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12-503a Annexation of parts of townships, improvement districts and other units; providing of services in area annexed; payment of cost. - 12-503a. Annexation of parts of townships, improvement districts and other...
12-503b Same; act inapplicable to school districts. - 12-503b. Same; act inapplicable to school districts. The provisions of...
12-504 Petition for vacation of site or addition, street or alley or for exclusion of land; deannexation of land or vacation of public reservation by city; notice; hearing. - 12-504. Petition for vacation of site or addition, street or...
12-505 Same; proceedings on petition. - 12-505. Same; proceedings on petition. (a) (1) Upon the presentation...
12-506 Reversion of vacated street, alley or public reservation. - 12-506. Reversion of vacated street, alley or public reservation. The...
12-507 Definition of terms. - 12-507. Definition of terms. The terms "public loss or inconvenience"...
12-508 Fees; issuance of subpoenas. - 12-508. Fees; issuance of subpoenas. The county clerk, sheriff and...
12-509 Costs; deposits. - 12-509. Costs; deposits. The petitioner or petitioners shall be liable...
12-510 Limitation of boundaries after exclusion of land. - 12-510. Limitation of boundaries after exclusion of land. Whenever the...
12-510b Exclusion of veterans affairs medical center land from certain cities; procedure. - 12-510b. Exclusion of veterans affairs medical center land from certain...
12-512a Vacation of streets, avenues, alleys and lanes by cities; reservation of certain rights-of-way and easements. - 12-512a. Vacation of streets, avenues, alleys and lanes by cities;...
12-512b Vacation of plats and other public reservations; recording plat or replat; reversion. - 12-512b. Vacation of plats and other public reservations; recording plat...
12-513 Power to change frontage. - 12-513. Power to change frontage. That the governing body of...
12-514 Petition for change. - 12-514. Petition for change. When the owner or owners of...
12-515 Hearing on petition; ordinance and certificate; plat; recordation. - 12-515. Hearing on petition; ordinance and certificate; plat; recordation. Upon...
12-516 Payment of costs; when change valid. - 12-516. Payment of costs; when change valid. The person or...
12-517 Resolution declaring boundary, when. - 12-517. Resolution declaring boundary, when. Before the last day of...
12-518 Same; filing of certified copies. - 12-518. Same; filing of certified copies. Whenever the governing body...
12-519 Definitions. - 12-519. Definitions. As used in this act: (a) "Tract" means...
12-520 Conditions which permit unilateral annexation; exceptions; ordinance; severability of ordinance where annexation invalid; limitations. - 12-520. Conditions which permit unilateral annexation; exceptions; ordinance; severability of...
12-520a Resolution; hearing; notice; publication; sketch of area; criteria considered at hearing; consent, effect. - 12-520a. Resolution; hearing; notice; publication; sketch of area; criteria considered...
12-520b Plans for extension of services; reports, contents; statement of plans for extension of municipal services to area; consent, effect. - 12-520b. Plans for extension of services; reports, contents; statement of...
12-520c Annexation of land not adjoining city, when; resolution to county commissioners; findings by board spread upon journal; effect; appeals to district court. - 12-520c. Annexation of land not adjoining city, when; resolution to...
12-521 Petition to county commissioners for annexation of certain lands; contents; service extension plans; reports, contents; hearing, time and place; publication notice; notice to landowners; sketch of area; procedure at hearing; criteria to be con... - 12-521. Petition to county commissioners for annexation of certain lands;...
12-521a Same; annexation of a fire district; criteria to be considered. - 12-521a. Same; annexation of a fire district; criteria to be...
12-522 Filing of annexation ordinance. - 12-522. Filing of annexation ordinance. Upon the passage and publication...
12-523 Effective dates of annexation; exceptions. - 12-523. Effective dates of annexation; exceptions. Annexation ordinances of cities...
12-524 Annexation of city or part of city not authorized. - 12-524. Annexation of city or part of city not authorized....
12-524a Homestead rights; continuation after annexation; limitation. - 12-524a. Homestead rights; continuation after annexation; limitation. When land located...
12-526 Severability. - 12-526. Severability. If any clause, paragraph, subsection or section of...
12-528 Same; bonds; limitations; use of other funds. - 12-528. Same; bonds; limitations; use of other funds. If deemed...
12-529 Annexation of military reservation prohibited. - 12-529. Annexation of military reservation prohibited. (a) The governing body...
12-530 Notice of proposed annexation to be given to planning commission; review by commission. - 12-530. Notice of proposed annexation to be given to planning...
12-531 Hearing by county commissioners three years after annexation or to consider whether services provided; compelling hearing, attorney fees. - 12-531. Hearing by county commissioners three years after annexation or...
12-532 Petition for hearing, by landowners to county commission to exclude land from the city if municipal services not provided; notice and hearing; order to exclude land, when; record of order by register of deeds; land not liable for certain taxes... - 12-532. Petition for hearing, by landowners to county commission to...
12-533 Action to compel city to provide services according to written agreement; order to exclude land, when; record of order by register of deeds; land not liable for certain taxes. - 12-533. Action to compel city to provide services according to...
12-534 Agreement by city to extend municipal services; consent to annexation by owner and successors; filing of agreement with register of deeds. - 12-534. Agreement by city to extend municipal services; consent to...
12-535 Contractual agreement to guarantee apportionment of costs of improvements. - 12-535. Contractual agreement to guarantee apportionment of costs of improvements....
12-536 Effect of act on certain annexations. - 12-536. Effect of act on certain annexations. The provisions of...
12-537 Severability. - 12-537. Severability. If any part or parts of this act...
12-538 Actions challenging certain annexations under 12-520; considerations of the court. - 12-538. Actions challenging certain annexations under 12-520; considerations of the...
12-539 Annexation of lands located in rural water district; notice. - 12-539. Annexation of lands located in rural water district; notice....
12-540 Same; contract for district to provide water service; franchise fee. - 12-540. Same; contract for district to provide water service; franchise...
12-541 Same; city designates different supplier; purchase of district property; appraisers; factors; appeal; detachment of territory from district. - 12-541. Same; city designates different supplier; purchase of district property;...
12-542 Part of Kansas rural water district act. - 12-542. Part of Kansas rural water district act. The provisions...
12-546 City annexation of land in fire district; dual taxation; refund. - 12-546. City annexation of land in fire district; dual taxation;...
12-547 Vacation of the original plat dedication of certain blocks in the city of Americus. - 12-547. Vacation of the original plat dedication of certain blocks...
12-548 Appeals of decisions of any city vacating or excluding land or improving or vacating streets or alleys; action in district court; filing deadline. - 12-548. Appeals of decisions of any city vacating or excluding...