Kansas Statutes
Article 3 - Licensing And Related Provisions; City Option
41-308b Microbrewery license; microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility license; rights of licensee; contract brewing agreements; permit to conduct tasting programs; percentage of Kansas products.

41-308b. Microbrewery license; microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility license; rights of licensee; contract brewing agreements; permit to conduct tasting programs; percentage of Kansas products. (a) A microbrewery license shall allow:
(1) The manufacture of not less than 100 nor more than 60,000 barrels of domestic beer during the calendar year and the storage thereof, if, however, the licensee holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in one or more entities that also hold a microbrewery license, then the aggregate number of barrels of domestic beer manufactured by all such licensees with such common ownership shall not exceed the 60,000 barrel limit;
(2) the manufacture in the aggregate of not more than 100,000 gallons of hard cider during the calendar year and the storage thereof;
(3) the sale to beer distributors of beer and the sale to wine distributors of hard cider, manufactured by the licensee;
(4) the sale, on the licensed premises in the original unopened container to consumers for consumption off the licensed premises, of beer and hard cider manufactured by the licensee;
(5) the sale, on the licensed premises in refillable and sealable containers to consumers for consumption off the licensed premises, of beer manufactured by the licensee, subject to the following conditions:
(A) Containers described in this paragraph shall contain not less than 32 fluid ounces and not more than 64 fluid ounces of beer; and
(B) the licensee shall affix a label to all containers sold pursuant to this paragraph clearly indicating the licensee's name and the name and type of beer contained in such container;
(6) the serving free of charge on the licensed premises and at special events, monitored and regulated by the division of alcoholic beverage control, of samples of beer and hard cider manufactured by the licensee, if the premises are located in a county where the sale of alcoholic liquor is permitted by law in licensed drinking establishments;
(7) if the premises is also licensed as a club or drinking establishment, the sale and transfer of domestic beer to such club or drinking establishment and the sale of domestic beer and other alcoholic liquor for consumption on the licensed premises as authorized by the club and drinking establishment act;
(8) if the premises is also licensed as a caterer, the sale of domestic beer and other alcoholic liquor for consumption on unlicensed premises as authorized by the club and drinking establishment act;
(9) if the licensee holds a 10% or greater ownership interest in one or more entities that also hold a microbrewery license, the domestic beer may be manufactured and transferred for sale or storage among such microbrewery licensees with such common ownership; and
(10) the transfer of beer and hard cider manufactured by the licensee pursuant to a contract entered into in accordance with subsection (b) to the contracting microbrewery.
(b) (1) A microbrewery may contract with one or more microbreweries for the purpose of manufacturing beer or hard cider for such other microbreweries. A microbrewery located in this state may manufacture and package beer and hard cider for a microbrewery located within or outside of Kansas.
(2) A microbrewery manufacturing beer or hard cider for another microbrewery shall be responsible for complying with all federal and state laws dealing with the manufacturing of beer and hard cider, including labeling laws, and shall be responsible for the payment of all federal and state taxes on the beer and hard cider.
(3) Each party engaged in a contract brewing agreement must count the total amount of barrels and gallons manufactured as part of the agreement and include that total amount as part of their allowed aggregate total as provided in subsection (a).
(c) (1) Not less than 30% of the products utilized in the manufacture of hard cider by a microbrewery shall be grown in Kansas except when a lesser proportion is authorized by the director based upon the director's findings and judgment. The production requirement of this subsection shall be determined based on the annual production of domestic hard cider.
(2) On and after July 1, 2021, the percentage of products utilized in the manufacture of hard cider by a microbrewery required to be grown in Kansas shall be not less than 15%.
(3) The provisions of this subsection shall expire on January 1, 2023.
(d) Upon application and payment of the fee prescribed by K.S.A. 41-310, and amendments thereto, by a microbrewery licensee, the director may issue not to exceed one microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility license to the microbrewery licensee. A microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility license shall allow:
(1) The transfer, from the licensed premises of the microbrewery to the licensed premises of the microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility, of beer and hard cider manufactured by the licensee, for the purpose of packaging or storage, or both;
(2) the transfer, from the licensed premises of the microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility to the licensed premises of any microbrewery of such licensee, of beer manufactured by the licensee;
(3) the removal from the licensed premises of the microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility of beer manufactured by the licensee for the purpose of delivery to a licensed beer wholesaler; and
(4) the removal from the licensed premises of the microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility of hard cider manufactured by the licensee for the purpose of delivery to a licensed wine distributor.
(e) A microbrewery may sell domestic beer in the original unopened container to consumers for consumption off the licensed premises at any time between 6 a.m. and 12 midnight on any day. If authorized by subsection (a), a microbrewery may serve samples of domestic beer and serve and sell domestic beer and other alcoholic liquor for consumption on the licensed premises at any time when a club or drinking establishment is authorized to serve and sell alcoholic liquor.
(f) The director may issue to the Kansas state fair or any bona fide group of brewers a permit to import into this state small quantities of beer. Such beer shall be used only for bona fide educational and scientific tasting programs and shall not be resold. Such beer shall not be subject to the tax imposed by K.S.A. 41-501, and amendments thereto. The permit shall identify specifically the brand and type of beer to be imported, the quantity to be imported, the tasting programs for which the beer is to be used and the times and locations of such programs. The secretary shall adopt rules and regulations governing the importation of beer pursuant to this subsection and the conduct of tasting programs for which such beer is imported.
(g) A microbrewery license or microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility license shall apply only to the premises described in the application and in the license issued and only one location shall be described in the license.
(h) No microbrewery shall:
(1) Employ any person under the age of 18 years in connection with the manufacture, sale or serving of any alcoholic liquor;
(2) permit any employee of the licensee who is under the age of 21 years to work on the licensed premises at any time when not under the on-premises supervision of either the licensee or an employee of the licensee who is 21 years of age or over;
(3) employ any person under 21 years of age in connection with mixing or dispensing alcoholic liquor; or
(4) employ any person in connection with the manufacture or sale of alcoholic liquor if the person has been convicted of a felony.
(i) Whenever a microbrewery licensee is convicted of a violation of the Kansas liquor control act, the director may revoke the licensee's license and all fees paid for the license in accordance with the Kansas administrative procedure act.
History: L. 1987, ch. 182, § 138; L. 1990, ch. 179, § 1; L. 1992, ch. 201, § 3; L. 1995, ch. 258, § 1; L. 2005, ch. 135, § 1; L. 2008, ch. 126, § 6; L. 2010, ch. 142, § 18; L. 2011, ch. 57, § 2; L. 2014, ch. 75, § 2; L. 2016, ch. 65, § 1; L. 2016, ch. 65, § 4; L. 2018, ch. 99, § 4; L. 2021, ch. 107, § 5; May 27.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 41 - Intoxicating Liquors And Beverages

