Indiana Code
Chapter 24. Sale of Real Property When Taxes or Special Assessments Become Delinquent
6-1.1-24-1.2. Removal of Property From Delinquency List; Arrangement for Payment of Delinquent Taxes

Sec. 1.2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c), a tract or an item of real property may not be removed from the list certified under section 1 or 1.5 of this chapter before the tax sale unless all:
(1) delinquent taxes and special assessments due before the date the list on which the property appears was certified under section 1 or 1.5 of this chapter; and
(2) penalties due on the delinquency, interest, and costs directly attributable to the tax sale;
have been paid in full.
(b) A county treasurer may accept partial payments of delinquent property taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, or costs under subsection (a) after the list of real property is certified under section 1 or 1.5 of this chapter. However, a partial payment does not remove a tract or an item from the list certified under section 1 or 1.5 of this chapter unless the taxpayer complies with subsection (a) or (c) before the date of the tax sale.
(c) A county auditor shall remove a tract or an item of real property from the list certified under section 1 or 1.5 of this chapter before the tax sale if the county treasurer and the taxpayer agree to a mutually satisfactory arrangement for the payment of the delinquent taxes.
(d) The county auditor shall remove the tract or item from the list certified under section 1 or 1.5 of this chapter if:
(1) the arrangement described in subsection (c):
(A) is in writing;
(B) is signed by the taxpayer; and
(C) requires the taxpayer to pay the delinquent taxes in full not later than the last business day before July 1 of the year after the date the agreement is signed; and
(2) the county treasurer has provided a copy of the written agreement to the county auditor.
(e) If the taxpayer fails to make a payment under the arrangement described in subsection (c):
(1) the arrangement is void; and
(2) the county auditor shall immediately place the tract or item of real property on the list of real property eligible for sale at a tax sale.
(f) If a taxpayer fails to make a payment under an arrangement entered into under subsection (c), the county treasurer and the taxpayer may enter into a subsequent arrangement and avoid the penalties under subsection (e).
As added by P.L.50-1990, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.39-1994, SEC.2; P.L.30-1994, SEC.5; P.L.124-1998, SEC.1; P.L.1-1999, SEC.9; P.L.170-2002, SEC.22; P.L.113-2010, SEC.40; P.L.56-2012, SEC.1; P.L.48-2013, SEC.1; P.L.166-2014, SEC.8; P.L.247-2015, SEC.6.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 6. Taxation

Article 1.1. Property Taxes

Chapter 24. Sale of Real Property When Taxes or Special Assessments Become Delinquent

6-1.1-24-1. Delinquency List; Certification

6-1.1-24-1.2. Removal of Property From Delinquency List; Arrangement for Payment of Delinquent Taxes

6-1.1-24-1.4. Orders for Necessary Repairs

6-1.1-24-1.5. Vacant or Abandoned Real Property List; Auction; Notice

6-1.1-24-1.7. Properties Not Suitable for Tax Sale; Notice

6-1.1-24-1.9. Repealed

6-1.1-24-2. Notice of Tax Sale; Information Required in Notice; County Recovery of Unpaid Costs; Combined Sale or Redemption

6-1.1-24-2.1. Repealed

6-1.1-24-2.2. Repealed

6-1.1-24-2.3. Notice of Sale of Vacant or Abandoned Property

6-1.1-24-3. Notice of Auction Sale

6-1.1-24-3.4. Requests for Information in an Alternative Form

6-1.1-24-3.5. Repealed

6-1.1-24-4. Notice of Sale to Owner; Other Notices; Listing of Properties on Tax Sale Record

6-1.1-24-4.1. Repealed

6-1.1-24-4.2. Repealed

6-1.1-24-4.5. Urban Homesteading Agency; List of Real Property With Delinquent Taxes

6-1.1-24-4.6. Corrected Delinquency List; County Auditor Affidavit; Application for Judgment and Order for Sale as Cause of Action; Defenses

6-1.1-24-4.7. Judgment and Order for Sale; Procedure

6-1.1-24-5. Conduct of Sale; Parcels Subject to Sale; Minimum Sale Price; Sale by Electronic Means

6-1.1-24-5.1. Ineligible Purchasers; Registration to Bid

6-1.1-24-5.2. Repealed

6-1.1-24-5.3. Persons Barred From Bidding on or Purchasing Tracts Offered for Sale

6-1.1-24-5.4. Foreign Business Associations

6-1.1-24-5.5. Repealed

6-1.1-24-5.6. Repealed

6-1.1-24-5.7. Signed Statement; Forfeiture

6-1.1-24-6. Lien by County; Tax Sale Certificate

6-1.1-24-6.1. Public Sale by County Executive of Certificates of Sale; Notice

6-1.1-24-6.2. Transfer of Property to the City or Town in Which the Property Is Located

6-1.1-24-6.3. Conditions of Sale of Certificates of Sale

6-1.1-24-6.4. Distribution of Proceeds of Sale of Certificates of Sale; Tax Sale Surplus Fund; County Auditor Duty on Assignment of Certificate

6-1.1-24-6.5. Repealed

6-1.1-24-6.6. Repealed

6-1.1-24-6.7. Transfer of Property to a Nonprofit Entity

6-1.1-24-6.8. Transfer of Parcels and Certificates of Sale to Adjacent Homeowners

6-1.1-24-6.9. Transfer of Property to a Person Able to Repair and Maintain the Property

6-1.1-24-7. Payment of Sale Price; Application of Payment; Tax Sale Surplus Fund; Claims Procedure; Fund Transfers; Invalidity of Sale

6-1.1-24-7.5. Limitations on Agreements for Recovery of Money Deposited in the Tax Sale Surplus Fund; Enforcement by Attorney General

6-1.1-24-8. Failure to Pay Bid; Effect

6-1.1-24-9. Certificate of Sale; Contents; Purchaser's Lien; Assignments

6-1.1-24-10. Guarantee by Treasurer

6-1.1-24-11. Certificate of Sale as Presumptive Evidence

6-1.1-24-12. Priority of Purchaser's Lien at Subsequent Sale

6-1.1-24-13. Placement of Costs on Tax Duplicate of Unsold Tract; Execution of Deed of Unsold Vacant and Abandoned Property to Municipal or County Executive

6-1.1-24-14. Duties Regarding Conduct of Tax Sale

6-1.1-24-15. Repealed

6-1.1-24-16. Paddle Fee

6-1.1-24-17. Assignment of a Certificate of Sale to a Nonprofit Entity

6-1.1-24-17.5. Sale of Real Property to Eligible Nonprofit Entities for Low or Moderate Income Housing Project