Kansas Statutes
Article 6 - Regulation Of Labor And Industry
44-645 Same; investigation; orders; notice and hearing; employer to display order; petition for rehearing.

44-645. Same; investigation; orders; notice and hearing; employer to display order; petition for rehearing. If after investigation the secretary of labor is of the opinion that in any occupation the wages, hours and conditions, sanitary and otherwise, are prejudicial to the health or welfare of any substantial number of the classes of employees named in this act and are inadequate to supply the necessary cost of living and to maintain the worker in health the secretary shall publish a notice, not less than once a week for four successive weeks in the Kansas register, that the secretary will on a date and at a place named in the notice hold a public meeting at which all persons will be given a hearing; and, after publication of the notice and the meeting, the secretary of labor may make and render such an order as may be proper or necessary, and require all employers in the occupation affected thereby to observe and comply with such determinations and the order.
The order shall become effective in 60 days after it is made and rendered and shall be in full force and effect on and after the 60th day following its making and rendition. The secretary of labor shall, insofar as it is practicable, mail a copy of any such order to every employer affected thereby; and every employer affected by any such order shall keep a copy thereof posted in a conspicuous place in each room of such establishment.
Whenever wages, hours, or conditions of labor have been made mandatory in any occupation, upon petition of either employers or employees, the secretary of labor may reopen the question.
History: L. 1915, ch. 275, § 8; L. 1921, ch. 263, § 5; R.S. 1923, 44-645; L. 1976, ch. 370, § 52; L. 1981, ch. 324, § 14; L. 2004, ch. 179, § 48; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries

Article 6 - Regulation Of Labor And Industry

44-601 Prescription of functions.

44-601b Same; children in industry; factory, workshop, mill and mine inspection.

44-603 Utilities and employments subject to supervision.

44-606 Continuity and efficiency in operation of industries.

44-607 Investigations and temporary findings.

44-608 Orders affecting hours, ways and conditions of employment; modification.

44-609 Rights and contracts of parties.

44-610 Notice of investigation or hearing; publication.

44-611 Powers in investigations.

44-612 Judicial review of secretary's actions.

44-614 Labor unions; collective bargaining.

44-615 Unlawful acts against witnesses and litigants.

44-616 Business operations; limitation or cessation, hearings; changing conditions.

44-617 Violations of act; quitting employment; picketing; intimidation.

44-618 Penalties for violating 44-601 to 44-628.

44-619 Inducing violation of act or orders; penalty.

44-620 Emergency control and operation.

44-621 Controversies between employer and employee; authority of secretary.

44-622 Evidence taking; examiner, appointment, qualifications, authority.

44-623 Orders as to minimum or standard wage; accounts pending investigations.

44-624 Industrial conditions and relations; investigations, inquiries.

44-625 Effect of act on other rights and remedies.

44-626 Construction of 44-601 to 44-628.

44-628 Partial invalidity of act.

44-631 Factory, mill and mine inspection.

44-634 Annual reports; duties as to labor and industrial pursuits; enforcement of laws.

44-635 Interrogatories and testimony; penalty for failure to testify; information deemed confidential; penalty for disclosing.

44-636 Places of business; inspection; safety and protection of employees; orders; notice and hearing; penalty.

44-637 Definitions.

44-638 Statistics and information by state and municipal officers.

44-639 State policy as to wages, hours and insanitary conditions.

44-640 Conditions of employment detrimental to health and welfare unlawful.

44-643 Wages, hours and conditions for learners, apprentices and minors.

44-645 Same; investigation; orders; notice and hearing; employer to display order; petition for rehearing.

44-646 Same; inspectors and clerical personnel.

44-647 Same; review of orders.

44-648 Same; penalties.

44-650 Same; act supplemental.

44-661 Kansas apprenticeship council; establishment; composition; qualifications; terms; quorum; vacancies; organization; officers; meetings; expenses; clerical, secretarial and staff assistance.

44-662 Powers, duties and functions.