Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities
6-8.1-3-8.5. Taxpayer Hearings

Sec. 8.5. (a) This section applies to a hearing conducted by the department under this article.
(b) A hearing shall be conducted at a time and a location that is reasonable and convenient to the taxpayer whenever possible.
(c) The department shall notify the taxpayer before the hearing that the taxpayer is entitled to:
(1) have a representative qualified under section 8 of this chapter present at the hearing; and
(2) record the hearing.
(d) The department may not record a hearing unless the department notifies the taxpayer before the hearing begins that the department:
(1) intends to record the hearing; and
(2) will provide a copy of the recording to the taxpayer.
As added by P.L.332-1989(ss), SEC.24.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 8.1. Department of State Revenue; Tax Administration

Chapter 3. Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities

6-8.1-3-1. Tax Administration, Collection, and Enforcement; Vehicle Excise Tax; Commercial Vehicle Excise Taxes

6-8.1-3-2. Employees; Hiring; Compensation; Conflict of Interest

6-8.1-3-2.2. Unauthorized Investigations or Surveillance

6-8.1-3-2.5. Employee Evaluations Based on Revenue Collected or Tax Liability Assessed

6-8.1-3-2.6. Certification of Compliance With Employee Evaluation Criteria

6-8.1-3-3. Adoption of Rules; Copies of Rules and Statements

6-8.1-3-3.5. Guidelines Available for Public Inspection and Copying; Letters of Findings; Removal of Information

6-8.1-3-4. Forms; Electronic Format

6-8.1-3-5. Signature on Documents

6-8.1-3-6. Records; Audit

6-8.1-3-7. Reciprocal Information Agreements; Cooperation of Other Agencies; Submission of Required Electronic File of Information

6-8.1-3-7.1. Department Agreement to Provide Information to County Treasurer or Fiscal Officer; Electronic Format; Information May Not Be Disclosed

6-8.1-3-8. Representation of Taxpayers Before Department; Qualifications; Requirements

6-8.1-3-8.5. Taxpayer Hearings

6-8.1-3-9. Office Space

6-8.1-3-10. Contracts for Services

6-8.1-3-11. Mailing of Documents

6-8.1-3-11.2. Notice Statement; Documents That Establish a Deadline

6-8.1-3-12. Powers; Department; County Treasurer; Audits; Appraisals; Investigations; Statistical Sampling

6-8.1-3-13. Criminal Prosecutions; Civil Actions

6-8.1-3-14. Motor Fuel Taxes; Apportionment on Allocation Basis; Reciprocal Agreements; International Fuel Tax Agreement

6-8.1-3-15. Report; Uncollectible Delinquent Tax Liabilities

6-8.1-3-16. Outstanding Tax Warrants; List; Tax Releases; Motor Vehicle Title Tax Liens; Tax Collector Fees; Sheriffs; Internet Publication of List of Persons With Revoked or Nonrenewed Retail Merchant Certificates

6-8.1-3-17. Settlement of Tax Liability Disputes; Waiver of Interest and Penalties

6-8.1-3-18. Repealed

6-8.1-3-19. Repealed

6-8.1-3-20. Duty to Enter a Memorandum of Understanding With the Indiana Gaming Commission

6-8.1-3-21. Indiana to Become Member of Multistate Tax Commission; Cost of Membership

6-8.1-3-21.2. Information Sharing Concerning Construction Workers Misclassified as Independent Contractors

6-8.1-3-23. Information Sharing; Business Formation

6-8.1-3-25. Deposit of Amounts Collected Under an Amnesty Program

6-8.1-3-26. Report; Geographic Information Systems Mapping of Local Income Tax Collection

6-8.1-3-27. Requirement for Each County to Periodically Submit Data to the Gis Officer; Use by the Department to Identify Each Taxing Unit

6-8.1-3-28. Procedures When Tax Is Distributed to a County in Error