25-306d. Filing fees nonrefundable. No filing fee shall be refunded to any person:
(a) Declining a nomination pursuant to K.S.A. 25-306e, and amendments thereto;
(b) withdrawing from candidacy pursuant to K.S.A. 25-306a, and amendments thereto; or
(c) withdrawing from nomination pursuant to * 25-306b, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1999, ch. 105, ยง 5; July 1.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Article 3 - Independent And Other Nomination Certificates; Terms Of Office; Filling Vacancies
25-301 Party nominations; presidential electors; governor and lieutenant governor.
25-302 Same; caucus or convention by parties not authorized to participate in primary.
25-302b Recognized political party; loss of recognition.
25-302c Same; listing of affiliated voters.
25-304 Certificates of nomination; party certificates; party names; presidential electors.
25-305b Write-in candidates; affidavits for candidacy; filing.
25-306 Acceptance of multiple nominations prohibited; exceptions.
25-306b Withdrawal from nomination, when permitted; omission of name from ballot; death of nominee.
25-306c Certificates of nomination; public inspection.
25-306d Filing fees nonrefundable.
25-306e Multiple nominations; acceptance of only one nomination.
25-309 Certification of and placing on ballot of name of person nominated to fill vacancy.
25-310 Placing on original ballot name to fill vacancy.
25-311 Certification of nominees by secretary of state to county election officers.
25-312 Vacancies in state and county offices, how filled.
25-312a Vacancy in office of judge of the district court; how filled.
25-313 Commencement of terms of office.
25-314 Term of office of persons filling vacancies.
25-318 Vacancy in office of United States senator; how filled.