Kansas Statutes
Article 7 - Employment Security Law
44-710a Same; classification of employers; establishment and assignment of annual rates; successor classifications; voluntary contributions; annual certification of Kansas account balance; employment security interest assessment fund, establishment o...

44-710a. Same; classification of employers; establishment and assignment of annual rates; successor classifications; voluntary contributions; annual certification of Kansas account balance; employment security interest assessment fund, establishment of; report to legislative coordinating council. (a) Classification of employers by the secretary. The term "employer" as used in this section refers to contributing employers. The secretary shall classify employers in accordance with their actual experience in the payment of contributions on their own behalf and with respect to benefits charged against their accounts with a view of fixing such contribution rates as will reflect such experience. If, as of the date such classification of employers is made, the secretary finds that any employing unit has failed to file any report required in connection therewith, or has filed a report which the secretary finds incorrect or insufficient, the secretary shall make an estimate of the information required from such employing unit on the basis of the best evidence reasonably available to the secretary at the time, and notify the employing unit thereof by mail addressed to its last known address. Unless such employing unit shall file the report or a corrected or sufficient report as the case may be, within 15 days after the mailing of such notice, the secretary shall compute such employing unit's rate of contributions on the basis of such estimates, and the rate as so determined shall be subject to increase but not to reduction on the basis of subsequently ascertained information. The secretary shall determine the contribution rate of each employer in accordance with the requirements of this section.
(1) New employers. (A) No employer will be eligible for a rate computation until there have been 24 consecutive calendar months immediately preceding the computation date throughout which benefits could have been charged against such employer's account.
(B) (i) (a) Each employer who is not eligible for a rate contribution shall pay contributions equal to 2.7% of wages paid during each calendar year with regard to employment, except such employers engaged in the construction industry shall pay a rate equal to 6%.
(b) (1) An employer who was not doing business in Kansas prior to July 1, 2014, shall be eligible for either the new employer rate under subsection (a)(1)(B)(i)(a) or the rate associated with the reserve ratio such employer experienced in the state which such employer was formerly located, but in no event less than 1% if such:
(A) Employer has been in operation in the other state or states for at least the three years immediately preceding the date such employer becomes a liable employer in Kansas;
(B) employer provides the authenticated account history from information accumulated from operations of such employer in the other state or all the other states necessary to compute a current Kansas rate; and
(C) employer's business operations established in Kansas are of the same nature, as defined by the North American industrial classification system, as conducted by such employer in the other state or states.
(2) The election authorized in subsection (a)(1)(B)(i)(b) of this section must be made in writing within 30 days after notice of Kansas liability. A rate in accordance with subsection (a)(1)(B)(i)(a) will be assigned unless a timely election has been made.
(3) If the election is made timely, the employer's account will receive the rate elected for the remainder of that rate year. The rate assigned for the next and subsequent years will be determined by the condition of the account on the computation date.