Article 3 - Licensing And Related Provisions; City Option

41-301 Retailer's license, premises within city.

41-302 Same; election; licensees' rights.

41-303 Retailer's license, premises outside city.

41-304 Classes of licenses.

41-305 Manufacturer's license; rights of licensee; samples; other.

41-306 Spirits distributor's license; rights of licensee.

41-306a Wine distributor's license; rights of licensee.

41-307 Beer distributor's license; rights of licensee.

41-308 Retailer's license; rights of licensee.

41-308a Farm winery license; winery outlet license; rights of licensee; percentage of Kansas products.

41-308b Microbrewery license; microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility license; rights of licensee; contract brewing agreements; permit to conduct tasting programs; percentage of Kansas products.

41-308d Retailer's license; wine, beer and spirits tastings; rules and regulations.

41-309 Nonbeverage user's license; rights of licensee.

41-310 License fees; term; city or township taxes.

41-311 Persons and entities ineligible for licensure.

41-311b Licensure of nonresidents.

41-311c Licensure qualifications for limited liability company.

41-313 Licensing of corporations; conditions; appointment of agent to receive service of process; consent to jurisdiction and forum of Kansas courts.

41-315 Retail license; applies only to premises described; removal; procedure.

41-316 Issuance of licenses.

41-317 License applications; forms; fees; bonds.

41-318 Procedure upon application for original retailer's license; notice and hearing; recommendations of city or township.

41-319 Time limit on grant or denial of license.

41-320 Application of Kansas administrative procedure act to proceedings; hearings; director as presiding officer.

41-320a Suspension, involuntary cancellation or revocation of license; grounds.

41-321 Refusal, suspension, involuntary cancellation or revocation of license; appeal to secretary.

41-322 Same; powers of secretary; subpoenas.

41-323 Same; judicial review of secretary's decision.

41-324 Same; duty of county or district attorney.

41-325 Display of licenses.

41-326 Licenses; term; assignability; refund of fees, when.

41-327 Renewal of license.

41-328 Violations of act; civil penalties.

41-328b Administrative orders; civil fines; time limit on orders.

41-329 Sale in federal area by manufacturer or supplier; revocation of authorization to do business in state.

41-330 Denial or revocation of license for alcohol-related convictions; notice and hearing.

41-331 Suppliers; annual permit; brand registration.

41-332 Same; temporary permit to import certain liquor.

41-342 Nonalcoholic malt beverages; title of act.

41-343 Same; definitions.

41-344 Same; sales by certain licensees.

41-345 Same; distribution; sales and taxation.

41-346 Administrative action for offenses involving minors; defense.

41-350 Direct shipment to consumers by winery; special order shipping license; collection of gallonage taxes; rules and regulations.

41-351 Farm winery; bona fide farmers' market sales permit; rules and regulations.

41-352 Packaging and warehousing facility permit; rights of permit holder.

41-353 Fulfillment house license; rights of licensee; fee; records requirements, penalty for violations.

41-354 Microdistillery license; rights of licensee, microdistillery packaging and warehousing facility license; employment restrictions; rules and regulations.

41-355 Producer's license; rights of licensee; maintenance of records.