Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities
6-8.1-3-7.1. Department Agreement to Provide Information to County Treasurer or Fiscal Officer; Electronic Format; Information May Not Be Disclosed

Sec. 7.1. (a) As used in this section, "fiscal officer" means:
(1) a fiscal officer (as defined in IC 36-1-2-7); and
(2) in the case of a county, the county treasurer.
(b) The department shall enter into an agreement with the fiscal officer of an entity that has adopted an innkeeper's tax, a food and beverage tax, or an admissions tax under IC 6-9 to furnish the fiscal officer annually with:
(1) the name of each business collecting the taxes listed in this subsection; and
(2) the amount of money collected from each business.
For an innkeeper's tax or food and beverage tax remitted through a marketplace facilitator, the information must include the name of each business and the amount of money collected from each business by a marketplace facilitator acting on behalf of the business.
(c) The agreement must provide that the department must provide the information in an electronic format that the fiscal officer can use.
(d) The agreement must include a provision that, unless in accordance with a judicial order, the fiscal officer, employees of the fiscal officer, former employees of the fiscal officer, counsel of the fiscal officer, agents of the fiscal officer, or any other person may not divulge the names of the businesses, the amount of taxes paid by the businesses, or any other information disclosed to the fiscal officer by the department.
(e) The department shall also enter into an agreement with the fiscal officer of a capital improvement board of managers:
(1) created under IC 36-10-8 or IC 36-10-9; and
(2) that is responsible for expenditure of funds from:
(A) an innkeeper's tax, a food and beverage tax, or an admissions tax under IC 6-9;
(B) the supplemental auto rental excise tax under IC 6-6-9.7; or
(C) the state gross retail taxes allocated to a professional sports development area fund, a sports and convention facilities operating fund, or other fund under IC 36-7-31 or IC 36-7-31.3;
to furnish the fiscal officer annually with the name of each business collecting the taxes listed in this subsection, and the amount of money collected from each business. An agreement with a fiscal officer under this subsection must include a nondisclosure provision the same as is required for a fiscal officer under subsection (d).
As added by P.L.178-2002, SEC.72. Amended by P.L.242-2015, SEC.33; P.L.108-2019, SEC.133; P.L.146-2020, SEC.36.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 8.1. Department of State Revenue; Tax Administration

Chapter 3. Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities

6-8.1-3-1. Tax Administration, Collection, and Enforcement; Vehicle Excise Tax; Commercial Vehicle Excise Taxes

6-8.1-3-2. Employees; Hiring; Compensation; Conflict of Interest

6-8.1-3-2.2. Unauthorized Investigations or Surveillance

6-8.1-3-2.5. Employee Evaluations Based on Revenue Collected or Tax Liability Assessed

6-8.1-3-2.6. Certification of Compliance With Employee Evaluation Criteria

6-8.1-3-3. Adoption of Rules; Copies of Rules and Statements

6-8.1-3-3.5. Guidelines Available for Public Inspection and Copying; Letters of Findings; Removal of Information

6-8.1-3-4. Forms; Electronic Format

6-8.1-3-5. Signature on Documents

6-8.1-3-6. Records; Audit

6-8.1-3-7. Reciprocal Information Agreements; Cooperation of Other Agencies; Submission of Required Electronic File of Information

6-8.1-3-7.1. Department Agreement to Provide Information to County Treasurer or Fiscal Officer; Electronic Format; Information May Not Be Disclosed

6-8.1-3-8. Representation of Taxpayers Before Department; Qualifications; Requirements

6-8.1-3-8.5. Taxpayer Hearings

6-8.1-3-9. Office Space

6-8.1-3-10. Contracts for Services

6-8.1-3-11. Mailing of Documents

6-8.1-3-11.2. Notice Statement; Documents That Establish a Deadline

6-8.1-3-12. Powers; Department; County Treasurer; Audits; Appraisals; Investigations; Statistical Sampling

6-8.1-3-13. Criminal Prosecutions; Civil Actions

6-8.1-3-14. Motor Fuel Taxes; Apportionment on Allocation Basis; Reciprocal Agreements; International Fuel Tax Agreement

6-8.1-3-15. Report; Uncollectible Delinquent Tax Liabilities

6-8.1-3-16. Outstanding Tax Warrants; List; Tax Releases; Motor Vehicle Title Tax Liens; Tax Collector Fees; Sheriffs; Internet Publication of List of Persons With Revoked or Nonrenewed Retail Merchant Certificates

6-8.1-3-17. Settlement of Tax Liability Disputes; Waiver of Interest and Penalties

6-8.1-3-18. Repealed

6-8.1-3-19. Repealed

6-8.1-3-20. Duty to Enter a Memorandum of Understanding With the Indiana Gaming Commission

6-8.1-3-21. Indiana to Become Member of Multistate Tax Commission; Cost of Membership

6-8.1-3-21.2. Information Sharing Concerning Construction Workers Misclassified as Independent Contractors

6-8.1-3-23. Information Sharing; Business Formation

6-8.1-3-25. Deposit of Amounts Collected Under an Amnesty Program

6-8.1-3-26. Report; Geographic Information Systems Mapping of Local Income Tax Collection

6-8.1-3-27. Requirement for Each County to Periodically Submit Data to the Gis Officer; Use by the Department to Identify Each Taxing Unit

6-8.1-3-28. Procedures When Tax Is Distributed to a County in Error