(ii) For purposes of this subsection (a), employers shall be classified by industrial activity in accordance with standard procedures as set forth in rules and regulations adopted by the secretary. Employers engaged in more than one type of industrial activity shall be classified by principal activity. All rates assigned will remain in effect for a complete calendar year. If the sale or acquisition of a new establishment would require reclassification of the employer to a different industry sector, the employer would be promptly notified, and the contribution rate applicable to the new industry sector would become effective the following January 1.
(C) "Computation date" means June 30 of each calendar year with respect to rates of contribution applicable to the calendar year beginning with the following January 1. In arriving at contribution rates for each calendar year, contributions paid on or before July 31 following the computation date for employment occurring on or prior to the computation date shall be considered for each contributing employer who has been subject to this act for a sufficient period of time to have such employer's rate computed under this subsection (a).
(2) Eligible employers. (A) A reserve ratio shall be computed for each eligible employer by the following method: Total benefits charged to the employer's account for all past years shall be deducted from all contributions paid by such employer for all such years. The balance, positive or negative, shall be divided by the employer's average annual payroll, and the result shall constitute the employer reserve ratio.
(B) Negative account balance employers, as defined in subsection (d), shall pay contributions at the rate referenced in subsection (a)(4)(B).
(C) Eligible employers, other than negative account balance employers, who do not meet the average annual payroll requirements as stated in K.S.A. 44-703(a)(2), and amendments thereto, will be issued the maximum rate indicated by the maximum rate group of standard rate schedule—standard schedule 7 in subsection (a)(4)(B)(ii) until such employer establishes a new period of 24 consecutive calendar months immediately preceding the computation date throughout which benefits could have been charged against such employer's account by resuming the payment of wages. Contribution rates effective for each calendar year thereafter shall be determined as prescribed below.
(D) If the amounts collected from negative account balance employers and paid into the employment security interest assessment fund for the purpose of paying interest due and owing on funds received from the federal unemployment account under title XII of the social security act are in excess of the amounts needed to pay interest due, the amounts in excess shall remain in the employment security interest assessment fund to be used to pay interest in future years. Whenever the secretary certifies all interest payments have been paid, any excess funds remaining in the employment security interest assessment fund shall be transferred to the employment security trust fund for the purpose of paying any remaining principal amount due for advances described in this section. In the event that the amount transferred from the employment security interest assessment fund exceeds such remaining amount of principal due, the balance shall be used for the purposes of the employment security trust fund.
(3) Entering and expanding employer. (A) The secretary, as a method of providing for a reduced rate of contributions to an employer shall verify the qualifications in this statute that bear a direct relation to unemployment risk for that employer.
(B) If, as of the computation date, an eligible, positive balance employer's reserve ratio is significantly affected due to an increase in the employer's taxable payroll of at least 100% and such increase is attributable to a growth in employment, and not to a change in the taxable wage base from the previous year, the secretary shall assign a reduced rate of contributions for a period of three years.
(i) Such reduced rate of contributions shall be the new employer rate described in subsection (a)(1)(B)(i)(a), or a rate based on the employer's demonstrated risk as reflected in the employer's reserve fund ratio history.
(ii) To be eligible for such reduced rate, the employer must maintain a positive account balance throughout the reduced-rate period and must have an increase in account balance for each year.
