Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Local Boards of Aviation Commissioners
8-22-2-9. Establishment of Restricted Zones; Approaches to Airport; Zoning Jurisdiction

Sec. 9. (a) In order to provide free air space for the safe descent and ascent of aircraft and for the proper and safe use of an airport or landing field acquired or maintained under this chapter, the board may, subject to approval and adoption by the fiscal body of the eligible entity, establish and fix a restricted zone or zones for a distance in any direction from the boundaries of the airport or landing field so that no building or other structure is erected high enough to interfere with the descent of an aircraft at the gliding angle necessary for safety for the usual type of operation that is conducted at the airport or landing field. The board may, in the name of the entity, acquire by condemnation, upon the payment of due compensation as provided in this chapter, the right to prevent the erection of, and to require the removal of, all buildings, towers, poles, wires, cables, other structures, and trees within the zone or zones which interfere with the gliding angle or as much of any structure or trees that interferes with the gliding angle. When so condemned a permit issued by a department or office of the entity or by any state or other authority for the erection of any structure inside the zone or zones is effective only if approved by the board.
(b) Establishment of a restricted zone or zones outside of an airport or landing field in connection with the condemnation of rights in the land constitutes condemnation and the perpetual annihilation of all rights of the owners of the property within the zone or zones to erect or maintain any building or structure that will interfere with the gliding angle. This result may also be accomplished by absolute condemnation of the land, with perpetual and irrevocable free license to use and occupy the land within the zone for all purposes except the erection of buildings or other structures above the height prescribed.
(c) The jurisdiction of each eligible entity is extended to the promulgation, administering, and enforcement of airport zoning regulations to protect the approaches of an airport that is owned by the entity but located wholly or partially outside the corporate limits of the entity. In case of conflict with any airport zoning or other regulations promulgated by an entity, the regulations adopted under this section prevail.
(d) The zoning jurisdiction granted in this section is exclusive against jurisdiction granted by any other statute unless any other statute specifically provides otherwise.
(e) All airport zoning regulations adopted under this chapter must be reasonable and may not impose a requirement or restriction that is not reasonably necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. In determining what regulations to adopt, each eligible entity and joint airport zoning board shall consider, among other things, the character of the flying operations expected to be conducted at the airport, the nature of the terrain within the airport hazard area, the character of the neighborhood, and the uses to which the property to be zoned is put and adaptable.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-6-1-10.]
As added by Acts 1980, P.L.8, SEC.73.