Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Local Boards of Aviation Commissioners
8-22-2-4. Officers of Board; Office Facilities; Reports; Expenditures; Meetings

Sec. 4. The board shall choose, annually, at its first regular meeting in January, one (1) of its members president, and another of its members vice president to perform the duties of the president during the absence or disability of the president. The eligible entity shall provide a suitable office for the board in the entity, or, at the option of the board, at the airport, at the expense of the department of aviation, where its maps, plans, documents, records, and accounts shall be kept, subject to public inspection at all reasonable times. Before February 2 each year the board shall make a report to the executive of its proceedings with a full statement of its receipts and disbursements for the preceding year, including a report of the acquisition of air navigation facilities and of other property that has come under the control of the board, improvements made, general character of the work of the board, and progress of aviation and air commerce under its control. Money received by the board shall be paid into the entity's treasury and credited to the department of aviation, and all expenditures relating to the property and business under the control of the department, except as otherwise provided, may be provided for by special levy of taxes under section 7 of this chapter, and shall be paid from the entity's treasury when ordered by the board. A majority of the members constitutes a quorum, and an action of the board must be taken by a majority of the members at a regular or duly called special meeting. In case of a tie vote on any question, the executive shall decide. The board shall fix a time for holding regular meetings. Regular or special meetings shall be held at the office of the board or at another public place in any county where the board owns or operates an airport. Special meetings of the board may be called at any time by its president, or by any two (2) of its members, upon a written request to the secretary. Whenever in the opinion of the president or of any two (2) members, a special meeting is necessary, he or they shall cause the secretary to notify the members by mailing written notice of the time of the meeting, at least one (1) day before the meeting. A member may waive notice in writing and the presence of a member at a special meeting is considered a waiver of notice.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-6-1-5.]
As added by Acts 1980, P.L.8, SEC.73. Amended by P.L.137-2000, SEC.1.