Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Adjudicative Proceedings
4-21.5-3-5. Notice Required; Certain Licensing and Other Decisions; Persons Who Must Be Notified; Contents; Effectiveness of Order; Stays

Sec. 5. (a) Notice shall be given under this section concerning the following:
(1) The grant, renewal, restoration, transfer, or denial of a license not described by section 4 of this chapter.
(2) The approval, renewal, or denial of a loan, grant of property or services, bond, financial guarantee, or tax incentive.
(3) The grant or denial of a license in the nature of a variance or exemption from a law.
(4) The determination of tax due or other liability.
(5) A determination of status.
(6) Any order that does not impose a sanction or terminate a legal right, duty, privilege, immunity, or other legal interest.
(b) When an agency issues an order described in subsection (a), the agency shall give a written notice of the order to the following persons:
(1) Each person to whom the order is specifically directed.
(2) Each person to whom a law requires notice to be given.
(3) Each competitor who has applied to the agency for a mutually exclusive license, if issuance is the subject of the order and the competitor's application has not been denied in an order for which all rights to judicial review have been waived or exhausted.
(4) Each person who has provided the agency with a written request for notification of the order, if the request:
(A) describes the subject of the order with reasonable particularity; and
(B) is delivered to the agency at least seven (7) days before the day that notice is given under this section.
(5) Each person who has a substantial and direct proprietary interest in the subject of the order.
(6) Each person whose absence as a party in the proceeding concerning the order would deny another party complete relief in the proceeding or who claims an interest related to the subject of the order and is so situated that the disposition of the matter, in the person's absence, may:
(A) as a practical matter impair or impede the person's ability to protect that interest; or
(B) leave any other person who is a party to a proceeding concerning the order subject to a substantial risk of incurring multiple or otherwise inconsistent obligations by reason of the person's claimed interest.
A person who is entitled to notice under this subsection is not a party to any proceeding resulting from the grant of a petition for review under section 7 of this chapter unless the person is designated as a party in the record of the proceeding.
(c) The notice required by subsection (a) must include the following:
(1) A brief description of the order.
(2) A brief explanation of the available procedures and the time limit for seeking administrative review of the order under section 7 of this chapter.
(3) A brief explanation of how the person may obtain notices of any prehearing conferences, preliminary hearings, hearings, stays, and any orders disposing of the proceedings without intervening in the proceeding, if a petition for review is granted under section 7 of this chapter.
(4) Any other information required by law.
(d) An agency issuing an order under this section or conducting an administrative review of the order shall give notice of any:
(1) prehearing conference;
(2) preliminary hearing;
(3) hearing;
(4) stay; or
(5) order disposing of all proceedings;
concerning the order to a person notified under subsection (b) who requests these notices in the manner specified under subsection (c)(3).
(e) If a statute requires an agency to solicit comments from the public in a nonevidentiary public hearing before issuing an order described by subsection (a), the agency shall announce at the opening and the close of the public hearing how a person may receive notice of the order under subsection (b)(4).
(f) If a petition for review and a petition for stay of effectiveness of an order described in subsection (a) has not been filed, the order is effective fifteen (15) days (or any longer period during which a person may, by statute, seek administrative review of the order) after the order is served. If both a petition for review and a petition for stay of effectiveness are filed before the order becomes effective, any part of the order that is within the scope of the petition for stay is stayed for an additional fifteen (15) days. Any part of the order that is not within the scope of the petition is not stayed. The order takes effect regardless of whether the persons described by subsection (b)(5) or (b)(6) have been served. An agency shall make a good faith effort to identify and notify these persons, and the agency has the burden of persuasion that it has done so. The agency may request that the applicant for the order assist in the identification of these persons. Failure to notify any of these persons is not grounds for invalidating an order, unless an unnotified person is substantially prejudiced by the lack of notice. The burden of persuasion as to substantial prejudice is on the unnotified person.
(g) If a timely and sufficient application has been made for renewal of a license with reference to any activity of a continuing nature and review is granted under section 7 of this chapter, the existing license does not expire until the agency has disposed of a proceeding under this chapter concerning the renewal, unless a statute other than this article provides otherwise. This subsection does not preclude an agency from issuing, under IC 4-21.5-4, an emergency or other temporary order with respect to the license.
(h) On the motion of any party or other person having a pending petition for intervention in the proceeding, an administrative law judge shall, as soon as practicable, conduct a preliminary hearing to determine whether the order should be stayed. The burden of proof in the preliminary hearing is on the person seeking the stay. The administrative law judge may stay the order in whole or in part. The order concerning the stay may be issued before or after the order described in subsection (a) becomes effective. The resulting order concerning the stay shall be served on the parties, any person who has a pending petition for intervention in the proceeding, and any person who has requested notice under subsection (d). It must include a statement of the facts and law on which it is based.
As added by P.L.18-1986, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.35-1987, SEC.4.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 4. State Offices and Administration

