Kansas Statutes
Article 5 - Additions, Vacation And Lot Frontage
12-520a Resolution; hearing; notice; publication; sketch of area; criteria considered at hearing; consent, effect.

12-520a. Resolution; hearing; notice; publication; sketch of area; criteria considered at hearing; consent, effect. (a) The governing body of any city desiring to annex land under the authority of K.S.A. 12-520, and amendments thereto, shall adopt a resolution stating that the city is considering the annexation of the land. The resolution shall:
(1) Give notice that a public hearing will be held to consider the annexation of the land and fix the date, hour and place of the public hearing. Unless the governing body of the city determines adequate facilities are not available, the public hearing shall be held at a site located in or as near as possible to the area proposed to be annexed. The hearing shall be held at the time determined by the governing body to be the most convenient for the greatest number of interested persons;
(2) describe the boundaries of the land proposed to be annexed; and
(3) state that the plan of the city for the extension of services to the area proposed to be annexed, which is required under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-520b, and amendments thereto, is available for inspection during regular office hours in the office of the city clerk.
(b) The date fixed for the public hearing shall be not less than 60 nor more than 70 days following the date of the adoption of the resolution fixing the date of the hearing.
(c) A copy of the resolution providing for the public hearing shall be mailed by certified mail to each owner of land proposed to be annexed not more than 10 days following the date of the adoption of the resolution. The resolution shall be published in the official newspaper of the city not less than one week and not more than two weeks preceding the date fixed for the public hearing. A sketch clearly delineating the area in such detail as may be necessary to advise the reader of the particular land proposed to be annexed shall be published with the resolution. A copy of such sketch also shall be mailed to the owner of the property with the resolution.
(d) A copy of the resolution providing for the public hearing shall be sent by certified mail not more than 10 days following the date of the adoption of the resolution to:
(1) The board of county commissioners;
(2) the governing body of the township where the land to be annexed is located;
(3) any special assessment district or governmental unit providing municipal services to the area proposed to be annexed including, but not limited to, sewer districts, rural water districts, fire districts or improvement districts;
(4) any utilities having facilities within the area proposed to be annexed;
(5) the governing body of any school district in the area proposed to be annexed;
(6) any city, county, township or joint planning commission having jurisdiction over the area proposed to be annexed; and
(7) any other political or taxing subdivision located within the area proposed to be annexed.
(e) At the public hearing, a representative of the city shall present the city's proposal for annexation, including the plan of the city for the extension of services to the area proposed to be annexed. Following the explanation, all interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The governing body may recess, for good cause shown, the hearing to a time and date certain, which shall be fixed in the presence of persons in attendance at the hearing.
At such hearing or at any continuation of such hearing, the city shall determine the advisability of the annexation. As a guide in determining the advisability of such annexation, the city shall consider the:
(1) Extent to which any of the area is land devoted to agricultural use;
(2) area of platted land relative to unplatted land;
(3) topography, natural boundaries, storm and sanitary sewers, drainage basins, transportation links or any other physical characteristics which may be an indication of the existence or absence of common interest of the city and the area proposed to be annexed;
(4) extent and age of residential development in the area to be annexed and adjacent land within the city's boundaries;
(5) present population in the area to be annexed and the projected population growth during the next five years in the area proposed to be annexed;
(6) extent of business, commercial and industrial development in the area;
(7) present cost, methods and adequacy of governmental services and regulatory controls in the area;
(8) proposed cost, extent and the necessity of governmental services to be provided by the city proposing annexation and the plan and schedule to extend such services;
(9) tax impact upon property in the city and the area;
(10) extent to which the residents of the area are directly or indirectly dependent upon the city for governmental services and for social, economic, employment, cultural and recreational opportunities and resources;
(11) effect of the proposed annexation on the city and other adjacent areas, including, but not limited to, other cities, sewer and water districts, improvement districts, townships or industrial districts and, subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 12-521a, and amendments thereto, fire districts;
(12) existing petitions for incorporation of the area as a new city or for the creation of a special district;
(13) likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent areas during the next five years;
(14) effect of annexation upon the utilities providing services to the area and the ability of those utilities to provide those services shown in the detailed plan;
(15) economic impact on the area; and
(16) wasteful duplication of services.
(f) No resolution, notice and public hearing required under the provisions of this section shall be required as a prerequisite to the annexation of land owned by or held in trust for the city or any agency thereof or land all of the owners of which petition for or consent thereto in writing.
(g) Any resolution, adopted pursuant to this section, which includes territory subsequently incorporated pursuant to K.S.A. 15-115 et seq., and amendments thereto, shall be invalid.
History: L. 1974, ch. 56, § 2; L. 1984, ch. 66, § 1; L. 1987, ch. 66, § 3; L. 1993, ch. 147, § 2; L. 2005, ch. 155, § 2; July 1.