(4) (A) For each rate year, the contribution schedule in effect shall be determined by the applicable fund control table and rate schedule table of subsection (a)(4)(B).
(B) Effective rates. (i) Employer contribution rates to be effective for each calendar year shall be determined by the applicable rate schedule in clause (ii) and the fund control table for the rate year as specified contained in this clause. The average high cost multiple of the trust fund as of the computation date shall determine the contribution schedule in effect for the next rate year. For purposes of subsection (a)(4)(B)(i), the average high cost multiple is the reserve fund ratio divided by the average high benefit cost rate. The average high benefit cost rate shall be determined by averaging the three highest benefit cost rates over the last 20 years from the preceding fiscal year which ended June 30. The high benefit cost rate is defined by dividing total benefits paid in the fiscal year by total payrolls for covered employers in the fiscal year. The reserve fund ratio shall be determined by dividing total assets in the employment security fund provided for in K.S.A. 44-712(a), and amendments thereto, excluding all moneys credited to the account of this state pursuant to section 903 of the federal social security act, as amended, that have been appropriated by the legislature, whether or not withdrawn from the trust fund, and excluding contributions not yet paid on July 31, by total payrolls for contributing employers for the preceding fiscal year that ended on June 30.
Fund Control Table A
For Rate Years 2016-2021
Lower AHCM  Upper AHCM  Solvency AdjustmentThreshold  Threshold  to Rate per      Standard Rate Schedule
-1,000.00000  0.19999  1.60%
0.20000  0.44999  1.40%
0.45000  0.59999  1.20%
0.60000  0.74999  1.00%
0.75000  1.14999  0.00%
1.15000  1,000.00000  -0.50%
Fund Control Table BFor Rate Year 2022 and Ensuing Calendar Years
KS SUTA  Lower  Upper   Solvency/Credit   Solvency/Credit   Solvency/CreditTax Rate   AHCM   AHCM   Adjustment to  Adjustment as a   Adjustment as aSchedules  Threshold  Threshold  Maximum  Rate Group  Total % to      Standard Rate   Multiplier to  Employer's        Standard, Earned  Standard, Earned        Rate Group  Rate Group
  1  1,000.00000  0.00001  2.00%  0.05263%  26.32%
  2  0.00000  0.24999  1.80%  0.04737%  23.68%
Solvency  3  0.25000  0.44999  1.60%  0.04211%  21.05%
Schedules  4  0.45000  0.59999  1.40%  0.03684%  18.42%
(1-6)  5  0.60000  0.69999  1.20%  0.03158%  15.79%
  6  0.70000  0.74999  1.00%  0.02632%  13.16%
Schedule  7  0.75000  1.24999  0.00%  0.00000%  0.00%
  8  1.25000  1.29999  1.00%  0.02632%  13.16%
Credit   9  1.30000  1.39999  1.20%  0.03158%  15.79%
Schedules  10  1.40000  1.54999  1.40%  0.03684%  18.42%
(8-13)  11  1.55000  1.74999  1.60%  0.04211%  21.05%
  12  1.75000  1.99999  1.80%  0.04737%  23.68%
  13  2.00000  1,000.00000  2.00%  0.05263%  26.32%
(ii) (a) Eligible employers shall be classified by rate group according to the standard rate schedule - standard rate schedule 7 in this section, for that rate year. Except as provided in subclause (b), for rate years 2016 through 2021, the rate pursuant to the standard rate schedule as adjusted by fund control table A shall apply. Except as provided in subclause (b), for rate year 2022 and ensuing calendar years, the rate pursuant to standard rate schedule 7, solvency schedules 1 through 6 or credit schedules 8 through 13 shall apply as provided by fund control table B.
(b) (1) In the event the full transfer of $250,000,000 is not made as provided in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 75-5745, and amendments thereto, to the employment security fund on or before July 15, 2021, all contributing employers shall pay the rate as set forth in standard rate schedule - standard rate schedule 7 for the 2022 calendar year.
(2) In the event the second transfer of up to $250,000,000 is not made as provided in K.S.A. 2021 Supp. 75-5745, and amendments thereto, to the employment security fund on or before July 15, 2022, all contributing employers shall pay the rate as set forth in standard rate schedules - standard rate schedule 7 for the 2023 calendar year.
