Indiana Code
Chapter 3. Adjudicative Proceedings
4-21.5-3-19. Prehearing Conference; Electronic Means; Matters Considered; Prehearing Order on Pleadings

Sec. 19. (a) This section and section 18 of this chapter apply to prehearing conferences.
(b) To expedite a decision on pending motions and other issues, the administrative law judge may conduct all or part of the prehearing conference by telephone, television, or other electronic means if each participant in the conference has an opportunity:
(1) to participate in;
(2) to hear; and
(3) if technically feasible, to see;
the entire proceeding while it is taking place.
(c) The administrative law judge shall conduct the prehearing conference, as may be appropriate, to deal with such matters as the following:
(1) Resolution of the issues in the proceeding under section 23 of this chapter.
(2) Exploration of settlement possibilities.
(3) Preparation of stipulations.
(4) Clarification of issues.
(5) Rulings on identity and limitation of the number of witnesses.
(6) Objections to proffers of evidence.
(7) A determination of the extent to which direct evidence, rebuttal evidence, or cross-examination will be presented in written form.
(8) The order of presentation of evidence and cross-examination.
(9) Rulings regarding issuance of subpoenas, discovery orders, and protective orders.
(10) Such other matters as will promote the orderly and prompt conduct of the hearing.
The administrative law judge shall issue a prehearing order incorporating the matters determined at the prehearing conference.
(d) If a prehearing conference is not held, the administrative law judge for the hearing may issue a prehearing order, based on the pleadings, to regulate the conduct of the proceedings.
As added by P.L.18-1986, SEC.1.

Structure Indiana Code

Indiana Code

Title 4. State Offices and Administration

Article 21.5. Administrative Orders and Procedures

Chapter 3. Adjudicative Proceedings

4-21.5-3-1. Service of Process; Notice by Publication

4-21.5-3-2. Time Computation

4-21.5-3-3. Notice of Orders; Additional Proceedings; Effectiveness; Stays

4-21.5-3-4. Notice Required; Licenses and Personnel Decisions; Persons Who Must Be Notified; Contents

4-21.5-3-5. Notice Required; Certain Licensing and Other Decisions; Persons Who Must Be Notified; Contents; Effectiveness of Order; Stays

4-21.5-3-6. Notice Required; Persons Who Must Receive Notice; Contents; Effective Date; Stay, Preliminary Hearing, and Resulting Order

4-21.5-3-7. Review; Petition; Denial of Petition; Preliminary Hearing

4-21.5-3-8. Sanctions; Temporary Orders

4-21.5-3-8.5. Sharing Administrative Law Judges Among Agencies; Information Concerning Administrative Law Judges

4-21.5-3-9. Ultimate Authority of Agency; Acting as or Designating an Administrative Judge; Disqualification; Procedures

4-21.5-3-10. Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge

4-21.5-3-11. Ex Parte Communications; Violations

4-21.5-3-12. Administrative Law Judge; Prohibited Acts; Disqualification

4-21.5-3-13. Disqualification; Involvement in Preadjudicative Stage

4-21.5-3-14. Record; Hearing on Motion; Burden of Proof; Standard of Review

4-21.5-3-15. Participation in Proceeding

4-21.5-3-16. Interpreters

4-21.5-3-17. Opportunity to File Documents; Copies

4-21.5-3-18. Prehearing Conference; Notice

4-21.5-3-19. Prehearing Conference; Electronic Means; Matters Considered; Prehearing Order on Pleadings

4-21.5-3-20. Hearing; Time and Place; Notice

4-21.5-3-21. Petition for Intervention

4-21.5-3-22. Administrative Orders; Enforcement

4-21.5-3-23. Summary Judgment

4-21.5-3-24. Default or Dismissal

4-21.5-3-25. Conduct of Hearing; Procedure

4-21.5-3-26. Conduct of Hearing; Evidence

4-21.5-3-27. Final Orders; Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

4-21.5-3-27.5. Attorney's Fees

4-21.5-3-28. Final Order; Authority to Issue; Proceedings

4-21.5-3-29. Orders From Other Than Ultimate Authority; Review by Ultimate Authority; Objections

4-21.5-3-30. Review by Another Agency

4-21.5-3-31. Modification of Final Order

4-21.5-3-32. Final Orders; Public Inspection; Indexing; Deletions; Precedent

4-21.5-3-33. Records

4-21.5-3-34. Informal Procedures; Rules; Final Orders

4-21.5-3-35. Additional Procedural Rights; Rules

4-21.5-3-36. Persons Presiding in Proceedings; Violations

4-21.5-3-37. Aiding in Violation