Kansas Statutes
Article 7 - Employment Security Law
44-771 Unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council; creation; membership; terms; vacancies; dissolution; compensation; organization; duties and limitations; audit and executive session; staffing; initial report; certain duties of...

44-771. Unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council; creation; membership; terms; vacancies; dissolution; compensation; organization; duties and limitations; audit and executive session; staffing; initial report; certain duties of secretary; posting of materials; notifications; strategic staffing plan; rules and regulations; status reports. (a) (1) There is hereby created the unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council. The council shall consist of 13 members appointed as follows:
(A) Three members who, on account of their vocation, employment or affiliations, may be classed as representative of employers, one of whom shall be selected by the governor, one by the speaker of the house of representatives and one by the president of the senate;
(B) three members who, on account of their vocation, employment or affiliation, may be classed as representative of employees, one of whom shall be selected by the governor, one by the speaker of the house of representatives and one by the president of the senate;
(C) the chairpersons of the standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives to which legislation pertaining to the employment security law is customarily referred, appointed by the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, respectively;
(D) two members of the senate, one of whom shall be a member of the majority party appointed by the president of the senate and one of whom shall be a member of the minority party appointed by the minority leader of the senate;
(E) two members of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the majority party appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and one of whom shall be a member of the minority party appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives; and
(F) the secretary of labor or a designee of the secretary who has administrative responsibilities with respect to the unemployment insurance compensation system of the department of labor.
(2) Legislative members shall serve during the legislative session in which they are appointed to the council and shall remain members of the legislature in order to retain membership on the council. Vacancies of legislative members during a term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment only for the unexpired part of the term. The appointing authority for the legislative member may remove the member, reappoint the member or substitute another appointee for the member at any time.
(3) The members of the council shall be appointed and the council shall hold its first meeting within 30 days of the effective date of this act.
(b) All non-legislative members shall serve for three years or until the council is dissolved, whichever is shorter. Vacancies of non legislative members shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment only for the unexpired part of the term. The appointing authority for the member may remove the member, reappoint the member or substitute another appointee for the member at any time.
(c) The council shall be dissolved and the provisions of this section pertaining to the establishment, function and operation of the council shall no longer be in effect after three years from the date of the council's first meeting.
(d) Each member of the council shall be entitled to receive compensation for the member's services, together with the member's travel and other necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of the member's official duties, in accordance with policies adopted by the council. Members' compensation and expenses shall be paid from the employment security administration fund or any account of the state general fund of the department of labor, as designated by the secretary.
(e) The chairperson of the house of representatives standing committee on commerce, labor and economic development, or a successor committee to which legislation pertaining to employment security law is customarily referred, shall serve as the chairperson of the council when first organized and for the ensuing two years. The chairperson of the senate standing committee on commerce, or a successor committee to which legislation pertaining to employment security law is customarily referred, shall serve as the chairperson of the council for the next two years, and thereafter the office of chairperson shall continue to alternate between the chambers as provided herein.
(f) The council shall examine and recommend changes to the unemployment compensation system to include current limitations, new features and benefits, system enhancements and dynamic, accurate reporting for the benefit of both employers and individuals. The council shall also examine the process by which an individual files a claim for and receives benefits and any changes made to that process after the effective date of this section. The scope of the council's examinations and recommendations shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) The technological infrastructure used to file and process claims and pay benefits and the experience of individuals and employers participating in the process;
(2) system improvements or upgrades that will maximize responsiveness for individuals and employers;
(3) methods for information and data sharing across agency systems related to unemployment compensation to maximize efficiency; and
(4) system improvements or upgrades relating to system integrity by reporting vulnerabilities and recommended system enhancements to include identity verification and protection, social security administration cross-match, systematic alien verification for entitlement, incarceration cross-matches, interstate connection network, internet protocol address and data mining and analytics to detect and prevent fraud. Such data mining and analytics shall include current and future recommendations by the United States department of labor and the national association of state workforce agencies, including suspicious actor repository, suspicious email domains, foreign IP addresses, multi-state cross-match, identity verification, fraud alert system, and other assets provided by the unemployment insurance integrity center.