Rate  Lower Reserve  Upper Reserve  StandardGroup  Ratio Limit  Ratio Limit  Rate
  1  18.590  1,000,000.000  0.20%
  2  17.875  18.589  0.40%
  3  17.160  17.874  0.60%
  4  16.445  17.159  0.80%
  5  15.730  16.444  1.00%
  6  15.015  15.729  1.20%
  7  14.300  15.014  1.40%
  8  13.585  14.299  1.60%
  9  12.870  13.584  1.80%
  10  12.155  12.869  2.00%
  11  11.440  12.154  2.20%
  12  10.725  11.439  2.40%
  13  10.010  10.724  2.60%
  14  9.295  10.009  2.80%
  15  8.580  9.294  3.00%
  16  7.865  8.579  3.20%
  17  7.150  7.864  3.40%
  18  6.435  7.149  3.60%
  19  5.720  6.434  3.80%
  20  5.005  5.719  4.00%
  21  4.290  5.004  4.20%
  22  3.575  4.289  4.40%
  23  2.860  3.574  4.60%
  24  2.145  2.859  4.80%
  25  1.430  2.144  5.00%
  26  0.715  1.429  5.20%
  27  0.000  0.714  5.40%
  N1  -0.714  -0.001  5.60%
  N2  -1.429  -0.715  5.80%
  N3  -2.144  -1.430  6.00%
  N4  -2.859  -2.145  6.20%
  N5  -3.574  -2.860  6.40%
  N6  -4.289  -3.575  6.60%
  N7  -5.004  -4.290  6.80%
  N8  -5.719  -5.005  7.00%
  N9  -6.434  -5.720  7.20%
  N10  -7.149  -6.435  7.40%
  N11  -1,000,000.000  -7.150  7.60%
RateGroup  1  2  3  4  5  6
1  0.252632%  0.247375%  0.24211%  0.23684%  0.23158%  0.22632%
2  0.505263%  0.49474%  0.48421%  0.47368%  0.46316%  0.45263%
3  0.757895%  0.74211%  0.72632%  0.71053%  0.69474%  0.67895%
4  1.010526%  0.98947%  0.96842%  0.94737%  0.92632%  0.90526%
5  1.263158%  1.23684%  1.21053%  1.18421%  1.15789%  1.13158%
6  1.515789%  1.48421%  1.45263%  1.42105%  1.38947%  1.35789%
7  1.768421%  1.73158%  1.69474%  1.65789%  1.62105%  1.58421%
8  2.021053%  1.97895%  1.93684%  1.89474%  1.85263%  1.81053%
9  2.273684%  2.22632%  2.17895%  2.13158%  2.08421%  2.03684%
10  2.526316%  2.47368%  2.42105%  2.36842%  2.31579%  2.26316%
11  2.778947%  2.72105%  2.66316%  2.60526%  2.54737%  2.48947%
12  3.031579%  2.96842%  2.90526%  2.84211%  2.77895%  2.71579%
13  3.284211%  3.21579%  3.14737%  3.07895%  3.01053%  2.94211%
14  3.536842%  3.46316%  3.38947%  3.31579%  3.24211%  3.16842%
15  3.789474%  3.71053%  3.63158%  3.55263%  3.47368%  3.39474%
16  4.042105%  3.95789%  3.87368%  3.78947%  3.70526%  3.62105%
17  4.294737%  4.20526%  4.11579%  4.02632%  3.93684%  3.84737%
18  4.547368%  4.45263%  4.35789%  4.26316%  4.16842%  4.07368%
19  4.800000%  4.70000%  4.60000%  4.50000%  4.40000%  4.30000%
20  5.052632%  4.94737%  4.84211%  4.73684%  4.63158%  4.52632%
21  5.305263%  5.19474%  5.08421%  4.97368%  4.86316%  4.75263%
22  5.557895%  5.44211%  5.32632%  5.21053%  5.09474%  4.97895%
23  5.810526%  5.68947%  5.56842%  5.44737%  5.32632%  5.20526%
24  6.063158%  5.93684%  5.81053%  5.68421%  5.55789%  5.43158%
25  6.315789%  6.18421%  6.05263%  5.92105%  5.78947%  5.65789%
26  6.568421%  6.43158%  6.29474%  6.15789%  6.02105%  5.88421%
27  6.821053%  6.67895%  6.53684%  6.39474%  6.25263%  6.11053%
N1  7.073684%  6.92632%  6.77895%  6.63158%  6.48421%  6.33684%
N2  7.326316%  7.17368%  7.02105%  6.86842%  6.71579%  6.56316%
N3  7.578947%  7.42105%  7.26316%  7.10526%  6.94737%  6.78947%
N4  7.831579%  7.66842%  7.50526%  7.34211%  7.17895%  7.01579%
N5  8.084211%  7.91579%  7.74737%  7.57895%  7.41053%  7.24211%
N6  8.336842%  8.16316%  7.98947%  7.81579%  7.64211%  7.46842%
N7  8.589474%  8.41053%  8.23158%  8.05263%  7.87368%  7.69474%
N8  8.842105%  8.65789%  8.47368%  8.28947%  8.10526%  7.92105%
N9  9.094737%  8.90526%  8.71579%  8.52632%  8.33684%  8.14737%
N10  9.347368%  9.15263%  8.95789%  8.76316%  8.56842%  8.37368%
N11  9.600000%  9.40000%  9.20000%  9.00000%  8.80000%  8.60000%
RateGroup  8  9  10  11  12  13
1  0.173684%  0.16842%  0.16316%  0.15789%  0.15263%  0.14737%
2  0.347368%  0.33684%  0.32632%  0.31579%  0.30526%  0.29474%
3  0.521053%  0.50526%  0.48947%  0.47368%  0.45789%  0.44211%
4  0.694737%  0.67368%  0.65263%  0.63158%  0.61053%  0.58947%
5  0.868421%  0.84211%  0.81579%  0.78947%  0.76316%  0.73684%
6  1.042105%  1.01053%  0.97895%  0.94737%  0.91579%  0.88421%
7  1.215789%  1.17895%  1.14211%  1.10526%  1.06842%  1.03158%
8  1.389474%  1.34737%  1.30526%  1.26316%  1.22105%  1.17895%