Structure Kansas Statutes

Kansas Statutes

Chapter 12 - Cities And Municipalities

Article 5 - Additions, Vacation And Lot Frontage

12-503a Annexation of parts of townships, improvement districts and other units; providing of services in area annexed; payment of cost.

12-503b Same; act inapplicable to school districts.

12-504 Petition for vacation of site or addition, street or alley or for exclusion of land; deannexation of land or vacation of public reservation by city; notice; hearing.

12-505 Same; proceedings on petition.

12-506 Reversion of vacated street, alley or public reservation.

12-507 Definition of terms.

12-508 Fees; issuance of subpoenas.

12-509 Costs; deposits.

12-510 Limitation of boundaries after exclusion of land.

12-510b Exclusion of veterans affairs medical center land from certain cities; procedure.

12-512a Vacation of streets, avenues, alleys and lanes by cities; reservation of certain rights-of-way and easements.

12-512b Vacation of plats and other public reservations; recording plat or replat; reversion.

12-513 Power to change frontage.

12-514 Petition for change.

12-515 Hearing on petition; ordinance and certificate; plat; recordation.

12-516 Payment of costs; when change valid.

12-517 Resolution declaring boundary, when.

12-518 Same; filing of certified copies.

12-519 Definitions.

12-520 Conditions which permit unilateral annexation; exceptions; ordinance; severability of ordinance where annexation invalid; limitations.

12-520a Resolution; hearing; notice; publication; sketch of area; criteria considered at hearing; consent, effect.

12-520b Plans for extension of services; reports, contents; statement of plans for extension of municipal services to area; consent, effect.

12-520c Annexation of land not adjoining city, when; resolution to county commissioners; findings by board spread upon journal; effect; appeals to district court.

12-521 Petition to county commissioners for annexation of certain lands; contents; service extension plans; reports, contents; hearing, time and place; publication notice; notice to landowners; sketch of area; procedure at hearing; criteria to be con...

12-521a Same; annexation of a fire district; criteria to be considered.

12-522 Filing of annexation ordinance.

12-523 Effective dates of annexation; exceptions.

12-524 Annexation of city or part of city not authorized.

12-524a Homestead rights; continuation after annexation; limitation.

12-526 Severability.

12-528 Same; bonds; limitations; use of other funds.

12-529 Annexation of military reservation prohibited.

12-530 Notice of proposed annexation to be given to planning commission; review by commission.

12-531 Hearing by county commissioners three years after annexation or to consider whether services provided; compelling hearing, attorney fees.

12-532 Petition for hearing, by landowners to county commission to exclude land from the city if municipal services not provided; notice and hearing; order to exclude land, when; record of order by register of deeds; land not liable for certain taxes...

12-533 Action to compel city to provide services according to written agreement; order to exclude land, when; record of order by register of deeds; land not liable for certain taxes.

12-534 Agreement by city to extend municipal services; consent to annexation by owner and successors; filing of agreement with register of deeds.

12-535 Contractual agreement to guarantee apportionment of costs of improvements.

12-536 Effect of act on certain annexations.

12-537 Severability.

12-538 Actions challenging certain annexations under 12-520; considerations of the court.

12-539 Annexation of lands located in rural water district; notice.

12-540 Same; contract for district to provide water service; franchise fee.

12-541 Same; city designates different supplier; purchase of district property; appraisers; factors; appeal; detachment of territory from district.

12-542 Part of Kansas rural water district act.

12-546 City annexation of land in fire district; dual taxation; refund.

12-547 Vacation of the original plat dedication of certain blocks in the city of Americus.

12-548 Appeals of decisions of any city vacating or excluding land or improving or vacating streets or alleys; action in district court; filing deadline.