44-661. Kansas apprenticeship council; establishment; composition; qualifications; terms; quorum; vacancies; organization; officers; meetings; expenses; clerical, secretarial and staff assistance. (a) There is hereby established the Kansas apprenticeship council within the department of commerce. The Kansas apprenticeship council shall be composed of nine members as follows:
(1) Four members representative of management appointed by the secretary of commerce;
(2) four members representative of labor appointed by the secretary of commerce; and
(3) the secretary of commerce or the secretary's designee.
In making such appointments, the secretary of commerce shall consider all persons nominated for membership on the council by statewide trade associations, employer groups and state labor organizations. All members appointed or designated by the secretary of commerce shall possess considerable knowledge of apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs.
(b) For terms beginning March 1, 2004, the secretary of human resources shall appoint one representative of management and one representative of labor to terms of one year, one representative of management and one representative of labor to terms of two years, one representative of management and one representative of labor to terms of three years and one representative of management and one representative of labor to terms of four years. Thereafter members appointed by the secretary of commerce shall be appointed to four-year terms and shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. A quorum shall consist of any five members other than the secretary or the secretary's designee. Each member shall have one vote on all matters before the council, except that the secretary or the secretary's designee may cast a vote only in cases of tie votes. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(c) The Kansas apprenticeship council shall organize annually by electing a chairperson and a vice-chairperson from among the members appointed by the secretary of commerce as representative of management or labor. When a member representative of labor is chairperson of the council, a member representative of management shall be vice-chairperson. When a member representative of management is chairperson of the council, a member representative of labor shall be vice-chairperson. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson shall exercise all powers of the chairperson. The council may adopt such rules of procedure as it may deem to be required for operation.
(d) The Kansas apprenticeship council shall meet regularly on a bimonthly basis and at such other times as determined by the council. Meetings may be held at locations within the state which will best promote the purposes of the council and apprenticeship and as may be required in the performance of the powers, duties and functions of the council. Members of the Kansas apprenticeship council attending meetings thereof, or attending a subcommittee meeting thereof authorized by the council, shall be paid amounts provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223, and amendments thereto. Such amounts shall be paid pursuant to vouchers approved by the chairperson of the Kansas apprenticeship council and by the secretary of commerce or a person or persons designated therefor by the secretary.
(e) The secretary of commerce shall provide to the Kansas apprenticeship council such clerical, secretarial and other staff assistance as may be requested by the council for the performance of the powers, duties and functions of the council.
History: L. 1992, ch. 240, § 1; L. 2004, ch. 179, § 51; L. 2005, ch. 186, § 12; May 12.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries
Article 6 - Regulation Of Labor And Industry
44-601 Prescription of functions.
44-601b Same; children in industry; factory, workshop, mill and mine inspection.
44-603 Utilities and employments subject to supervision.
44-606 Continuity and efficiency in operation of industries.
44-607 Investigations and temporary findings.
44-608 Orders affecting hours, ways and conditions of employment; modification.
44-609 Rights and contracts of parties.
44-610 Notice of investigation or hearing; publication.
44-611 Powers in investigations.
44-612 Judicial review of secretary's actions.
44-614 Labor unions; collective bargaining.
44-615 Unlawful acts against witnesses and litigants.
44-616 Business operations; limitation or cessation, hearings; changing conditions.
44-617 Violations of act; quitting employment; picketing; intimidation.
44-618 Penalties for violating 44-601 to 44-628.
44-619 Inducing violation of act or orders; penalty.
44-620 Emergency control and operation.
44-621 Controversies between employer and employee; authority of secretary.
44-622 Evidence taking; examiner, appointment, qualifications, authority.
44-623 Orders as to minimum or standard wage; accounts pending investigations.
44-624 Industrial conditions and relations; investigations, inquiries.
44-625 Effect of act on other rights and remedies.
44-626 Construction of 44-601 to 44-628.
44-628 Partial invalidity of act.
44-631 Factory, mill and mine inspection.
44-634 Annual reports; duties as to labor and industrial pursuits; enforcement of laws.
44-638 Statistics and information by state and municipal officers.
44-639 State policy as to wages, hours and insanitary conditions.
44-640 Conditions of employment detrimental to health and welfare unlawful.
44-643 Wages, hours and conditions for learners, apprentices and minors.
44-646 Same; inspectors and clerical personnel.
44-647 Same; review of orders.