9  1.563158%  1.51579%  1.46842%  1.42105%  1.37368%  1.32632%
10  1.736842%  1.68421%  1.63158%  1.57895%  1.52632%  1.47368%
11  1.910526%  1.85263%  1.79474%  1.73684%  1.67895%  1.62105%
12  2.084211%  2.02105%  1.95789%  1.89474%  1.83158%  1.76842%
13  2.257895%  2.18947%  2.12105%  2.05263%  1.98421%  1.91579%
14  2.431579%  2.35789%  2.28421%  2.21053%  2.13684%  2.06316%
15  2.605263%  2.52632%  2.44737%  2.36842%  2.28947%  2.21053%
16  2.778947%  2.69474%  2.61053%  2.52632%  2.44211%  2.35789%
17  2.952632%  2.86316%  2.77368%  2.68421%  2.59474%  2.50526%
18  3.126316%  3.03158%  2.93684%  2.84211%  2.74737%  2.65263%
19  3.300000%  3.20000%  3.10000%  3.00000%  2.90000%  2.80000%
20  3.473684%  3.36842%  3.26316%  3.15789%  3.05263%  2.94737%
21  3.647368%  3.53684%  3.42632%  3.31579%  3.20526%  3.09474%
22  3.821053%  3.70526%  3.58947%  3.47368%  3.35789%  3.24211%
23  3.994737%  3.87368%  3.75263%  3.63158%  3.51053%  3.38947%
24  4.168421%  4.04211%  3.91579%  3.78947%  3.66316%  3.53684%
25  4.342105%  4.21053%  4.07895%  3.94737%  3.81579%  3.68421%
26  4.515789%  4.37895%  4.24211%  4.10526%  3.96842%  3.83158%
27  4.689474%  4.54737%  4.40526%  4.26316%  4.12105%  3.97895%
N1  4.863158%  4.71579%  4.56842%  4.42105%  4.27368%  4.12632%
N2  5.036842%  4.88421%  4.73158%  4.57895%  4.42632%  4.27368%
N3  5.210526%  5.05263%  4.89474%  4.73684%  4.57895%  4.42105%
N4  5.384211%  5.22105%  5.05789%  4.89474%  4.73158%  4.56842%
N5  5.557895%  5.38947%  5.22105%  5.05263%  4.88421%  4.71579%
N6  5.731579%  5.55789%  5.38421%  5.21053%  5.03684%  4.86316%
N7  5.905263%  5.72632%  5.54737%  5.36842%  5.18947%  5.01053%
N8  6.078947%  5.89474%  5.71053%  5.52632%  5.34211%  5.15789%
N9  6.252632%  6.06316%  5.87368%  5.68421%  5.49474%  5.30526%
N10  6.426316%  6.23158%  6.03684%  5.84211%  5.64737%  5.45263%
N11  6.600000%  6.40000%  6.20000%  6.00000%  5.80000%  5.60000%
(b) Successor classification. (1) (A) For the purposes of this subsection, whenever an employing unit, whether or not it is an "employing unit" within the meaning of of K.S.A. 44-703(g), and amendments thereto, becomes an employer pursuant to K.S.A. 44-703(h)(4), and amendments thereto, or is an employer at the time of acquisition and meets the definition of a "successor employer" as defined by K.S.A. 44-703(dd), and amendments thereto, and thereafter transfers its trade or business, or any portion thereof, to another employer and, at the time of the transfer, there is substantially common ownership, management or control of the two employers, then the unemployment experience attributable to the transferred trade or business shall be transferred to the employer to whom such business is so transferred. These experience factors consist of all contributions paid, benefit experience and annual payrolls of the predecessor employer. The transfer of some or all of an employer's workforce to another employer shall be considered a transfer of trade or business when, as the result of such transfer, the transferring employer no longer performs trade or business with respect to the transferred workforce, and such trade or business is performed by the employer to whom the workforce is transferred.
(B) If, following a transfer of experience under subparagraph (A), the secretary determines that a substantial purpose of the transfer or business was to obtain a reduced liability for contributions, then the experience rating accounts of the employers involved shall be combined into a single account and a single rate assigned to such account.
(2) A successor employer as defined by K.S.A. 44-703(h)(4) or (dd), and amendments thereto, may receive the experience rating factors of the predecessor employer if an application is made to the secretary or the secretary's designee in writing within 120 days of the date of the transfer.