(g) (1) The council shall conduct an audit that shall examine the effects on the department of labor and the unemployment insurance system of fraudulent claims and improper payments during the period of March 15, 2020, through March 31, 2022, and the response by the department of labor to such fraudulent claims and improper payments during that period. The council shall select an independent firm to conduct the audit. The auditor shall have access to all confidential documents. The scope of the audit shall include, but not be limited to, the amounts and nature of improper payments and fraudulent claims, fraud processes and methods and the possibility of recovery of any improper payments. The audit shall also include, but not be limited to, an evaluation that provides likelihood of a data breach being a contributing factor to any fraudulent payments, improper network architecture allowing a potential breach to have occurred and a timeline of relevant events. The independent firm shall make a preliminary report to the council by May 1, 2022, and a final report by September 1, 2022, that shall be made publicly available by the council. The preliminary report should include, but not be limited to, an evaluation of systems with access to the payment and processing of claims, forensic endpoint images related to the claims and the external perimeter housing the claims systems, as well as an evaluation of the department of labor's response to claims. The council's report, and any subsequent report provided, shall also include information on the progress regarding the secretary's implementation of all program integrity elements and guidance issued by the United States department of labor and the national association of state workforce agencies as described in K.S.A. 44-772(e), and amendments thereto. Any confidential information shall be redacted and shall not be made public. The audit shall be paid for by the state, subject to appropriations therefor.
(2) The council may hold an executive session that shall not be public under the Kansas open meetings act for the purpose of hearing and discussing any confidential portions of the audit. The council shall follow the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4319, and amendments thereto, when conducting such an executive session.
(h) The council shall not examine the solvency of the unemployment compensation fund created by K.S.A. 44-710a, and amendments thereto, or changes that would either increase or reduce benefits paid from the fund.
(i) The staff of the legislative research department, the office of revisor of statutes and the division of legislative administrative services shall provide such assistance as may be requested by the chairperson.
(j) (1) The council shall only have access to records of the department of labor that are necessary for the administration and duties of the council. The council shall not have access to any confidential or personal identifying information. The council may request that the secretary of labor, department of labor employee or any private or public employer or employee with information of value to the council appear before the council and testify to matters within the council's purview.
(2) Not later than 14 days after the council's first meeting, the council shall issue an initial report that, at a minimum, describes the state of the process by which an individual files a claim for and receives benefits under the employment security law at the time the report is issued and planned improvements to the process. The council may address other matters within the council's purview in the report.
(3) The secretary of labor shall post all testimony and other relevant materials discussed, presented to or produced for the council on a publicly accessible website maintained by the secretary.
(k) The secretary of labor shall notify the chairperson of the council of any unauthorized third-party access to or acquisition of records maintained by the secretary that are necessary for the administration of the employment security law. The secretary shall provide the notice not more than five days after the secretary discovers or is notified of the unauthorized access or acquisition.
(l) The secretary of labor shall notify the members of the council of any substantial disruption in the process by which applications for determination of benefit rights and claims for benefits are filed with the secretary. The council shall, in cooperation with the secretary, adopt and periodically review a definition of substantial disruption for purposes of this subsection.
(m) (1) The secretary of labor shall, with the assistance of the council:
(A) Develop a written strategic staffing plan to be implemented whenever there is a substantial increase or a substantial decrease in the number of inquiries or claims for benefits and review the plan in accordance with the provisions of subsection (n);
(B) create, in a single place on the website maintained by the secretary, a list of all points of contact by which an applicant for or a recipient of unemployment compensation benefits or an employer may submit inquiries related to the employment security law; and
(C) adopt rules and regulations creating a uniform process through which an applicant for or a recipient of benefits under the employment security law or an employer may submit a complaint related to the service the applicant, recipient or employer received.
(2) In the written strategic staffing plan required under paragraph (1)(A), the secretary shall include an explanation of whether and in what manner the secretary will utilize:
(A) Department employees who do not ordinarily perform services related to unemployment compensation;
(B) employees employed by other state agencies; and
(C) employees provided by private entities.
(n) For purposes of subsection (m)(1)(A), the secretary of labor shall develop the initial written strategic staffing plan and provide such plan to the council, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the governor. The secretary shall review the plan at least once per year. If, after reviewing the plan, the secretary determines that the plan should be revised, the secretary shall revise the plan. After each review of the plan as provided under this subsection, the secretary shall provide the most recent version of the plan to the council, the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of representatives and the governor. The secretary shall post the most recent version of the plan on a publicly accessible website maintained by the secretary.
(o) The council may suggest rules and regulations for adoption by the secretary as necessary to implement the provisions of this section.
(p) The secretary of labor or the secretary's designee shall provide status reports on or before the 15th day and the last day of each month to the council. The reports shall include, but not be limited to, the status of the new unemployment information technology system upgrade timeline, progress, budget and the overall project status. At such time that the new system becomes operational, the reports shall include, but not be limited to, system performance and process updates.
(q) This section shall be a part of and supplemental to the employment security law.
History: L. 2021, ch. 92, ยง 1; May 13.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries

Article 7 - Employment Security Law

44-701 Short title.

44-702 Declaration of state public policy.

44-703 Definitions.

44-704 Benefits; limitations on; notification of claimant's employment to secretary for children and families.

44-704a Extended benefits.

44-704b Same; disqualification conditions; suitable work defined.

44-705 Benefit eligibility conditions; procedure regarding refusals of suitable work; notice to claimant.

44-706 Disqualification for benefits; examination by secretary; substance abuse program, approval of; job skills program, approval.

44-706a Application of 44-705, 44-706.

44-709 Claims for benefits; filing; determination of; appeals; appointment of referees; time computation; board of review, membership, compensation and duties; procedure; witness fees; judicial review; admissibility and effect of administrative actio...

44-710 Employer contributions, payment; rates; charging of benefit payments; employers held harmless for fraud; time computation; pooled fund; reimbursing employers, reports and payments, benefit costs, allocation, group accounts.

44-710a Same; classification of employers; establishment and assignment of annual rates; successor classifications; voluntary contributions; annual certification of Kansas account balance; employment security interest assessment fund, establishment o...

44-710b Rate of contributions, benefit cost rate and benefit liability, notification; review and redetermination; judicial review; periodic notification of benefits charged; federal employers held harmless for fraud; improper payments information rev...

44-710d Governmental entities; election, mode of payment; rated governmental employer; rate computation; notice.

44-710e Governmental entities; tax levy, use of proceeds; employee benefits contribution fund.

44-710f Counties to provide coverage for certain district court employees.

44-710i Common paymaster; wages actually disbursed by employer.

44-711 Period of liability for contributions; election and termination of employer coverage; exceptions; document copies, fees.

44-712 Employment security fund; loans from pooled money investment board, when.

44-713 Merit awards for certain employees.

44-713a In-service training.

44-714 Administration of act; powers and duties of secretary; employees, agents and contractors; reports and records, confidentiality; disclosure of information; witnesses, oaths and subpoenas; state-federal cooperation; fees for document copies.

44-715 Kansas state employment service; officers and employees; appointments; powers and duties.

44-716 Employment security administration fund.

44-716a Special employment security fund; creation; authorized expenditures and transfers.

44-717 Collection of employer payments; penalties and interest, interest assessments, past-due reports and payments; priorities; liens, enforcement; seizure and sale of property; procedure; refunds; cash deposit or bond; liability of officers and sto...

44-718 Protection of rights and benefits; penalties; recoupment of food stamp overissuances; withholding of state income tax from unemployment compensation.

44-719 Penalties for violation of act; repayment of benefits ineligibly received, interest thereon; criminal prosecution.

44-720 Representation in court; prosecutions.

44-721 Nonliability of state.

44-722 Saving clause.

44-723 Operation concurrent with federal act.

44-724 Separability of provisions.

44-725 Contributions and payments in lieu of contributions deductible in computation of Kansas taxable income.

44-727 Title to real property acquired with federal funds.

44-752 Sections 44-704a and 44-713a part of and supplemental to employment security law.

44-757 Short-term compensation program; definitions; rules and regulations; promotion of program; procedures; employer plans, requirements, review and approval; benefits, eligibility and amount; benefit period.

44-758 Lessor employing units and client lessees; liability for contributions on wages for services performed for client lessees; reports and records.

44-759 Administrative rulings; availability of.

44-760 Employment security insurance act for domestic violence survivors; citation.

44-761 Same; definitions.

44-762 Same; curriculum for claimants, implementation and approval.

44-763 Same; benefits not chargeable to employer's accounts.

44-764 Same; supplemental to employment security law.

44-765 Motor vehicle lease agreements; definitions; determination of employment relationship.

44-766 Employers; misclassification of employee; penalty.

44-767 Classification of workers; withholding tax and payroll information; unemployment insurance contributions due; determination of misclassification of worker, collection of income withholding taxes.

44-768 Determination of classification of worker as an employee or independent contractor; circumstances for reasonable basis of classification; imposition of penalties, when.

44-769 Annual report on investigations on misclassification of employees.

44-770 Report on employment refusal based on misconduct.

44-771 Unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council; creation; membership; terms; vacancies; dissolution; compensation; organization; duties and limitations; audit and executive session; staffing; initial report; certain duties of...

44-772 Unemployment insurance program information technology system; development; utilization of technology and features; deadline; inclusion of components, features and program integrity elements specified and defined by unemployment compensation mo...

44-773 Tax consequences information for claimants to be provided by secretary.

44-774 Posting of trust fund computations and data by secretary.

44-775 Establishment of my reemployment plan; duties of secretary of labor and secretary of commerce related to the provision of reemployment services; annual reports; duties of claimants.

44-776 Annual report by secretary concerning the employment security fund; recommendations; expiration of section.

44-777 Identity verification for claimants; form; permitted documentation; presentation to and verification by law enforcement officer; presumption of identity; immunity from liability for law enforcement.