Article 21.5. Administrative Orders and Procedures

Chapter 3. Adjudicative Proceedings

4-21.5-3-1. Service of Process; Notice by Publication

4-21.5-3-2. Time Computation

4-21.5-3-3. Notice of Orders; Additional Proceedings; Effectiveness; Stays

4-21.5-3-4. Notice Required; Licenses and Personnel Decisions; Persons Who Must Be Notified; Contents

4-21.5-3-5. Notice Required; Certain Licensing and Other Decisions; Persons Who Must Be Notified; Contents; Effectiveness of Order; Stays

4-21.5-3-6. Notice Required; Persons Who Must Receive Notice; Contents; Effective Date; Stay, Preliminary Hearing, and Resulting Order

4-21.5-3-7. Review; Petition; Denial of Petition; Preliminary Hearing

4-21.5-3-8. Sanctions; Temporary Orders

4-21.5-3-8.5. Sharing Administrative Law Judges Among Agencies; Information Concerning Administrative Law Judges

4-21.5-3-9. Ultimate Authority of Agency; Acting as or Designating an Administrative Judge; Disqualification; Procedures

4-21.5-3-10. Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge

4-21.5-3-11. Ex Parte Communications; Violations

4-21.5-3-12. Administrative Law Judge; Prohibited Acts; Disqualification

4-21.5-3-13. Disqualification; Involvement in Preadjudicative Stage

4-21.5-3-14. Record; Hearing on Motion; Burden of Proof; Standard of Review

4-21.5-3-15. Participation in Proceeding

4-21.5-3-16. Interpreters

4-21.5-3-17. Opportunity to File Documents; Copies

4-21.5-3-18. Prehearing Conference; Notice

4-21.5-3-19. Prehearing Conference; Electronic Means; Matters Considered; Prehearing Order on Pleadings

4-21.5-3-20. Hearing; Time and Place; Notice

4-21.5-3-21. Petition for Intervention

4-21.5-3-22. Administrative Orders; Enforcement

4-21.5-3-23. Summary Judgment

4-21.5-3-24. Default or Dismissal

4-21.5-3-25. Conduct of Hearing; Procedure

4-21.5-3-26. Conduct of Hearing; Evidence

4-21.5-3-27. Final Orders; Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

4-21.5-3-27.5. Attorney's Fees

4-21.5-3-28. Final Order; Authority to Issue; Proceedings

4-21.5-3-29. Orders From Other Than Ultimate Authority; Review by Ultimate Authority; Objections

4-21.5-3-30. Review by Another Agency

4-21.5-3-31. Modification of Final Order

4-21.5-3-32. Final Orders; Public Inspection; Indexing; Deletions; Precedent

4-21.5-3-33. Records

4-21.5-3-34. Informal Procedures; Rules; Final Orders

4-21.5-3-35. Additional Procedural Rights; Rules

4-21.5-3-36. Persons Presiding in Proceedings; Violations

4-21.5-3-37. Aiding in Violation