(3) Whenever an employing unit, whether or not it is an "employing unit" within the meaning of K.S.A. 44-703(g), and amendments thereto, acquires or in any manner succeeds to a percentage of an employer's annual payroll which is less than 100% and intends to continue the acquired percentage as a going business, the employing unit may acquire the same percentage of the predecessor's experience factors if: (A) The predecessor employer and successor employing unit make an application in writing on the form prescribed by the secretary; (B) the application is submitted within 120 days of the date of the transfer; (C) the successor employing unit is or becomes an employer subject to this act immediately after the transfer; (D) the percentage of the experience rating factors transferred shall not be thereafter used in computing the contribution rate for the predecessor employer; and (E) the secretary finds that such transfer will not tend to defeat or obstruct the object and purposes of this act.
(4) (A) The rate of both employers in a full or partial successorship under paragraph (1) shall be recalculated and made effective on the first day of the next calendar quarter following the date of transfer of trade or business.
(B) If a successor employer is determined to be qualified under paragraph (2) or (3) to receive the experience rating factors of the predecessor employer, the rate assigned to the successor employer for the remainder of the contributions year shall be determined by the following:
(i) If the acquiring employing unit was an employer subject to this act prior to the date of the transfer, the rate of contribution shall be the same as the contribution rate of the acquiring employer on the date of the transfer.
(ii) If the acquiring employing unit was not an employer subject to this act prior to the date of the transfer, the successor employer shall have a newly computed rate for the remainder of the contribution year which shall be based on the transferred experience rating factors as they existed on the most recent computation date immediately preceding the date of acquisition. These experience rating factors consist of all contributions paid, benefit experience and annual payrolls.
(5) Whenever an employing unit is not an employer at the time it acquires the trade or business of an employer, the unemployment experience factors of the acquired business shall not be transferred to such employing unit if the secretary finds that such employing unit acquired the business solely or primarily for the purpose of obtaining a lower rate of contributions. Instead, such employing unit shall be assigned the applicable industry rate for a "new employer" as described in subsection (a)(1). In determining whether the business was acquired solely or primarily for the purpose of obtaining a lower rate of contributions, the secretary shall use objective factors which may include the cost of acquiring the business, whether the employer continued the business enterprise of the acquired business, how long such business enterprise was continued, or whether a substantial number of new employees were hired for performance of duties unrelated to the business activity conducted prior to acquisition.
(6) Whenever an employer's account has been terminated as provided in K.S.A. 44-711(d) and (e), and amendments thereto, and the employer continues with employment to liquidate the business operations, that employer shall continue to be an "employer" subject to the employment security law as provided in K.S.A. 44-703(h)(8), and amendments thereto. The rate of contribution from the date of transfer to the end of the then current calendar year shall be the same as the contribution rate prior to the date of the transfer. At the completion of the then current calendar year, the rate of contribution shall be that of a "new employer" as described in subsection (a)(1).
(7) No rate computation will be permitted an employing unit succeeding to the experience of another employing unit pursuant to this section for any period subsequent to such succession except in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the secretary. Any such regulations shall be consistent with federal requirements for additional credit allowance in section 3303 of the federal internal revenue code of 1986, and consistent with the provisions of this act.
