Indiana Code
Chapter 2. Local Boards of Aviation Commissioners
8-22-2-1. Department of Aviation

Sec. 1. (a) Whenever the fiscal body of an eligible entity adopts an ordinance or a resolution in favor of the acquisition, improvement, operation, or maintenance of an airport or landing field for the entity under this chapter, and declaring a necessity for the airport or landing field, then on the effective date of the ordinance or resolution, there is established as an executive department of the entity a department of aviation, under the control of a board to be known as the board of aviation commissioners.
(b) The following apply to a board of aviation commissioners established under this chapter:
(1) Except as provided in subsections (e), (f), and (g), the board consists of four (4) members.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (e), the executive of the entity shall appoint the members of the board.
(3) Except as provided in subsections (f) and (g), not more than two (2) of the members of the board may be of the same political party.
(c) The fiscal body of the entity may provide a per diem for the members of the board in any amount not exceeding thirty-five dollars ($35) for each whole or part day a member is engaged in board activities. The members of the board shall also be paid their actual expenses, which may include the expenses of the members or employees of the board in attending meetings or conventions held to discuss aviation matters.
(d) Before beginning the duties of office, each board member shall take and subscribe the usual oath of office, to be endorsed upon the certificate of appointment, and shall cause that to be filed with the clerk or other officer performing duties similar to that of clerk in the entity. Any person who does not file the oath with the clerk or other officer performing duties similar to that of the clerk within thirty (30) days after the beginning of the term for which the person has been appointed, or at the date of the person's appointment, if appointed after the beginning of the term, is considered to have refused to serve and the office becomes vacant.
(e) Notwithstanding subsection (b), if a county having a population of more than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) and less than three hundred thousand (300,000) has established a board, the county council and the mayors of the two (2) cities in the county having the largest populations may each appoint one (1) additional member to the board, thereby creating a board consisting of a total of seven (7) members. The three (3) additional members serve in the same manner, are accorded the same status, and perform the same duties as the four (4) initial board members, and serve terms of four (4) years. If either the county council or either of the two (2) mayors fails to make appointments to the board, that fact does not prejudice appointments that may be made by the other appointing authority or authorities.
(f) This subsection applies to the following:
(1) A county having a population of more than one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) and less than one hundred thirty thousand (130,000).
(2) A county having a population of more than thirty-six thousand seven hundred (36,700) and less than thirty-seven thousand (37,000).
Notwithstanding subsection (b), if a county has established a board under this chapter, the county executive may add one (1) additional member to the board so that the board has a total of five (5) members. Not more than three (3) of the five (5) members of the board may be of the same political party. The one (1) additional member shall serve in the same manner, be accorded the same status, and perform the same duties as the four (4) initial members, and serve a four (4) year term.
(g) This subsection does not apply to a board subject to subsection (e) or (f). Notwithstanding subsection (b), the fiscal body of an eligible entity may adopt an ordinance or a resolution providing that the board consists of five (5) members. If the board consists of five (5) members, not more than three (3) members may be of the same political party.
[Pre-Local Government Recodification Citation: 19-6-1-2.]
As added by Acts 1980, P.L.8, SEC.73. Amended by Acts 1981, P.L.113, SEC.1; P.L.12-1992, SEC.66; P.L.58-1994, SEC.1; P.L.115-1995, SEC.2; P.L.116-1995, SEC.2; P.L.170-2002, SEC.68; P.L.134-2005, SEC.1; P.L.119-2012, SEC.97; P.L.104-2022, SEC.70.