44-631. Factory, mill and mine inspection. The secretary of labor is hereby given full jurisdiction over and control of factory, workshop and mill inspection, and mine inspection.
History: R.S. 1923, 44-631; L. 1976, ch. 370, § 43; L. 2004, ch. 179, § 42; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries
Article 6 - Regulation Of Labor And Industry
44-601 Prescription of functions.
44-601b Same; children in industry; factory, workshop, mill and mine inspection.
44-603 Utilities and employments subject to supervision.
44-606 Continuity and efficiency in operation of industries.
44-607 Investigations and temporary findings.
44-608 Orders affecting hours, ways and conditions of employment; modification.
44-609 Rights and contracts of parties.
44-610 Notice of investigation or hearing; publication.
44-611 Powers in investigations.
44-612 Judicial review of secretary's actions.
44-614 Labor unions; collective bargaining.
44-615 Unlawful acts against witnesses and litigants.
44-616 Business operations; limitation or cessation, hearings; changing conditions.
44-617 Violations of act; quitting employment; picketing; intimidation.
44-618 Penalties for violating 44-601 to 44-628.
44-619 Inducing violation of act or orders; penalty.
44-620 Emergency control and operation.
44-621 Controversies between employer and employee; authority of secretary.
44-622 Evidence taking; examiner, appointment, qualifications, authority.
44-623 Orders as to minimum or standard wage; accounts pending investigations.
44-624 Industrial conditions and relations; investigations, inquiries.
44-625 Effect of act on other rights and remedies.
44-626 Construction of 44-601 to 44-628.
44-628 Partial invalidity of act.
44-631 Factory, mill and mine inspection.
44-634 Annual reports; duties as to labor and industrial pursuits; enforcement of laws.
44-638 Statistics and information by state and municipal officers.
44-639 State policy as to wages, hours and insanitary conditions.
44-640 Conditions of employment detrimental to health and welfare unlawful.
44-643 Wages, hours and conditions for learners, apprentices and minors.
44-646 Same; inspectors and clerical personnel.
44-647 Same; review of orders.