acts of employer.

44-809 Unlawful acts.

44-809a Certain acts unlawful and against public policy; construction.

44-810 Action to suspend or revoke license of business agent.

44-811 Action by or against unincorporated organization.

44-811a Purchasing and conveying of real estate by unincorporated labor organization.

44-812 Fees to state general fund.

44-813 Certain rights protected.

44-814 Violations of act; injunctions.

44-815 Invalidity of part.

44-816 Rules and regulations.

44-817 Mediators; appointment; functions; compensation; confidentiality.

44-818 Agricultural employment relations; declaration of public policy.

44-819 Agricultural employment relations; definitions.

44-820 Agricultural labor relations; board, when activated; composition, appointment and qualifications; powers and duties; meetings and compensation; deactivation.

44-821 Agricultural employee organizations authorized; purposes; limitations.

44-822 Rights of agricultural employers.

44-823 Certified employee organizations; duties of agricultural employers; determination and designation of appropriate unit; certification of representatives of appropriate unit; investigations, hearings and elections by board; membership in appropr...

44-824 Rights and duties of certified or recognized employee organizations.

44-825 Memorandum of agreement by representatives of employer and employee organization.

44-826 Impasse resolution procedures; board hearing; judicial review.

44-827 Dues check-off.

44-828 Prohibited practices.

44-829 Proceedings concerning prohibited practices; procedure; judicial review and enforcement of board's actions; remedies for certain violations.

44-830 Actions for damages.

44-831 Violations of right to work amendment; civil action for damages; attorneys' fees as costs, exception; limitation of actions.