(c) Voluntary contributions. Notwithstanding any other provision of the employment security law, any employer may make voluntary payments for the purpose of reducing or maintaining a reduced rate in addition to the contributions required under this section. Such voluntary payments may be made only during the thirty-day period immediately following the date of mailing of experience rating notices for a calendar year. All such voluntary contribution payments shall be paid prior to the expiration of 120 days after the beginning of the year for which such rates are effective. The amount of voluntary contributions shall be credited to the employer's account as of the next preceding computation date and the employer's rate shall be computed accordingly. Under no circumstances shall voluntary payments be refunded in whole or in part.
(d) As used in this section, "negative account balance employer" means an eligible employer whose total benefits charged to such employer's account for all past years have exceeded all contributions paid by such employer for all such years.
(e) There is hereby established in the state treasury, separate and apart from all public moneys or funds of this state, an employment security interest assessment fund, which shall be administered by the secretary as provided in this act. Moneys in the employment security fund established by K.S.A. 44-712, and amendments thereto, and employment security interest assessment fund established by K.S.A. 44-710, and amendments thereto, shall not be invested in the pooled money investment portfolio established under K.S.A. 75-4234, and amendments thereto. Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 44-712(a), K.S.A. 44-716, K.S.A. 44-717 and K.S.A. 75-4234, and amendments thereto, or any like provision the secretary shall remit all moneys received from employers pursuant to the interest payment pursuant to law, to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the employment security interest assessment fund. All moneys in this fund which are received from employers pursuant to the interest payment assessments shall be expended solely for the purposes and in the amounts found by the secretary necessary to pay any principal and interest due and owing the United States department of labor resulting from any advancements made to the Kansas employment security fund pursuant to the provisions of title XII of the social security act (42 U.S.C. §§ 1321 to 1324) except as may be otherwise provided under subsection (a)(2)(D). Notwithstanding any provision of this section, all moneys received and credited to this fund shall remain part of the employment security interest assessment fund and shall be used only in accordance with the conditions specified.
(f) The secretary of labor shall annually prepare and submit a certification as to the solvency and adequacy of the amount credited to the state of Kansas' account in the federal employment security trust fund to the governor and the legislative coordinating council. The certification shall be submitted on or before December 1 of each calendar year and shall be for the 12-month period ending on June 30 of that calendar year. In arriving at the certification contributions paid on or before July 31 following the 12-month period ending date of June 30 shall be considered.
History: L. 1945, ch. 220, § 6; L. 1947, ch. 291, § 4; L. 1949, ch. 288, § 6; L. 1955, ch. 251, § 4; L. 1957, ch. 296, § 1; L. 1959, ch. 223, § 5; L. 1963, ch. 277, § 1; L. 1971, ch. 180, § 5; L. 1972, ch. 192, § 3; L. 1973, ch. 205, § 7; L. 1974, ch. 205, § 2; L. 1975, ch. 261, § 2; L. 1976, ch. 370, § 63; L. 1978, ch. 192, § 1; L. 1978, ch. 193, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 160, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 215, § 3; L. 1983, ch. 169, § 5; L. 1983, ch. 170, § 3; L. 1984, ch. 183, § 3; L. 1984, ch. 184, § 6; L. 1987, ch. 191, § 6; L. 1989, ch. 150, § 4; L. 1990, ch. 186, § 5; L. 1993, ch. 251, § 6; L. 1995, ch. 71, § 1; L. 1995, ch. 239, § 1; L. 1996, ch. 21, § 1; L. 1997, ch. 43, § 1; L. 1998, ch. 33, § 1; L. 1999, ch. 167, § 3; L. 2001, ch. 139, § 4; L. 2004, ch. 105, § 5; L. 2004, ch. 179, § 60; L. 2005, ch. 138, § 2; L. 2007, ch. 16, § 3; L. 2011, ch. 85, § 6; L. 2013, ch. 106, § 8; L. 2014, ch. 27, § 1; L. 2015, ch. 57, § 2; L. 2021, ch. 92, § 17; May 13.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries

Article 7 - Employment Security Law

44-701 Short title.

44-702 Declaration of state public policy.

44-703 Definitions.

44-704 Benefits; limitations on; notification of claimant's employment to secretary for children and families.

44-704a Extended benefits.

44-704b Same; disqualification conditions; suitable work defined.

44-705 Benefit eligibility conditions; procedure regarding refusals of suitable work; notice to claimant.

44-706 Disqualification for benefits; examination by secretary; substance abuse program, approval of; job skills program, approval.

44-706a Application of 44-705, 44-706.

44-709 Claims for benefits; filing; determination of; appeals; appointment of referees; time computation; board of review, membership, compensation and duties; procedure; witness fees; judicial review; admissibility and effect of administrative actio...

44-710 Employer contributions, payment; rates; charging of benefit payments; employers held harmless for fraud; time computation; pooled fund; reimbursing employers, reports and payments, benefit costs, allocation, group accounts.

44-710a Same; classification of employers; establishment and assignment of annual rates; successor classifications; voluntary contributions; annual certification of Kansas account balance; employment security interest assessment fund, establishment o...

44-710b Rate of contributions, benefit cost rate and benefit liability, notification; review and redetermination; judicial review; periodic notification of benefits charged; federal employers held harmless for fraud; improper payments information rev...

44-710d Governmental entities; election, mode of payment; rated governmental employer; rate computation; notice.

44-710e Governmental entities; tax levy, use of proceeds; employee benefits contribution fund.

44-710f Counties to provide coverage for certain district court employees.

44-710i Common paymaster; wages actually disbursed by employer.

44-711 Period of liability for contributions; election and termination of employer coverage; exceptions; document copies, fees.

44-712 Employment security fund; loans from pooled money investment board, when.

44-713 Merit awards for certain employees.

44-713a In-service training.

44-714 Administration of act; powers and duties of secretary; employees, agents and contractors; reports and records, confidentiality; disclosure of information; witnesses, oaths and subpoenas; state-federal cooperation; fees for document copies.

44-715 Kansas state employment service; officers and employees; appointments; powers and duties.

44-716 Employment security administration fund.

44-716a Special employment security fund; creation; authorized expenditures and transfers.

44-717 Collection of employer payments; penalties and interest, interest assessments, past-due reports and payments; priorities; liens, enforcement; seizure and sale of property; procedure; refunds; cash deposit or bond; liability of officers and sto...

44-718 Protection of rights and benefits; penalties; recoupment of food stamp overissuances; withholding of state income tax from unemployment compensation.

44-719 Penalties for violation of act; repayment of benefits ineligibly received, interest thereon; criminal prosecution.

44-720 Representation in court; prosecutions.

44-721 Nonliability of state.

44-722 Saving clause.

44-723 Operation concurrent with federal act.

44-724 Separability of provisions.

44-725 Contributions and payments in lieu of contributions deductible in computation of Kansas taxable income.

44-727 Title to real property acquired with federal funds.

44-752 Sections 44-704a and 44-713a part of and supplemental to employment security law.

44-757 Short-term compensation program; definitions; rules and regulations; promotion of program; procedures; employer plans, requirements, review and approval; benefits, eligibility and amount; benefit period.

44-758 Lessor employing units and client lessees; liability for contributions on wages for services performed for client lessees; reports and records.

44-759 Administrative rulings; availability of.

44-760 Employment security insurance act for domestic violence survivors; citation.

44-761 Same; definitions.

44-762 Same; curriculum for claimants, implementation and approval.

44-763 Same; benefits not chargeable to employer's accounts.

44-764 Same; supplemental to employment security law.

44-765 Motor vehicle lease agreements; definitions; determination of employment relationship.

44-766 Employers; misclassification of employee; penalty.

44-767 Classification of workers; withholding tax and payroll information; unemployment insurance contributions due; determination of misclassification of worker, collection of income withholding taxes.

44-768 Determination of classification of worker as an employee or independent contractor; circumstances for reasonable basis of classification; imposition of penalties, when.

44-769 Annual report on investigations on misclassification of employees.

44-770 Report on employment refusal based on misconduct.

44-771 Unemployment compensation modernization and improvement council; creation; membership; terms; vacancies; dissolution; compensation; organization; duties and limitations; audit and executive session; staffing; initial report; certain duties of...

44-772 Unemployment insurance program information technology system; development; utilization of technology and features; deadline; inclusion of components, features and program integrity elements specified and defined by unemployment compensation mo...

44-773 Tax consequences information for claimants to be provided by secretary.

44-774 Posting of trust fund computations and data by secretary.

44-775 Establishment of my reemployment plan; duties of secretary of labor and secretary of commerce related to the provision of reemployment services; annual reports; duties of claimants.

44-776 Annual report by secretary concerning the employment security fund; recommendations; expiration of section.

44-777 Identity verification for claimants; form; permitted documentation; presentation to and verification by law enforcement officer; presumption of identity; immunity from liability for law enforcement.