Kansas Statutes
Article 3 - Licensing And Related Provisions; City Option
41-306a Wine distributor's license; rights of licensee.

41-306a. Wine distributor's license; rights of licensee. A wine distributor's license shall allow:
(a) The wholesale purchase, importation and storage of wine, but all wine so purchased or imported which is manufactured in the United States shall be purchased from the primary American source of supply or from another licensed wine distributor, except that a licensed wine distributor may purchase confiscated wine at a sheriff's sale.
(b) The sale of wine to:
(1) Wine distributors licensed in this state;
(2) retailers licensed in this state, except that such distributor shall sell a brand of wine only to those retailers whose licensed premises are located in the geographic territory within which such distributor is authorized to sell such brand, as designated in the notice or notices filed with the director pursuant to K.S.A. 41-410, and amendments thereto; and
(3) such persons located outside such territory or outside this state as permitted by law.
(c) The sale of wine, but only in barrels, casks and other bulk containers, to:
(1) Licensed caterers; and
(2) public venues, clubs and drinking establishments licensed in this state, except that such distributor shall sell a brand of wine only to such public venues, clubs and drinking establishments the licensed premises of which are located in the geographic territory within which such distributor is authorized to sell such brand, as designated in the notice or notices filed with the director pursuant to K.S.A. 41-410, and amendments thereto.
(d) The purchase of wine in barrels, casks or other bulk containers and the bottling thereof before resale, but all bottles or containers filled with such wine shall be sealed, labeled and otherwise made to comply with all laws and rules and regulations governing the preparation and bottling of wine by manufacturers and with all federal rules, regulations and laws.
(e) The storage and delivery to a retailer licensed under the Kansas liquor control act or a retailer licensed under K.S.A. 41-2702, and amendments thereto, on the distributor's licensed premises, of alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage of another licensed distributor authorized by law to sell such alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverage to such retailer, in accordance with an agreement entered into with such other distributor and approved by the director.
(f) The withdrawal of wine from such licensee's inventory for use as samples in the course of the business of the distributor or at industry seminars. Samples may only be provided to persons licensed as a distributor or a retailer under the Kansas liquor control act, and such person's employees, or to persons licensed under the club and drinking establishment act, and such person's employees. Samples may be served on the licensed premises of the licensee, or on the premises of a licensed retailer, provided no sample shall be served on that portion of the premises of a licensed retailer that is open to the public and where sales of alcoholic liquor at retail are made. Samples may be served on the premises of a licensee holding a license issued under the club and drinking establishment act, provided no sample shall be served on that portion of the premises that is open to the public and where sales of alcoholic liquor are made. No sample shall be provided to any minor. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to permit the licensee to sell any alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises. The withdrawal of wine shall be subject to the tax imposed by K.S.A. 79-4101 et seq., and amendments thereto, based on the applicable current posted bottle or case price. For purposes of providing samples pursuant to this subsection other than at industry seminars or to the licensee's employees, the term "sample" shall have the same meaning as that term is defined in K.S.A. 41-2601, and amendments thereto.
(g) This section shall be part of and supplemental to the Kansas liquor control act.
History: L. 1987, ch. 182, § 15; L. 1993, ch. 20, § 3; L. 1996, ch. 154, § 2; L. 2012, ch. 144, § 8; L. 2015, ch. 82, § 22; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 41 - Intoxicating Liquors And Beverages

Article 3 - Licensing And Related Provisions; City Option

41-301 Retailer's license, premises within city.

41-302 Same; election; licensees' rights.

41-303 Retailer's license, premises outside city.

41-304 Classes of licenses.

41-305 Manufacturer's license; rights of licensee; samples; other.

41-306 Spirits distributor's license; rights of licensee.

41-306a Wine distributor's license; rights of licensee.

41-307 Beer distributor's license; rights of licensee.

41-308 Retailer's license; rights of licensee.

41-308a Farm winery license; winery outlet license; rights of licensee; percentage of Kansas products.

41-308b Microbrewery license; microbrewery packaging and warehousing facility license; rights of licensee; contract brewing agreements; permit to conduct tasting programs; percentage of Kansas products.

41-308d Retailer's license; wine, beer and spirits tastings; rules and regulations.

41-309 Nonbeverage user's license; rights of licensee.

41-310 License fees; term; city or township taxes.

41-311 Persons and entities ineligible for licensure.

41-311b Licensure of nonresidents.

41-311c Licensure qualifications for limited liability company.

41-313 Licensing of corporations; conditions; appointment of agent to receive service of process; consent to jurisdiction and forum of Kansas courts.

41-315 Retail license; applies only to premises described; removal; procedure.

41-316 Issuance of licenses.

41-317 License applications; forms; fees; bonds.

41-318 Procedure upon application for original retailer's license; notice and hearing; recommendations of city or township.

41-319 Time limit on grant or denial of license.

41-320 Application of Kansas administrative procedure act to proceedings; hearings; director as presiding officer.

41-320a Suspension, involuntary cancellation or revocation of license; grounds.

41-321 Refusal, suspension, involuntary cancellation or revocation of license; appeal to secretary.

41-322 Same; powers of secretary; subpoenas.

41-323 Same; judicial review of secretary's decision.

41-324 Same; duty of county or district attorney.

41-325 Display of licenses.

41-326 Licenses; term; assignability; refund of fees, when.

41-327 Renewal of license.

41-328 Violations of act; civil penalties.

41-328b Administrative orders; civil fines; time limit on orders.

41-329 Sale in federal area by manufacturer or supplier; revocation of authorization to do business in state.

41-330 Denial or revocation of license for alcohol-related convictions; notice and hearing.

41-331 Suppliers; annual permit; brand registration.

41-332 Same; temporary permit to import certain liquor.

41-342 Nonalcoholic malt beverages; title of act.

41-343 Same; definitions.

41-344 Same; sales by certain licensees.

41-345 Same; distribution; sales and taxation.

41-346 Administrative action for offenses involving minors; defense.

41-350 Direct shipment to consumers by winery; special order shipping license; collection of gallonage taxes; rules and regulations.

41-351 Farm winery; bona fide farmers' market sales permit; rules and regulations.

41-352 Packaging and warehousing facility permit; rights of permit holder.

41-353 Fulfillment house license; rights of licensee; fee; records requirements, penalty for violations.

41-354 Microdistillery license; rights of licensee, microdistillery packaging and warehousing facility license; employment restrictions; rules and regulations.

41-355 Producer's license; rights of licensee; maintenance of records.