Iowa Code
Section 69.4 - Resignations.

69.4 Resignations.
Resignations in writing by civil officers may be made as follows, except as otherwise provided:
1. By the governor, to the general assembly, if in session, if not, to the secretary of state.
2. By state senators and representatives, and all officers appointed by the senate or house, or by the presiding officers thereof, to the respective presiding officers of the senate and house, when the general assembly is in session, and such presiding officers shall immediately transmit to the governor information of the resignation of any member thereof; when the general assembly is not in session, all such resignations shall be made to the governor.
3. By senators and representatives in Congress, all officers elected by the registered voters in the state or any district or division thereof larger than a county, or chosen by the general assembly, all judges of courts of record, all officers, trustees, inspectors, and members of all boards and commissions now or hereafter created under the laws of the state, and all persons filling any position of trust or profit in the state, for which no other provision is made, to the governor.
4. By all county and township officers, to the county auditor, except that of the auditor, which shall be to the board of supervisors.
5. By all council members and officers of cities, to the clerk or mayor.
[C51, §430; R60, §663; C73, §782; C97, §1268; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §1148; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §69.4]
2001 Acts, ch 56, §7

Structure Iowa Code

Iowa Code



Section 69.1 - Definitions.

Section 69.1A - Holding over.

Section 69.2 - What constitutes vacancy — hearing — appeal.

Section 69.3 - Possession of office.

Section 69.4 - Resignations.

Section 69.5 - Vacancy in general assembly.

Section 69.6 - Vacancy in state boards.

Section 69.7 - Duty of officer receiving resignation.

Section 69.8 - Vacancies — how filled.

Section 69.9 - Person removed not eligible.

Section 69.10 - Appointments.

Section 69.11 - Tenure of vacancy appointee.

Section 69.12 - Officers elected to fill vacancies — tenure.

Section 69.13 - Vacancies — senator in Congress and elective state officers.

Section 69.14 - Special election to fill vacancies.

Section 69.14A - Filling vacancy of elected county officer.

Section 69.15 - Board members — nonattendance — vacancy.

Section 69.16 - Appointive boards — political affiliation.

Section 69.16A - Gender balance.

Section 69.16B - Statutory boards, commissions, councils, and committees — appointments by members of general assembly — terms — dissolution.

Section 69.16C - Minority representation.

Section 69.16D - Boards and commissions — criteria for establishing.

Section 69.16E - Young adult representation.

Section 69.17 - Employees as members — voting.

Section 69.18 - Salary of acting appointees.

Section 69.19 - Terms of appointments confirmed by the senate.

Section 69.20 - Temporary vacancy due to military service.